Omega Summoner

Chapter 686 - Serious Competition

Chapter 686 - Serious Competition

Adrian waited out the whole ten hours by either reading books about the monsters in the eastern continent or having tea with Peridot. He is particularly fond of the sweets in the game as he could eat as much as he wants without getting fat.

His mother is very strict about his diet to the fact that he dreaded hugging her. He once came back from summer camp and the moment her mother hugged her became his downfall. His training regimen became more difficult as he built up fat from eating lots of sweet snacks and late-night junk food.

"Anyways, did Levin Cloud tell you about the tickets for the Pandelympics?" Adrian asked Peridot.

"He did but how did you get them so early? Also, thanks for the ticket since I always wanted to go outside the country but my parents' busy lifestyle and them providing to all our family members are holding us back from even thinking of visiting a nearby country much less halfway across the world." Peridot stated as she is from a typical Asian family.

Her father and mother are the breadwinners of their extended family as the others are not as blessed with the world. There is nothing wrong with always being helpful as they are family but that also comes with inconveniences.

Peridot does not voice her opinion about it as she was always pampered by her parents and makes sure that all her needs are met. Even the money she earns in Pandemonium is used to lessen the burden of her siblings' education.

"I think you earned it and I have very few friends that actually sticky by me through thick and thin. Although, the only reason you wanted to be my friend at first is because of Marlon." Adrian stated as he did not use the in-game name of his best friend.

"You were very observant back then that I had a difficult time clicking with you two. You had walls up that not everyone could get in as if you were traumatized by something that involves trust. A lot of people wanted to be your friend, but you only treated them as acquaintances." Peridot stated.action

"Well Jade, at least I was not someone who fell in love at first sight and was head over heels. At least that love of yours blossomed even though it took quite a bit of time. Just remember to invite me to the marriage and I must be the first person to know." Adrian stated in a jovial manner but there is something hidden within that smile.

"You are really jumping the gun! I will kill you!" Peridot stated as she playfully hit Adrian.

"It seems that my master has a very deep friendship with your master." Moksha stated as he could see that the two were great friends to the point that the Qilin envied their interaction.

"Our master is not someone who easily lets someone in as you have noticed. He is a talented summoner that could just seal lots of monsters, but he is picky and determined to find what fits his character. As the eldest, I have seen my master observe numerous monsters in order to pick the right one." Sirius stated as he knows that Adrian observes the mannerisms and personality of monsters before performing a seal.

"What a weird one but then again…he would not be able to handle all of you if he was normal." Moksha stated as it closed its eyes and slept.


Each of the players chosen to represent their country for the upcoming e-sports tournament for the game Pandemonium are preparing like crazy. When news that a special skill will be granted to those that reach level 200 reached the ears of the participants, they started to rush like madmen.

The rules of the games have already been released and one of them is very important. All characters will have the same levels fixed but their skills and masteries will be kept the same as that of their game counterparts.

The levels are fixed so that the health bars will be somewhat the same. It is also put into consideration so that the people will not be bored with the games when one party just easily wins due to the large difference. The organizers want the games to be fun and exciting while also testing the skills of the players to the utmost limits.

The players of the countries that are also members of large guilds are doing their best. This is the chance for them to prove that they are much better than the other competitions when it comes to the greatest guild. It is a matter of both pride and standing when it comes to competitions like these.

All the rules for the other games have been released except for the last raid event. They do not even know what type of opponents they will face as the developers and event coordinators are keeping their mouths shut. It seems that the last event will be the grand finale that everyone waits for as the other events are just appetizers.

The players of all the countries that will participate has also been released. Like any type of media on the internet, some were met with praises while some are bashed due to petty things like jealousy. Some are even having rumors floating around about their personal life that should not affect their game but being in the spotlight is difficult.

Life is all about sacrifice as nothing is ever free and things come at a price. You want to be famous then some of your privacy will be affected as a result. You want to excel in your job then your social life will be impacted.

The players of each group are faced with praises and criticism but they are still determined to win the games as they want to be the first champions that the world of Pandemonium has ever seen.. That title is something to be coveted.

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