Omega Summoner

Chapter 675 - House Of Creation

Chapter 675 - House Of Creation

The journey of the group is basically smooth sailing as the presence of the Qilin and Kanlaon combined. The flying monsters that could attack them are those that are dumb or are really hungry. Saru easily swatted those monsters as they were only unintelligent monsters.

They headed north of Mt. Thunder since the House of Creation is located in a tall mountain in that location. The House of Creation is the most mysterious of all the houses established in the eastern continent as they are not affiliated with any of the holy beasts.

They did not affiliate themselves with the holy beasts because they are strong just by themselves. Ryujin that are said to have unlocked the knowledge of the elements are all members of the House of Creation. Even the direct houses under the protection of the holy beasts dare not to mess with any of them.

They are said to be benevolent as long as they are not bothered and in turn, they do not bother anyone. They do not even have the will to join the power struggle in the eastern continent as they see it as something uninteresting.

In their point of view, why would someone want to be recognized as the leader when they already know that they are the best. Not every one that is great choose to be a leader as they find it bothersome and would rather focus on what interests them. That is the way the other houses in the eastern continue view the House of Creation.josei

The House of Creation might not like to meddle in troublesome affairs, but they do protect the eastern continent with all their might when someone or something threatens their continent. The House of Creation is like the fail safe of the eastern continent if the holy beasts are to fall in battle.

"We have been flying for two hours already. Is the mountain even going to show itself?" Adrian stated as he kept following after Peridot and the Qilin for almost two hours already.

"We are almost there. The mountain is hidden from view to the outside world. Unlike what you think about Ryujin, they are careful enough unlike those proud dragons of the central continent that do not even hide their residences." Peridot stated.

A few minutes of flying in the sky, Adrian felt something strange as if he passed through a thick film that almost repelled him out of his seat. He only gets this feeling when he passes though a barrier. Barriers are also considered spatial anomalies by the demons, but they are in the harmless to reality kind.

"I guess that we have finally arrived." Adrian stated as he could see two individuals floating on air and stopping them from going forward.

"Stop where you are going." One of the guards stated as she held out her hand.

The female guard is wearing an armor that resembled a warrior from the east in the time when dynasties were still alive. The other guard beside her is a demonic monkey like Saru and is dressed like her except that he is bulkier.

"It is just me." Peridot stated which immediately made the two guards recognize that voice.

"Mistress! Forgive our insolence. We did not know that it was you. We never thought that you would arrive riding a Qilin." The female guard stated.

"If the Qilin is surprising then you would be more surprised with that." Peridot stated as she pointed to Kanlaon. The guards were indeed shocked in finding out that a demon is actually riding on top of a dragon.

"Mistress, may we know who that person is? We cannot let them pass despite him being your companion." The male demonic monkey guard asked.

"He is my sworn friend, so you do not need to put your guard up against him. It would be very disrespectful since he was the one that made it possible for me to bond with a Qilin." Peridot stated and the guards could not refute.

The guards also noticed that the demon is missing an arm which means that he must have sacrificed it in the process of helping the young mistress. They did not dare block them anymore as it would consider rude to someone that granted their master a big favor.

The two guards let Adrian pass and he felt like he passed through another barrier. The barriers here in the House of Creation is pretty extreme despite them being so powerful but then again it is to prioritize their safety. Adrian would have believed that until he heard Peridot's explanation.

"Back then the barriers here was not set up and numerous people would come and pay the house a visit. The house members got sick of entertaining guests that they set the barrier up in order to dissuade those that come here.

They said that greeting those so-called guests are not productive for them as it takes too much of their time for themselves. One thing is for sure that Ryujins have in common with other dragons and that is they are selfish to a certain extent." Peridot stated as she explained the history of the barriers.

On the way to the house, Adrian could see that the surroundings are very serene and relaxing. As if the mana in this very mountain itself is purified. He could even see the stares of the other Ryujin when he passed through them.

Just like Peridot told Adrian, the house of creation is indeed a large mansion built on top of five mountains. The main mansion is at the center while there are four other mansions located at the four sides of the main mountain.

Peridot explained to him that the four pagodas focus on training the four basic elements. The one in the middle is where the talented ones that can use every element are located. Each of the mansions present in each mountain could be described as breathtaking and luxurious.. Even the mansions in the upper part of Kunlun could not compare.

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