Omega Summoner

Chapter 610 - Unrealistic Battle II

Chapter 610 - Unrealistic Battle II

The alliance led by the demons arrived near the imperial capital and each squad has already been determined. Each of the races that are in alliance with them only sent about a hundred of their fighters each as there are still faceless monsters popping out of nowhere.

The alliance that the demons have gathered is more of a coalition of groups. Each of them is free to do as they choose but the priority should be to help those that are in danger. Each group will be free to act but must not be too far from one another or else they will be on their own.

"So…should we make our way towards the dark god as well?" Lime asked the others since she wants to fit in. The only one that is the same age as she is the vampire and the werewolf player. She decided to act like the big sister of the group.

"For now, we should focus on thinning out the horde of enemies. I noticed that they are not respawning as fast as they are before. We will get more contributions points if we do that. We should let the demigods focus on the dark god first since they are the vanguard against it." Adrian stated which shocked Lime as the aloof player suddenly became a different person.josei

"How did you know that the respawning rate of the monsters slowed down?" Lime asked as she did not notice it even though she also arrived almost at the same time as Adrian.

"I have been monitoring them ever since they gave me the crystal that is connected to the demon eyes. I timed the interval of the first wave until the fifth wave and noticed the discrepancy. The faceless monsters are also part of the dark god which means that killing more of them will increase our chances of defeating the dark god." Adrian replied and the others nodded.

"What is the battle plan then?" Levin Cloud asked.

"Our front line will be Kabrakan, Vayu, Solstice, and Lycan. They will form a square as the outer shape of our formation. The next formation would be a circle that consist of those that are mid-range. They would be Soleil, Creepysoo, and Peridot. 

Those at the inner most of the formation would be me, Levin Cloud and Lime. I will support the whole team by using my portals to flee you guys from danger. My soulbounds will fill up what the formation lacks." Adrian stated which made everyone nod.

"I expected him to be happy go lucky, but it seems that the aloof kid that I encountered earlier is a façade. He will become serious when the time comes and be playful when he is not in a serious situation." Lime thought as she now understood why the player did not have the nickname of 'Demon' for no reason.


Among the races that joined the call of the Daemos elders are those of the Naga, Gorgon, Arachne, and Centaur. These four interacted a lot than the others as they often shared culture and trade with each other. This is the reason why four players that are each of these races know each other and have become friends.

They always played with each other ever since they met. Their teamwork is the best since they have grown with each other. They even created a guild of their own so that they could enjoy playing with each other. They grew together without even being able to meet each other in real life.

"So that is the 'Demon'. I have got to say that he does not look that menacing up close." The centaur player stated as he looked at Adrian.

"We are just seeing him from this angle after all. The fact that his friends do not look normal is also a shocker. He actually is friends with the Prince of the Undead and the Dryad. The others that look human is definitely a werewolf and a vampire." The Naga stated as she looked at Adrian's companions.

"There is also a beastkin in that group. The one holding a katana does not seem to be human despite looking like one. The little girl seems to be on fire so we can also rule out that she is also not human. I guess this will be the first time that we will see a team composition like ours." The Arachne stated as she continued the Naga's thought.

"All I have seen from them is battles and little skirmishes. This will be the first time we will all see them in action. The battle with the Lich barely showcased their real skills. We must not lose or else they will definitely be more famous than us." The gorgon player stated as they came here to also recruit other players of different races to their guild.

The next thing that they witnessed shocked all of them. The demon player suddenly made mirrors in the air that swallowed up his teammates and teleported them to the battlefield. The next thing that the demon player did make them speechless and want to deny reality.

The demon player summoned all of his soulbounds which are all unique monsters that they have never seen. Even the summoners that are in the human alliance had to pay attention to the soulbounds. A wolf that is like smoke but is gigantic as it could swallow a human adult.

A dragon that measured about thirty meters or more. A bird that is majestic and is releasing an aura that could purify the miasma in the surroundings. An undead that carries a big coffin and is attaching chains on the monsters.

A giant slime that is feeding on the monsters like it is an afternoon snack. A giant cat that has electricity coursing through its fur that even the quick faceless monsters could not pin down. The summoners that are present in the battle all looked with envy as the monsters that the demon player has is not ordinary at the least. If they could steal the soulbound of others then they will definitely do it.

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