Omega Summoner

Chapter 645 - Claiming Neo Alfheim

Chapter 645 - Claiming Neo Alfheim


The Evergreen guild immediately tried to claim Neo Alfheim when they heard the news of territorial expansion of the kingdoms. The territorial expansion of the kingdoms did not stop but they are in a stalemate due to the sudden increase of their territories.

They did not expect that the uninhabited territory will become a field as they needed to defeat the field boss and clear all the monsters in the area. They did not expect that they had to use the full force of their guild in order to clear a lower-level field.

They did not have much difficulty in clearing the field as some have already change their job classes to Priest of Twilight. They are an elven exclusive priest class that can use both life and death magic spells. The versatility of the priest class increased due to this change.

There are also those that changed to a dark elf in order to focus more on death attribute magic spells. They are the ones that made it easier to clear field bosses that are normally difficult to defeat with smaller groups.

  They had to defeat about twenty field bosses which meant that the Evergreen guild is already stretched thin. It is not only the field bosses that they clashed with as other guilds tried to steal the territory that they are aiming for.. 

Each field boss yielded a different 'Piece for the land Deed' and they do not always drop it which meant that they needed to continuously raid the field boss until it drops it. The Evergreen guild managed to collect all twenty pieces of the Land Deed in under five days.

They celebrated this fact by immediately activating the Land Deed and claimed the fallen Neo Alfheim as their new base of operations. While they were cleaning up their new claimed territory, a notification about a player named Equinox establishing a Town appeared to all players.

"He really is in a different league compared to normal players. How is he able to do those things while other guilds even do not have a territory? Thankfully, our territory does not fall in any kingdom zone which means that we do not need to pay them tax." Cersei stated as she did not like the concept of another kingdom getting money from your territory just because it falls under their banner.

"Equinox is just in another league. Do you think he will represent his country in the upcoming Pandelympics? I really wanted to finish my quest with him right now but the training for the Pandelympics takes precedent." Mariposa stated as she looked a bit sad.

"The important thing is that almost all of the executives in our guild have been chosen to fight in the upcoming Pandelympics. This is a great blessing to our guild and is a great notion that our guild is going strong." Anastacia stated as he too is chosen to represent her country.

"May the best person win in the Pandelympics but we must start building things in our territory in order to solidify its position. The others have already cleared the nearby fields. The field bosses now spawn longer and farther to our current position when we activated the Land Deed." Cersei added.

The only thing that we need to do is to defend our territory for two days. Thankfully, the other top guilds are doing the same which means that the next two days will be easier than fighting field bosses." Mariposa stated as she sighed from needing to defeat the same boss ten times in order for it to drop a piece of the Land Deed.

"We should still not let our guard down as players are not the only problem. There is information that a monster horde will arrive at the second day of defense. We must stay prepared for the monster horde that comes." Anastacia stated as she remembered the streams of other top guilds showing monster hordes attacking their territory on the last day.

On the first day of the territory defense, nothing much happened as some monsters just strayed from their areas. The night of the first day was different though as the howls and cries of the monsters could be heard all around them.

The moment the clock ticked to midnight; hordes of nocturnal monsters started to attack the Evergreen guild. The Evergreen guild already built a working schedule just in case something like these happens as not everyone can be online all the time or for the whole day.

The defense of the territory that the Evergreen guild claimed became an uphill battle as stronger monsters started to appear after every hour. In the end, about ten field bosses appeared at the last hour of defense. They also received a notification that they need to clear all the monsters in order to complete the mission.

The Evergreen guild finished the last bout but not without sacrifice. Most of their members died at least once but they successfully claimed the territory. The moment that the Evergreen guild claimed the territory, Anastacia immediately planted the seed of the Tree of Life in the center of their territory.

This is given as a gift to Anastacia for becoming the Envoy of the Life. She endured great trials in order to change her job class into a unique one. It seems that unique job classes were increased as a response to the growing player population but that did not mean that they can be obtained easily.

The moment that Anastacia planted the seed tree of life, a little sprout started to appear on the ground. The Tree of Life did not immediately grow into a large tree lie Yewdrassil but it still emitted a thick amount of life energy.

"This tree will be the start of our climb to the top. Just like this tree, we will grow into a sturdy branch that will make others tilt their heads up when they look at what we achieved. This is the start of the rise of our guild." Anastacia announced which made the other Evergreen guild members cheer.

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