Omega Summoner

Chapter 680 - Chased Away

Chapter 680 - Chased Away

The way that Elder Sky dealt with the allegation is so smooth that even the stern guards are having a difficult time containing their laughter. He actually said that the treasure that the young miss allegedly stole is just a small magic stone.

"We will have the compensation ready for you in about an hour as we need to give you the exact compensation. The small magic stone is not something our house could easily compensate as a treasure like that could not be seen in our treasury." Elder Sky stated as the people that overheard the conversation started to laugh silently.

Elderly Sky did not tell a lie though as the treasury of the House of Creation have no small magic stones as the children use them as training materials. Even a small magic stone is very important but that is only if you are not from a prestigious house.

"Elder Sky there must have been a mistake. That is not the treasure that I am referring to." The elder from the House of the Azure Dragon stated as he panicked because he thought that his plan would work as it worked in other instances.

"All I know is that the young mistress got terribly disappointed when she learned that she got a small magic stone. She just casually threw it away somewhere around here when we greeted her, and I appraised the magic stone from her.

Do not worry, Elder Zhong. I will have twenty of the finest guards look for the small magic stone since it is already considered a treasure to the House of the Azure Dragon." Elder Sky stated which made Elder Zhong take another invisible hit from just words.

"My nephew told me that it was a peculiar magic stone and he said that it is no doubt a large magic stone. You should not play tricks with me, Elder Sky. We are already too old for being so childish in playing pranks with one another." Elder Zhong stated.

"You dare say that I am childish?! I am only stating the truth from what I have witnessed. You are the childish one as you kept the treasure too vague. Maybe I did make a wrong assumption since I am not an expert in minerals after all.

We do not have any large magic stone in our inventory. We should be able to compensate you with gold for the troubles that the young mistress has done. She is still young after all and being playful should be a trait of a growing child." Elder Sky stated as he already shut any form of bargain from Elder Zhong.

"This crafty elder. Out of all the elders in the House of Creation, it had to be him that greeted me here. This wind loving freak is already deafening any chance of me to increase the vague treasure that got stolen." Elder Zhong thought as the elder from the House of Creation that talked to him does not always talk to other people.

"You do not need to do that Elder Sky. In return, we just need for the House of Creation to prioritize us when selling the Dew of Life. It would be petty for the house to pay us with monetary value when it is the dignity of our house that degraded." Elder Zhong stated which made Elder Sky stop on his tracks.

"This little leech. He dares to bring dignity on the table when he actually is the one that lowered their house's dignity by coming here with a loudmouth." Elder Sky thought as he just smiled.

"I see if that is the case the I would need to bring this to the other elders. I, alone, cannot make the decision when it comes to the priority selling of the Dew of Life." Elder Sky stated.

"Is this really how the House of Creation looks down upon our house? I know that we might not have as much resources as you, but you must not bully us like these." Elder Zhong stated.

Elder Zhong did not say that the House of Creation is better than the House of the Azure Dragon. He explicitly stated that they are just lacking because the resources are not the same for both houses. It means that the elder is implying that the House of the Azure Dragon will be equal to the House of Creation if they have the same resources.

"Like I said, Elder Zhong. I need to state this to the other elders. They need to be united or have a majority vote in this type of situation." Elder Sky stated as he could not just decide then and there when it comes to the Dew of Life.


"What is this Dew of Life that the elder from the House of the Azure Dragon keeps on pushing?" Adrian asked as he does not know of an item like that.

"It is like a potion that is brewed from three different rare items that can increase the power of a person. It can also make those that have bottlenecks increase their mastery or cultivation should I say it. It is a very effective, but it has great effects.

The only downside is that the Dew of Life can only be consumed once a year. The body needs to digest the potent medicine after all. It is a great medicine that about three bottles are produced per two years." Peridot replied.

"So…it is an experience potion and a mastery up potion combined." Adrian stated.

"That is correct, and it taste like strawberry milkshake." Peridot added.

"You do not happen to have another bottle lying around in your inventory, right? I want to know if the taste is really what you describe. You know like quality control." Adrian stated.

"I do not. The only reason I was able to drink one is that my master prepared one for me." Peridot stated.


"You must understand, Elder Zhong. I cannot have the final say." Elder Sky stated as his aura suddenly flared up as he is now getting impatient. The winds in the surroundings started to become fiercer as if a tornado is about to appear.

"You should just give him a discount, Elder Sky." A female voice of an elder stated as she appeared from materializing from the water that came up from the ground.

"Elder Nisse! You did not need to come here as I am just about to chase this rude person away. He dares tell that the dignity of our house got damaged just because their own got beaten. Should I remind him that the eastern continent operates in the weak must obey the strong." Elder Sky stated as he is about to blow Elder Zhong to another location with his magic.

"You should not waste your time in people like this, Elder Sky. You are already old and becoming mad is very bad for your health." Elder Nisse stated.

"How about in the next coming auction…if your house manages to bid for the Dew of Life, we will give it to your house with a 10% discount. You can think of that as compensation." Elder Nisse stated as Elder Zhong's greed could be seen flaring up.

"How about 15% since it is the dignity of our house that is at stake here after all?" Elder Zhong added but Elder Nisse firmly refused as that is the most that she can give.

"10% and that is final. If you get greedier than that then I will let Elder Zhong use the four winds to blow you to another continent." Elder Nisse stated as she waited for the reply while exuding her grace and dignity.

"How will I know that you will keep your promise?" Elder Zhong stated as 10% is not a small number when bidding for the Dew of Life. It is basically a large number that could determine who would get the item that is going to be auctioned.

"We keep our promises as we Ryujin muse always keep our world, or the heavens will punish us themselves. We are not dishonorable people, and it is a shame that you even have the audacity to think that we would go back on our word." Elder Nisse stated.

Elder Zhong did not refute and just silently accepted the proposed solution. He actually managed to find a way to get something extremely great in exchange for a piece of stone that is stolen. Elder Zhong did not know that the thing that is actually stolen was a Qilin or else he would have opted for a 50% discount.

"You got what you want so get your loudmouth out of our mountain. Your very presence is making the place stink." Elder Sky stated as he used his winds to send Elder Zhong flying a thousand meters away from the mountain.

"Is it really fine for you to just say that Elder Nisse?" Elder Sky asked.

"If he knew that it was a Qilin then he might have wanted two bottles for the price of one.." Elder Nisse stated as she vanished and Elder Sky could only agree.


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