Omega Summoner

Chapter 604 - The God With A Thousand Faces

Chapter 604 - The God With A Thousand Faces

The dark god that is currently residing in the capital is biding his time. His followers managed to acquire something special from the Envoy of the Dark Gods. To think that the untrustworthy envoy gave him something that can help hasten the destruction of the barrier.

"I guess they still retain their humanity even if you turn them into star spawns. The rage and anger that he felt because of his humiliation is a happy sight for me." Nyarlathotep thought as the dark god is almost done making the whole imperial capital its territory.

The human alliance thought that the dark god is not capable of expanding its territory because the gruesome scene of terraformed earth is only concentrated a few meters around the gigantic dark god. They do not know that the dark god is just waiting for them to go inside of the imperial capital.

The dark god bided its time while simultaneously stopping its casting of the barrier breaking spell. The artifact that Eldritch gave the dark god is definitely weakening the barrier cast by the gods of Pandemonium.

The dark god will unleash its fury once the army that came to attack it is inside of the imperial capital under its mercy. It could see that the army is now marching towards it which is why it is acting like it is still busy trying to destroy the barrier, but it stopped just before breaking the barrier.

"Come and be my nourishment." The dark god, Nyarlathotep, stated but the army only heard a distorted wail of something not human.


The human alliance is basically just a coalition of the five groups that is commanded by the Humans under the Church of Light, the dwarves under the elder dwarves, the gnomes under the elder gnomes, the orcs under the orc chieftains, and the dragonkins. 

In reality, the most chaotic groups are those of the humans as they are not just fighting for survival. The inhuman alliance could clearly see this as happening because the humans are greedy despite being gifted with wisdom. 

The famous sayings back then are 'If you want to learn magic then go to the elves'. 'If you want to learn crafts then go bow towards the dwarves'. 'If you want to gain wisdom then ask the humans to teach you.'

The saying is still true to this day because the humans are not like other races that have defined strengths but that also meant that they do not have defined weaknesses. The only downside of the human race is that they have short life spans which is why they envied the demons that could live forever.

"Today, we march so that our children, family, or relatives will not be able to see the terror brought by a dark god! We must stand together and vanquish the evil that plagues this land! May the light of the Goddess of Light! Holy Brilliance!" The Pope of the Church of Light stated as she rallied the army that is under her.

[Those in the human alliance have been affected by Holy Brilliance.]

[All damage against enemies that are aligned with evil will be increased by 50% for five hours.]

[Attack power is increased by 10% for five hours.]

[Defense is increased by 10% for five hours.]

[Speed is increased by 10% for five hours.]

[All attacks have a 5% chance to penetrate the enemy which will invalidate their defenses.]

[The human alliance members have a 10% chance to Blind the enemy.]

The entire army got buffed by the leader of the Church of Light herself. The buff is a wide area buff that gave them an easier time in killing the enemies scattered in the imperial capital that is protecting the dark god.

The five armies will come towards the dark god from five entrance points since they do not want the faceless monsters to escape. The dark god might not have a face right now, but it is actually glad that its meal has finally come.

"I will make all of you into my proud followers." The dark god, Nyarlathotep, stated but it was just heard as a screech.

The faceless monsters suddenly became more active and wilder as they received the command from their great god. More faceless monsters as also being spawned as the dark god wants the human alliance to think that it is becoming afraid of being raided by numerous people.

"The War Gods give us their blessing!" One of the followers of the Church of War shouted as something descended upon all of their warriors.

[All warriors of the Church of War will receive a buff as they are now at war.]

[All attacks have a 5% chance to apply a critical hit.]

[10% of the damage that they deal will be regained back as health.]

[20% chance to negate the damage that enemies deal upon the warriors.]action

[Increase the stats of each warrior in the Church of War as they keep battling. The stat increase is up to 20% and will persist as long as the warrior is still at war.]

[10% chance to negate the status ailment afflicted by the enemy.]

A silhouette of the gods of war that they worship descended upon the followers of the gods of war. The weapons that each of the warriors wielded is now imbued by a red aura that seemed to be very effective against the soft flesh of the faceless monsters.

The warriors of the Church of War led the battle in the human side of the alliance. They all shouted something like 'death to the god with a thousand faces'. It seems that the gods that they have served already informed them of the real identity of the dark god that has descended.

The supporting churches also casted their wide area buffs early on as they could just cast it again once they reach the dark god. The battle for the imperial capital has started while the inhuman alliance is now also brandishing their fangs.

The dwarves that gathered here in the battlefield are those that are not artisans of the forge but artisans of battle. They are the ones who expertly wield the weapons that their brethren have crafted using their blood, sweat and tears.

The most prominent weapon of the dwarves is a large hammer that can flatten the low-level faceless monsters. They moved with care as they do not know what to expect when it comes to a battle against the dark god. The most prominent warrior of the dwarves is bashing his giant hammer that is almost the same size as his body.

The demigod warrior of the dwarves has joined this battle as it wants to experience the thrill and excitement of killing a dark god. Even though the battle has just begun, the demigod elder dwarf is now swatting enemies like flies and is looking for a more formidable opponent.

The faceless monsters are now split into five categories. The first category is the humanoid shaped faceless monsters that turn their hands into blades. The second category is the quadruped faceless monsters that seemed to use speed and surprise attacks.

The third category is the flying faceless monsters that are using diving attacks in order to kill their enemies. The fourth category are the faceless priests that seemed to be empowering the faceless monsters that are attacking. The last category but not the least is the Giant faceless ones that are half the height of the dark god.

The giant faceless ones have six limbs and razor-sharp teeth. It uses its unique body to trample and swallow its enemies. The giant faceless ones number about ten as of the start of the battle. The demigods that are participating in the battle is currently handling all ten.

"That giant faceless monster will be my opponent. Dwarves! Try not to die while I am fighting that giant monster!" The demigod elder dwarf stated as it summoned its mount using a special stone and rode it towards the giant faceless one.


While the war with the dark god is ongoing, the viewers at home are currently having a great time watching the scene unfold like a real-life fantasy movie. The bad thing is that the players are still underplaying the danger of the dark god as they believe they could subjugate it with just their strengths.

Every hot player that streams or have broadcasting deals all promised that they will be victorious. The developers of the game in Atlas Inc. could only sigh in their hearts as it seems that the players think that just the alliance of the staring races would be enough.

They are actually surprised at the fact that no player did not even try to persuade their higher ups in attempting to negotiate with the inhuman alliance. The outcome of this war might be skewed in favor of the dark god as there are also players that is on the side of the dark god. The only problem now is who will actually win.

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