Omega Summoner

Chapter 690 - Tomb Of Kongming

Chapter 690 - Tomb Of Kongming

"So, this is what it feels to be in the front line. I kind of got jealous that you will be sitting back but then again, it is still better than not telling him something that I learned." Peridot stated which Adrian heard.

"The clay soldiers are nothing but fragile pottery, but the alarming thing is the fact that those kids are just normal humans that I failed to protect." A voice from somewhere echoed throughout Adrian's ear.action

He got surprised as the voice he heard felt like it is directly said beside his ear. The only explanation that he could surmise from this experience is that a wandering spirit told him something. The only problem is that the spirit is not showing itself to him.

[You have entered the Tomb of Kongming.]

Adrian, Peridot and Saru arrived at the inside of the tomb with fifty clay soldiers, but they easily destroyed them. Peridot looked at the loot and it disappointed to see that there is nothing valuable being dropped by the mobs.

"Do you have any idea who this Kongming person is?" Adrian asked as the tombs seemed to be connected to heroes of the eastern continent in the past era.

"I do not, and I have not even encountered that name in any of the books on heroes that I have read. Not all heroes are recorded in ledgers or notebooks as some died before their legend could spread while some are erased from the history books." Peridot answered as she knew that not everything is recorded.

People like to say that History is a perfect retelling of the past but that is not true. History is written by the victors. A saying that rings true even to this day as some countries that were conquered by ancient monarchies have their history erased.

In fact, some of them have their history start at the time where they got conquered by the ancient monarchies. It is a sad but true reality as they will never know what their real history is despite being able to free their country.

"If that is the case then this Kongming fellow must be someone that they tried to or at least want to forget. Sometimes being an absolute villain is better than being a hero because they remember you more for the bad things you have done to people." Adrian stated as unspoken heroes are never really discussed but the most notorious people in history are always recorded and talked about.

"That is just sad." Peridot stated.

"It might be sad, but the people of the world would rather remember the worst of the worst than the best of the best. Some people could just not bear someone to supersede them when it comes to good deeds as they do not want to feel that they lack as a human being." Adrian added.

"How about you Saru? Do you know of a person named Kongming? This is his tomb so we might have a better chance of clearing it if we know who he is." Peridot asked.

"Unfortunately, I do not know of a person named Kongming that is said to be a hero. He might not even be a hero as some tombs seem to be from unknown people of origin. It is just that one of the tombs that we secured a few days earlier is a tomb of a hero.

The tomb of the hero did not have much difference to this tomb. The only reason that we knew that the previous tomb is for a hero is due to the fact that one of the elders remembered her." Saru stated as he recalled the things that he was told about the tombs.

The three could not get any information about the name Kongming which is why they decided to push through. The way back outside is not even known as they were thrown in a place that was barely lit with no exit. They did not even know how they got inside of the tomb as they got swallowed by something after Adrian unlocked the code.

"Do you find anything strange?" Peridot once again asked Adrian as she cannot hear the voices of the elemental spirits inside the tomb. She could only rely on her own mana to use spells.

"It is strange because it feels like we are inside of a pocket dimension but not at the same time." Adrian stated.

"Can you elaborate please? Not all of us are demons so we do not know what you really feel." Peridot stated.

"Fine then. Demons have this unique sense they have from birth which could differentiate the space they are in. It means we know instantly if we get trapped inside an area or something. The same feeling goes for other dimensions.

Pocket dimensions feel constricted and tight which means that it gives us the feeling of bing claustrophobic. Normal dimensions are not too much and feels like a gentle breeze is hitting your skin. Dimensions that are extremely vast gives us the feeling that we are incredibly small." Adrian explained as he gave the explanation of what he is currently feeling.

"So…you are saying that we are trapped inside of a pocket dimension but not at the same time." Peridot asked as she tried wrapping her head around the topic of a demon's sixth sense.

"This tomb feels like it is contracting as I could feel something pulsating but the numerous voices that I can hear is making me unable to focus properly to even investigate." Adrian stated as he would be distracted by something from the corner of his eye.

"You are hearing voices? I cannot hear anyone. The silence is actually creeping me out which is why I am talking to you." Peridot stated as they continued exploring the tomb. Occasionally, a group of five to ten clay soldiers would attack them but Peridot and Saru could easily destroy them in mere seconds.

"At first, the voices were audible but now they are speaking at the same time that it is making my head spin. They are not ordinary souls as they could voice out their thoughts albeit in a crazy sort of manner." Adrian stated as he could be seen suddenly jumped back from fright.

"Why did you react like that?" Peridot asked as she could be seen also somewhat disturbed by Adrian's reaction as he never acted this strongly before.

[Your party member, Equinox, is afflicted by Fear.]

[If he gets more than ten stacks then he will be afflicted by Terror.]

"I heard someone wanting to kill me and they sounded like they were behind me." Adrian replied as he could feel that something is not correct. He is being tormented by something that even he could not see which should be imposible. His eyes are made to be able to see souls so being unable to see spirits of the dead are a given.

"You were afflicted by a status condition which is why you are hearing things. You already have one stack of fear. You must be careful as they seem to be aiming you particularly since Saru and I are not having the same problem as you." Peridot stated as she tried using a cleansing spell towards Adrian.

[Cannot purify the status ailment.]

"What the heck! I cannot even heal that annoying status ailment that you have. You have to find out if you can use some potions." Peridot stated as Adrian finally noticed that something is indeed afflicting him that it makes his worried that he would be more of a burden than someone here to help.

Adrian checked on his status ailment and found out that he got afflicted by an array. He found it weird as he did not trigger an array from his perspective until he remembered that he woke up from a sleep. He could have been directly transported on top of a trap that induces fear in the long term and it activated without him even knowing.

Adrian then noticed that his senses are being dulled and that strange voices are being heard from everywhere. He then activated his ocular skill to the fullest as he wanted to know if there are more arrays set in place.

Upon using his evil eye, Adrian could not believe what he saw as the whole tomb is actually a culmination of arrays. This Kongming person might actually be someone from the ancient era that is an Array Master.

"If he really is an array master then I hit the jackpot! The whole place is covered by magic circles that utilize the ley lines as a power source." Adrian thought as he could learn more about arrays and the loot might actually be array formations that he could study.

"How is that Jackpot when nothing could be done in dispelling those arrays?! You already lost an arm! Do not tell me that you actually want to lose the other one as well?" Peridot stated.

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