Omega Summoner

Chapter 619 - Heavenly Decree I

Chapter 619 - Heavenly Decree I

Angels all over the battlefield shed their mortal skins and took to the skies. Even the only angel player had no choice but to abandon her teammates as she is called upon by the leader of the angels. Pope Pristina also shed her mortal skin as an angel, and she also gained most of her angelic powers that is lost when she got trapped in the mortal realm.

[An Angel of the Second Heavenly Sphere has appeared, Pristina that is ranked as an Angel of Dominion has appeared.]

[Pristina's Dominion Domain, Light Dominion, is activated in the entire battlefield as a spell is used to enhance its area of effect.]

[All Light based attacks whether physical or elemental will have their damage increase by 50%.]

[All attacks other than light attribute attacks or spells will have their damage decreased by 20%.]

[All that is blessed by the light of the domain will have their defenses increase by 50%.]

[All that is not blessed will have their defenses decrease by 20%.]

[All allies will have their health regeneration increase by 500% for the duration of the domain.]

[All enemies will have 20% decrease in health and mana regeneration.]

"All angels! Attack the dark god as that is the heavenly decree of the Goddess of Light." Pristina commanded as the angels all started to pour their spells on the barrier.

Pristina is not that different from her human appearance. The only new thing is that she now has two pairs of wings behind her back and that she has two halos. She is also glowing like her skin is the sun itself as she glowed in such a darkly lit area.josei

The human part of the human alliance all got buffs while the rest got debuffed. Cries of disparity echoed throughout the battlefield as the angels 'blessing' became a curse for them. The others that got buffed could only laugh at the misfortune of other as they tried breaking the barrier that enveloped the dark god.


"This is freaking unfair! I lost 50% of my stats just because of a silly skill that lasts for 6 hours!" Creepysoo stated as him being undead made it twice as worst.

"You are not the only one that has it worst. Equinox has 60% of his total stats reduced. He barely has enough mana to cast five of his skills." Levin Cloud stated as he saw the status of each of the party members.

"Can you try dispelling it?" Adrian asked as he suddenly feels sluggish.

"Not really. I tried but nothing happened to you. Why is the debuff so powerful on your side?" Levin Cloud asked as only Creepysoo and Equinox suffered from the debuffs. Adrian is a Daemos so the debuff should only be the 20% but he is not just a Daemos as he is also an Asmodian.

[A magic spell using Asmodian blood has been used and you have been affected.]

[You have been identified as an enemy by the angels.]

[You will get 300% of the debuff as a result of being an Asmodian.]

"It is fine if you cannot Purify the debuff as my soulbounds other than Charon is not affected. I will be fine since there are no enemies. If it gets dangerous then I will just hide behind, you guys." Adrian stated in a serious tone as he knows that he is a liability now more than ever.

"Do not worry as we will also help you as well." Knight stated as his other party members agreed.

"At most, I will be a supporting character for the time being. My soulbounds will pick up the slack that I am experiencing." Adrian stated as they made their way towards the barrier.

The domain made every flying unit of the inhuman alliance retreat as they become an easy target with the decrease in stats. The angels also did not hide their displeasure and attacked some of them, but they were saved by the Daemos using spatial magic.

The inhuman alliance had no choice but to retreat from aerial battle. Those that remained on the ground could also barely deal damage which is why they also retreated upon the orders of the Daemos elders.

"To think that the stuck-up Pope is actually an angel in disguise. No wonder they view us as lesser beings that they could step upon." The Elder Dwarf leader of the dwarves stated in annoyance.

"This area is in the jurisdiction of the Angelic Order of Pristina. All beings other than humans or members of the Church of Light are to be on their way as we will not support you. We have come to kill this dark god which is why you are no longer needed." One of the angels stated with great arrogance.

The others did not listen to them especially the demigods since they could care less of angels. The strongest of the angels is not as powerful as them. You could say that Pristina is a step behind in terms of powers from the demigods.

"Those that stay will not be protected by us. Only the humans and the followers of the Church of Light will be protected. Advance at your own risks." The angel beside Pristina announced.

"There is no going back now as we have shown ourselves. We must etch onto their minds the disparity between us and the mortals." Pristina announced as she casted a powerful spell that summoned a large holy sword that split the dark clouds away. 

"Sword of Grand Luminance!" Pristina stated as the giant sword made of light descended from the clouds.

The Sword of Grand Luminance smashed away part of the barrier that it hit but it did not fully shatter the barrier. The angels all supported the attack of their leader as they started breaking down the part of the barrier that Pristina has shattered.

When a hole has been made, they all flew inside and started to strike the immobile dark god with their weapons and spells. The dark god could only scream in annoyance as numerous ants are trying to bite it.

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