Omega Summoner

Chapter 657 - Dare To Offend

Chapter 657 - Dare To Offend

"Who dares attack the Mistress of the House of Creation?!" Saru stated in a thundering voice that did not have a hint of respect but full of anger.

"Turn back now while we are giving you face. The Azure Dragon Clan is claiming this area for one week." A voice from the ground stated.

The three of them turned their attention to the one that is speaking. They were a group of five people that had a blue uniform with a dragon insignia. Saru immediately noticed who these people were, and he is not happy with how his Mistress is being treated.

"The Azure Dragon Clan cannot claim this area as this is a zone that belongs to no one. We will forgive you if you beg for forgiveness now or else face the punishment for being disrespectful to my Mistress." Saru stated as he released his aura that even impressed Adrian.

"Is that so? Why should we bow to an illegitimate successor that got the fancy of your bored Great Mistress?" An arrogant sounding woman stated as she also released her aura that is much better compared to Saru but only a little..

"Who is that?" Adrian asked as he could feel that the woman dressed in blue seemed to be someone important.

"She is Lan and is a noble from the House of the Azure Dragon. They are blessed by the Azure Dragon himself for generations which is why they became proud. In my opinion, she is not really talented, but the blessing of the Azure Dragon is what makes her better than normal people." Peridot replied.

"You dare woman! You are not even a successor to your house, yet you dare belittle our Mistress!" Saru stated as his Nimbus Cloud suddenly become darker in color.

"If you want me to beg to take back my word then you must make. If you cannot do so, then scram as our House of the Azure Dragon is claiming Mt. Thunder for one week. Just be a good little girl and return a week later." Lan stated as she planted her sword on the ground.

"Is that so?" Adrian finally spoke up as he could not bear the overbearing character of this woman.

Lan is about to say something when something exploded from Adrian's body that made everyone around them gasp for air. Adrian is releasing his aura at full capacity which meant that he did not hold back his Asmodian presence like he usually does.

Saru, who was angry, is now calm as even he did not expect such a response from Adrian. Saru thought that his Mistress' friend is an easy-going type of person and is kind to the bone. He then remembered that Equinox has a dragon for a mount which meant that he is not just kind but maybe terrifying when angered.

"My lady! Are you alright!?" The hidden guards of the House of the Azure Dragon suddenly appeared to protect Lan. 

The hidden guards of the House of the Azure Dragon released their aura to ease the heaviness that their master is experiencing. Lan managed to breath normally once again and Adrian did not mind as he did not really use a skill to damage them.

The array that is set up on Mt. Thunder already affects the area they are in which is why direct confrontation is not advised. The punishment for breaking the rules set by the Array Master would be being banned from the area and having a random curse afflicting them.

The random curse is what made Saru hesitant in attacking because he is scared of being banned. If he gets banned from entering, then his Mistress will surely enter without him and that would mean heavy punishment from the general himself.

"You dare threaten me! You are nothing but a filthy demon who is a pawn of that sorry excuse of a holy beast." Lan shouted as she is definitely losing her wits that a demon made her lose breath just by his aura.

"This is unacceptable, Master Equinox. I must teach them a lesson." Saru told Adrian and Peridot.

"You do not need to worry about that Saru. All we need them is to bow for forgiveness, right?" Adrian stated with a devious smile, but his face became hard when he turned towards the ones mocking them.

"You think we will bow to the likes of you?!" Lan once again provoked Adrian's group.josei

"Then bow." Adrian stated as he suddenly increased the gravity in the area by a thousand times.

Adrian's serious face made him look like a real demon that tortures people to get what they want. The gravity is so strong that Lan and even her hidden guards had to kneel down. Adrian smiled after Lan's face hit the ground as he already achieves what he set to do despite it being in a short span of time.

"Let us go. They already bowed already." Adrian stated as the gravity in the area returned to normal and his face became smiley again.

"Yes, Master Equinox." Saru answered as even he is shocked by the sudden flip of emotions. 

Saru implanted to never anger Master Equinox again as he is reminded of the general when he truly gets angry. An aura that could make even those stronger than him catch for air and a domineering will that looks down on others. Saru thought that he saw a different person for a split second.

"You did not have to overdo it though. You no longer have mana left. Although, I am very flattered that you stuck up for me." Peridot stated.

"If I did not do that then we might have been ejected by the array because you were ready to unleash hell on them. Kanlaon told me that the temperature surrounding us changed suddenly. You scare me the most…nope you are like the third on that list. The first would be my mother then my sister then you. You guys have no chill at all." Adrian stated.

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