Omega Summoner

Chapter 606 - The Impact Of God Slaying Weapons

Chapter 606 - The Impact Of God Slaying Weapons

The dark god, Nyarlathotep, does not care if the subjects it created are easily dealt with. It is only buying time for its power to fully manifest inside of the imperial capital. It also has three layers of defense barriers erected which is why it does not fear being attacked by surprise.

Like all gods told in stories and legend, it believes in itself as the most superior or else its authority as a god will be questioned. The gods and goddesses in ancient mythology are not prideful or overconfident because they believe to be but because they need to be.

Gods and goddesses in myths and legends are only what they believe themselves to be as they self-actualize. If a god or goddess believes that they are the same as normal people, then they will become powerless and normal. 

There is a limit on self-actualization as they cannot become more powerful that their current power. This is the reason why gods need prayers from others as it also solidifies their self-actualization. Others perceive them to be which is why they become what they are. 

This is the restriction of being a god or goddess and that is the concept being used in Pandemonium. There is an exception to this rule like the first gods but there are only two of them remaining now. Self-actualization also applies to dark gods even if they do not originate from Pandemonium.

"It will not take long before I cover this land with my domain and destroy the barrier that is holding me in place. I will be able to become the ruler of this world, and all will bow towards me." The dark god, Nyarlathotep, stated with great enthusiasm thinking that no one could understand it, but it was wrong.

In the camp of the inhuman alliance, there is one individual that can clearly understand the ramblings of the dark god. The dark god did not know that its plan has already been known by one of its sworn enemies since it is too confident in its own abilities.

"Sun Piercer!" Hou Yiwei state.

  He released three large arrows made of intense heat towards the dark clouds that is above the dark god. A little while later, three gigantic sun looking balls of fire is descending towards the dark god. This shocked everyone as they knew that Hou Yiwei could only bring down one sun but now he could bring down three.

Everyone knew that this skill is what made Hou Yiwei the best player when it comes to boss raids since the skill deals a catastrophic amount of damage. Hou Yiwei also looks a bit different compared to the other dragonkin players as he is emanating an aura more intense than a normal dragonkin.

"Good job, youngest." The female dragonoid stated with praise as she saw that the three suns being brought down.

The first of the sun that came crashing down clashed with the first defensive barrier of the dark god. The first sun did not destroy the barrier, but it managed to crack the barrier. When the second sun clashed with it, the barrier is destroyed but the second sun also dissipated.

The third sun crashed on the second barrier but only managed to crack it. The army knew that the dark god has barriers but to think that it is that sturdy somehow makes them uneasy. The leaders of the alliance knew that the skill that was used is one of the strongest in the arsenal of the bow god slaying weapon wielder.

"Meteor!" A feminine voice rang out from the human army.

The dark clouds parted as a huge chunk of space rock is coming down towards the dark god with great speed. The cracked second barrier immediately shattered upon the meteor's impact. The meteor also hit the third barrier and almost destroyed it if the dark god did not reinforce the barrier.

God Slaying Weapons have a special feature called God Slayer. It is a special passive that is only available to the weapons. It is also one of the reasons why the gods fear this weapon because it is a weapon specifically made just to kill them.


Skill: God Slayer

Tier: Transcendent

Type: Passive Specific Boost


-Able to deal increased damage upon godlike entities. Deal more damage the more health that the godlike beings are missing. (100% to 200%)

-Deal catastrophic damage to barriers that godlike beings create. Increase damage by 1000% and have a chance 30% chance to immediately destroy the barriers.

-The bonus is only applicable to beings that are classified as Gods. The damage multiplier is reduced when it comes to demigods or beings with little divinity.

Cooldown: None

Mana Cost: None

Cast Time: None


Gods and goddesses are covered with multiple layers of barriers which is why attacks of normal individuals do not easily affect them. The god slaying weapons are the key to easily kill the gods as they are made specifically to kill gods because they are made from the bodies of real gods.

Since they are made from the bodies of real gods, the weapons are also hated by the gods that value themselves above all else. Despite that, the gods could only rely on these weapons since they cannot directly descend unto the world or else the barrier will shatter.

"The attacks could not even pierce through all the barriers, but it seems that the dark god is making regenerating its defenses once again. We must continue the attacks or else the attacks of the god slaying weapon wielders will be for naught!" The Pope of the Church of Light stated.

The demigods gathered at the imperial capital all so the power of the god slaying weapons and even they fear it. They did shake the shock as they do not want the dark god to recover. They all charged towards the dark god but the numerous magic circles on top of the dark god stopped them from doing so.josei

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