Omega Summoner

Chapter 598 - A Certain Dark Elf

Chapter 598 - A Certain Dark Elf

(This chapter is in the POV of the Dark elf player.)

I can finally play the game Pandemonium after saving enough money from my part time jobs. I started off as a dark elf because they look cool despite some having dreary appearance, but I was told that it was only the case for the tired elders. 

The other dark elf NPCs that I encountered looked fine and healthy. It seems that your body does morph depending on one's profession. I tried all thing in the starter village, but I was not that talented as a damage dealer. I always liked playing as support characters even in other games as I feel a certain synergy with them.

I always view support characters as essential because they are more sought after and important. In battles, they target the support characters first because they could make the battle harder to win if they are still in battle. You could say that supports are the lifeblood of the team because they keep the team fighting fit.

I always believed in the saying of 'A great support will carry the whole team while a bad support will lead it to ruin'. I still believe that saying even today as I wanted to join this new church that sprung up because of the famous player dubbed as The Demon. He has other names that are flashier but simple is the best.

I did not start at this floating territory, but I was chosen by one of the students of the elders as a trainee. It seems that my perseverance of studying the ways of the God of Death has caught their attention. I could actually choose to be a Priest of the Twin Gods, but I focused more on the death aspect of it.

I mean…I have been a fanboy of a novel of a certain mage that has ridiculous powers because he could control something called death magic. I know that it will not happen in this game as that boy's powers are too heaven defying. I know that this is a game, but I still must have a foot in reality.

I thought being a priest that serves the God of Death would be sinister just because it sounded sinister, but I was mistaken. The God of Death seemed to be more benevolent than evil like what other legends of the gods of death that we had in the real world.  action

I learned that the God of Death is a merciful god that treats everyone as equals because everyone is equal in death. The Church scriptures also say to live a good life so that you do not leave regrets when your timely death will arrive. 

Honestly speaking, this church is not evil in any sense. I do not know why this church was persecuted and wanted to be forgotten by the other Holy Churches. The only thing that does not align with the holy churches is the treatment of undead.

The Undead King is actually in a covenant with the God of Death which is why their stance against undead became neutral. At first, the stance was 'all undead must be purified so they may pass onto the afterlife' but it is different now as they must see if the undead is harmful first.

I actually do not care as I always believed that everyone is inherently good but choose to be ignorant. I have seen that in my life as a hardworking college student. I want to turn my life around which is why I am pursuing education, but I need money which why I chose to play Pandemonium as a side gig.

The only regret that I am having is the fact that I believe that I lack the talent to be a candidate for the Death Bishop position. I received a quest where I must fill this crystal with death energy that I channeled from the death realms, but I am at a lost.

I actually asked some of the undead that passed by in the floating territory but even they are at a lost. The players did not even know what this death energy is as all they know is that they use mana. I guess no one is still inquisitive enough to research this.

I already hunted with some of the players that passed by and got my quota for today which is why I wanted to try my hand at the chance of advancing my job class to a somewhat unordinary one. I am up against other NPCs that have years of training which is why I am disheartened.

How will I ever fill up this crystal with death energy?

As I slumped on the ground near me, I saw two boys that are NPCs that are a bit different from the others. They are not demon, elf or undead. One of them has wolf ears while the other has odd looking horns that are two different colors. Their clothing is also unusual, but it fits their character greatly.

I miss being young and energetic. Their youthful energy has filled up my confidence again which is why I tried filling up the crystal with death energy once more. As I was doing that the boy with the wolf ears suddenly came towards me and sniffed me.

"You smell like familiar. Ah! You almost smell like master, but he smells stronger than you." The wolf eared boy stated.

"Is that so? Then your master must be strong." I stated as I pitied them because they might be slaves since they call him master but slavery is illegal here, right?

"What is that shiny crystal?" The weird horned boy asked me.

"This is a Calling Death Crystal. It is supposed to be a container for death energy."

"It smells like the brother tree but weaker and it feels weaker." The weird horned boy stated as he looked at the crystal.

"Careful! I am not allowed to break it. I need to fill it up with death energy."

"I will tell you of a way to fill it up if you let my little brother play with it." The wolf eared boy stated.

"Fine. It is not like I will need it as I cannot fill it up." I stated as I gave the crystal to the weird horned boy.

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