Omega Summoner

Chapter 622 - Followers Of The Dark God I

Chapter 622 - Followers Of The Dark God I

[The first hour has passed.]

[The Dark God, Nyarlathotep, shall now produce higher tier faceless ones that have incorporated the souls of those it has eaten.]

[Faceless Greater Winged Ones will start to appear.]

[Faceless Greater Mages will start to appear.]

[Faceless Greater Warriors will start to appear.]

[Faceless Greater Priests will start to appear.]

[Faceless Greater Snipers will start to appear.]

The angels are now being overrun by even more powerful faceless ones. This is the true strength of the dark god, Nyarlathotep. It has the ability to create more powerful underlings in a matter of hours once t has descended. The angels might think that they manipulated the followers of the dark god, but they are the once who were tricked.

The dark god, Nyarlathotep, might not be the highest or the strongest of the dark gods but it is without a doubt the one that created fearsome soldiers. Other dark gods could create soldiers but not in the capacity of the dark god, Nyarlathotep.

"All is going according to plan. To think that those foolish angels thought that they are manipulating us when in fact it was I who manipulated them. The look on their faces when they realize that they are played." Eldritch stated as he released a laugh at how he managed to manipulate things to flow to the expected result that he desired.

Eldritch controls about a quarter of the players that are followers of the dark god. He does not know why they are so fanatic when he does not treat them as equals, but he also made use of them. He received an oracle from the dark god that he wants to have a covenant with.

Eldritch knew of the seal that the angels want to destroy, and they need the heart of the dark god to even attempt to break the seal. In fact, if the angels just get down from their high horse and begged the demons to help them then they might have unsealed the angels by now.

"It is such a thrill to manipulate people that think highly of themselves. It is such a rush. The best thing is the face that they make trying to deny reality. I could barely do that in the real world because of my family's standing but I can freely do everything here. It is not as fun as manipulating real people, but the rush is more or less the same." Eldritch muttered to himself as he smiled like a creep despite having a handsome face.

"It seems that you are here." A female voice that is very familiar to Eldritch stated.

"Ah! Are you a stalker or something? Do you not get tired from struggling?" Eldritch stated as he sneers towards Frey.

"I told you that I have debts to settle with you. If you gladly offer up your head, then I will not attack you again until I have been commissioned to do so." Frey stated as she pointed her spear towards Eldritch.

"I have been avoiding you all this time not because I am afraid, but I do not waste time on someone like you. Now that most of my tasks are complete, I can bury you six feet under. A certain female has made my head hurt recently.

I guess venting my frustration towards you would also be valid. I shall show you the disparity between our skills so that you will lose your will to battle me again. It is such fun when the I break the fighting spirit of those that are strong willed." Eldritch stated as he clutches his staff.

"You really are a psycho." Frey stated as she charged towards Eldritch.


Adrian separated the teams in what he deems as the best combination. He put Levin Cloud, Kabrakan, Peridot and Dragoon in one team. The other team is Heala, Knight, Soleil and Vayu. The remaining team is Sprout, Leila, Lycan, and Solstice.

Creepysoo had to return to the Undead King's side since his health started deteriorating due to the holy magic. It seems that he is also afflicted with a Branding by one of the angels that passed by. A Branding is just another term for a curse of the holy attribute that is harmful to undeads but helpful to humans.

Even Adrian could not reverse time to negate the effect of the branding since it got imprinted on Creepysoo's soul. He could only send his friend back to the Undead King to erase the branding. Nevertheless, Adrian remembered the angel that did that to Creepysoo and he is now in the process of getting revenge.

Some might thing that he is being petty, but Adrian treasures his friend. In truth, Adrian is also subjected to the branding, but his soul is too strong for the branding to even etch on it. He will assassinate the angel quietly before going to the location that he designated for himself.

"Paradox, summon Primordial Armament: Scythe!" Adrian commanded as the scythe Primordial Armament manifested in front of him.

[You have summoned the Primordial Armament: Scythe.]

[Your skill Primordial Stance has activated.]

[Recalculating your stats for the Primordial Stance.]

[Gained the passive skill, Nether Dancer.]


Skill: Nether Dancer

Tier: Legacy

Type: Passivejosei

Effect: Become an entity that is half corporeal and incorporeal. If the skill bearer does not attack anyone for five seconds, they will blend with the surroundings and become truly invisible. All attacks that are made after the invisibility will deal double damage but will cancel the invisibility.

Cooldown: 5 Seconds

Mana Cost: None

Cast Time: Instant


"Sirius, are the others already where you sent them?" Adrian asked his soulbound that suddenly sprouted from his shadow. It seems that Sirius did not lose the effects of his Shadow Domain as it just became a subset passive skill of his new domain skill.

"My younger brothers are already attacking the followers that you have indicated, master. Is it time to bring down another angel?" Sirius asked as he could sense the anger that his master is feeling.

"Of course. We must make a statement or else they will think us as pushovers." Adrian stated as his figure completely vanished.

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