Omega Summoner

Chapter 626 - The Dark God’s Third Form

Chapter 626 - The Dark God’s Third Form

The angel that stopped Levin Cloud and the others suddenly left as all the angels were called to fight the faceless ones. Levin Cloud and the others were about to retaliate when someone suddenly touched Levin Cloud's shoulder.

Adrian appeared behind Levin Cloud which spooked the latter that he jumped in fright. The others are shocked with Adrian's appearance as he looked like a spectral grim reaper with demon horns. Adrian's soulbounds soon appeared after he took off his invisibility.

"Dude! I told you to not scare me. Anyways, glad that you are fine but killing an angel! They are swarming the place right now. One of them even attacked us just now but they suddenly retreated back to their group." Levin Cloud stated.

"It is not that they retreated but the dark god is now going to transform into its third form. The form that the dark gods used when they first invaded this Universe. Also, the normal angels could no longer hold down the Faceless Arch monsters." Adrian stated as he observed the battle of the angels and humans with the faceless ones.

"I am back!" Creepysoo stated as he suddenly appeared via a portal.

"You are fine now?" Solstice asked.

"Yeah. The branding just vanished while I was getting healed." Creepysoo stated.

"It probably vanished because I killed the angel that gave you that branding." Adrian stated with a calm face.

"Also, our alliance will soon attack the dark god. The demons already sealed off the dimensional hole that the dark god is drawing energy from. Although they said that cracks can still form from time to time which is why they are monitoring the situation with great vigilance." Creepysoo stated.

"We should get ready as well. Many of the weaker faceless monsters are getting pass through the angels. It will not take long before other players flood the outside area of the fallen imperial capital once more." Adrian stated as their team set out to kill off the faceless monsters that escape the perimeter of the angels.

It did not take long for the other players that were previously scared off by the angels to join the battle once more. They now had a chance to get contribution points due to the increasing number of enemies escaping the angel's perimeter. 

The angels did not have any time to bother with those at the outer section of the imperial capital. The latest faceless ones that the dark god produced is more powerful than they imagined. It also did not help that the dark god started sprouting tentacles that pierced the body of those that get near it and sucks out their vital essence.

The domain of the angels is not even affecting the faceless arch variants which is why they are having a difficult time. Pristina had to go out of her way and kill off the faceless arch variants which made the dark god recover its health back to 70% in no time.

As soon as the dark god reached back 70% health by absorbing the vita essence of those around him. The grotesque flower bud looking thing on top of it during its metastasis form suddenly opened up and shot a beam of light towards the sky. The body of the dark god suddenly wilted and came crashing down.

The beam of light broke the spell that the angels cast that covered the whole fallen imperial capital. Everyone that is present in the fight could not believe what they are seeing. In the very clouds above them, an ominous looking figure could be seen floating with thousands of tentacles with sharp rows of teeth in the middle.

[The dark god, Nyarlathotep, has entered its World Eater Form.]

[If the dark god does not get stopped then everything in its path will be devoured and transformed to its image.]

Thousands of tentacles started to rain down from the skies as the dark god did not discriminate between friend or foe. Some people tried blocking the attacks with magic or their equipment but they skill got turned into a meat paste in the end.

The angels that were so haughty before could only observe others of their kind becoming dead in a matter of seconds. They did not expect that this is the result of what they have helped summon. They still refused to accept that the followers of the dark gods managed to trick them into aiding them.

Pristina could not let this type of thing humiliate her as she went all out in attacking the dark god in its new form. She flew to the skies dodging every tentacle that came her way until she is near the mouth of the dark god. She then activated her most powerful spells one after the other.

She tried her best until the look of exhaustion could be seen on her stoic face. The dark god did not even flinch upon receiving her attacks despite getting its health reduced. The dark god just swatted Pristina like a fly and she came crashing down on the ground.

The dark god suddenly converged its tentacles and started building power for a beam. Those that are inside of the fallen imperial capital started to panic as they feel that the target of the attack is that location. They started running for their lives but only those in the outer parts of the imperial capital could really escape.

The dark god fired the beam and those that are inside the fallen imperial capital can only accept their fate. Thankfully for them, there is a master of spatial magic present in the inhuman alliance. Ascalor revealed his true form and covered the fallen imperial capital with teleportation magic that tagged only those that are considered alive since faceless ones are not considered living beings.

Those that accepted their fates all got carried away from the fallen imperial capital and are relocated outside of the fallen imperial capital. The beam that the dark god released fell on the imperial capital and turned it into a pile of rubble. Only a crater is left in its wake as even the broken buildings is now reduced to ashes.

The others wondered how they got transported out of the fallen imperial capital when they saw three demons floating in the sky. Each demon is different from the other and have their own distinct features. The angels now look like a sorry bunch as they got humiliated and their numbers got reduced to half.

"Those that want to fight for this world can join us. Those that only fight because they want fame or power from the death of a god should go now for greedy minds only feed the power of the dark god." Ascalor stated as numerous individuals of the five races suddenly showed up.

A hundred of each of the five races showed up which made quite the sight as they looked so strong. The biggest ones are the Jotunns that have different elements that make up their own body. It is not only the five races that came to their aid as there were other races treated as monsters that joined the cause of the Daemos.

The three Daemos elders started to connect their spells together and tried sealing the dark god in an isolated space. They succeeded but the prison only lasted for three seconds before the dark god managed to free itself by physically breaking the space isolation.

"Chrono Maniac!" Koronn stated as he froze the tentacles of the dark god from moving.

"Spatial Distortion!" Ascalor stated as he tore through the space where the dark god is currently located, and a large explosion occurred which made the dark god screech.

The dark god knew that it must o something else as more and more attacks are now starting to reach it. It cut of some of its tentacles and threw it towards the ground. The tentacles that got cut off became faceless arch monsters since its attack on the fallen imperial capital earlier obliterated all the servants it created.

Suddenly, two loud roars came from the sky followed by two different elemental breaths attacking the dark god. The dark god squealed in pain as it got hit with arcane magic that came from dragon breaths. The dark god might have descended but it has yet to fully incorporate itself in the mortal plane because the Daemos partially sealed off its connection to its divine realm.

Two dragons that are fire and lighting are flying in the sky and attacking the dark god with their breath attacks. The dragonkin raised their morale upon seeing their masters come and save them from the dark god. They joined the other races in the battle against the faceless arch monsters.

Seeing the individuals that they once thought were monsters fighting the real monster made the humans realize that separation does not make them stronger.. If the demons were not there then they would have been wiped out on the face of the world.action

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