Omega Summoner

Chapter 653 - Kunlun

Chapter 653 - Kunlun


The way to Kunlun is smooth due to the monsters being dealt with by the guards that came to Yinyue's rescue. Adrian did not need to step up and just happily accepted the experience points being showered to him albeit it is not a large amount.

Adrian also learned a lot about the types of job classes in the eastern continent. The only difference with the job classes in the eastern continent with the central continent is how they progress. 

In the central continent, skills are provided via levels, but those skills are not that powerful in the start. The mastery will rise in time with repeated use of the skill, but it will start off as a weak skill. In the eastern continent, skills that are previously obtained must be mastered first before moving to another skill, but the skills are powerful from the start.

The skills in the eastern continent follow the progression of those in wuxia novels where they must cultivate in a sense. They do not need to meditate or something like that but through repeated actions without the aid of mana. Even Adrian must admit that they are powerful upon seeing the guards in action.

Even the demons have different skill progression as some skills do not have masteries while some have. Adrian's Vortex for example does not have any mastery bar but he could manipulate the skill to become stronger. It seems that even the skill progression is different based on the area and race that one is from.

"We are almost at Kunlun!" Fei stated as her black spider returned to the scroll that she summoned it from. 

Adrian also saw that the map that was given to him by Peridot is also pointing to the right direction. A tall mountain greeted the group. Adrian did not know how to describe it, but he felt that the mountain is alive. He could feel a lot of life energy present on the mountain itself.

"Maybe I could use this place to stabilize my life energy as it is being overpowered by the death energy right now." Adrian thought to himself.

The mountain is covered with mist which made it look majestic and powerful with no signs of life. The group moved forward and is then greeted by a bustling place that is filled with different types of people. 

The sound of civilization woke up Adrian from his deep thought and he sealed his soulbounds because of the attention that he was getting. The secret guards also disappeared except for the one that carried Yinyue.

Kunlun's lower area is bustling with activity and the townspeople looked happy. There are even some practitioners who are flying by stepping on their swords. The children of the city can often be seen imitating these martial arts practioners with smiles on their faces.

"I guess this is farewell. We have arrived at Kunlun." Adrian stated as he needed to find Peridot as she was already in the city. She has been waiting for Adrian to arrive before about an hour ago.

"Benefactor Equinox, why don't you head to the governor's office with us and wait for your acquaintance there. The governor might even reward you for saving Sister Yinyue from danger." Fei stated.

"Is he going to give me that large lightning magic stone if I ask him for that?" Adrian stated which made the guard cough like he just choked on food.

"Even I think that the governor does not have that kind of money. Still, he is the governor of this lower district which means that he is very wealthy and powerful. He might even know how to procure what you seek or where to find it." Fei replied.

"I am already imposing on both of you too much as you already gave me such precious emblems. But I am curious, why did you say governor of the lower district?" Adrian asked as he did not know of the structure of Kunlun.

"The lower district refers to the lowest level of Kunlun. Kunlun is divided in two three districts which are lower, middle, and upper. Although the lower district is the most common area, the governor of each district must come from the upper district." A familiar voice stated just behind Adrian.

"It is good to see you too, Peridot." Adrian stated as he turned his back to see his friend.

"A Ryujin!" Fei exclaimed in shock as she rarely sees Ryujin mingling with those of the lower district.

"It seems that my friend is already here and with a guard as well. I did not know that you are this delicate to need a guard." Adrian stated which shocked Yinyue's group.

Yinyue's group got shocked because no one would ever dare to say these words to a Ryujin in the eastern continent. Those that even dare would get their entire clan destroyed within one night. Even Peridot's guard did not look happy with Adrian's choice of words.

"I wanted to come alone but my master insisted that I bring him or else she would not let me come here." Peridot stated.

"If that is the case then that is fine as well. We should go now since I have kept you waiting. Farewell." Adrian stated as he bid farewell to Yinyue's group that is still a bit stunned.


"Are you sure that your Benefactor is not actually a big shot? I talked to him casually earlier?" Li stated as he remembered that he answered Adrian's questions in a casual tone.

"It also seems that the Ryujin he is acquainted with is not normal. Only Ryujins that are considered 'Royalty' have a Demonic Monkey guard to accompany them. It seems that we are lucky that Benefactor Equinox is laid back and kind. If he is not like that then your position as governor would be gone by today." Fei stated as she saw the backs of the three leaving.

"Do not worry. Fate has let us meet him which means that fate will also let us meet him again in the future." Yinyue stated.

"Do not say something troublesome. Him riding a dragon is already making me faint." Li stated as he escorted the two girls back to his estate.

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