Omega Summoner

Chapter 694 - The Fan I

Chapter 694 - The Fan I


I am what you call a fangirl that is dedicated to her idol and that idol is none other than the player that is named Equinox. My love for hi is not due to his power and skills as a player but his valor as someone who stands for justice.

Some might even call me delusional for saying so, but I encountered him when I was just a bit new to the game. I chose a scout job class as I wanted to be something like a kunoichi, but I was disappointed when I learned that the job class did not exist.

Anyways, let me get back to my glorious meeting with Equinox when I was just starting out. I played the game by myself since it was recommended to me by my cousins that also play the game. I am an introvert at school so not many friends already to even invite me to play.

Although there are times that I wish that I have someone to share moments with. Especially now that my idol is now worldwide famous for being a powerful player. No one can really defeat his valor and the handsome face is just a bonus.

As I was saying, I met him when I started a mission by myself to help escort a merchant to another city. The mission was fairly easy, and it is even classified as an E rank difficulty mission, but Pandemonium is spontaneous at times.

I was not the only player that was in that mission as there are also others that came. I was the only one that was a scout which is why I tend to search the area ahead in certain intervals. The escort mission was easy to say the least, but something happened on the way.

We met the bandits that are supposed to attack the merchant caravan, but we did not expect that a horde of goblins will come to us. It seems that the culprit for that is a group of players that ran away from the goblins when they were outnumbered and outclassed.

It seemed that their mission was special since monsters that are supposed to be inside a dungeon chased them, but I can only speculate as I did not know. The resulting encounter became the doom of all in the merchant caravan and those escorting it.

The bandits that came to attack us also met a gruesome fate as hobgoblins were also in the mix of the goblin horde. Almost all of the people were killed and the rest that survived became prisoners. The only player that was caught is me as the ones with me risked their life to kill the goblins.

Come to think of it…maybe they really used their life since they knew that they would get captured. They should have at least told me that is the case so I would also used all of my being to get killed in that battle. Then again, I will not be able to meet my idol if this happened so maybe I should say thanks to them.

Anyways, I have been captured by the goblins and became a prisoner in their camp. I have seen what they did to the women, and it is nasty beyond belief. The nature channel would lose their job is such scenes were to be shown. I wanted to get out but the only way for that to happen would be to delete my account and start over.

I was not going to surrender to fate or so I thought as I was imprisoned for more than five days. The goblins did feed us although just enough for us to be alive and healthy enough for the NPCs to bore their young. Those that lose their mind will become meals for the goblins instead.

This fun game became dark really fast, but I did choose the hardcore setting and set the filter to realistic. In the sixth day, I succumbed to my fate that I will never be able to get out of this prison and was a bout to delete my character that I used six hours just to create.

When I was about to click the accept button, I heard a large sound from the outside and a large black hole appeared. I thought that there must finally be a subjugation team that has arrived to rescue us since one of us is really important.

I have grown familiar with the other NPCs and some even told me information that should never be told to others even if it meant that they are killed. Some even started to talk about their infidelities and let me tell you that these innocent looking women are nasty.

They are good people, but they are nasty when it comes to adult stuff. My eyes were opened to things that I have never even heard before or are just speculations in certain talks. Anyways, I heard the cries of the dying goblins and the people in the cage became silent in the process.

I saw a giant wolf attack the goblins and bit their necks as it tore their bodies in half. I even saw a dragon that burnt the goblins to ashes but the most terrifying thing I saw is the figure of my savior. The one and only person that was given the title of 'The Demon'.

When he finished dealing with the goblins, we all thought that we are next because demons in the books that I have read in this game show that they are bloodthirsty and drink the blood of virgins. I am definitely one, but my mind is not due to the things that I have been told in the duration that I have been locked up in here.

I thought to myself that I would gladly die in the arms of a handsome looking demon rather than get violated by a goblin. It is then that the demon broke the cage that we were in and let us out without a second thought.

He did not even say goodbye and just left without asking for anything in return. The others and I realized that the stories of demons are not true as I saw his gallant figure walking away with his soulbounds. I thought he was an NPC at first, but he was actually a player.

This is definitely what I read in stories about knights in shining armor. Except this time the knight is a demon that fights for justice. This is the time that I decided that I need to learn more about demons which is why I used all my free time to search about the demons and their abilities.

I came to know that demons only know magic related to Arcane Magic. Arcane magic is very powerful but also very restrictive magic which meant that those that use it usually sacrifice using other magics. I guess that should be something like the show that I watched where she can only use explosion magic or something.

Still, demons are still told to be beings of destruction and death which meant that these books are still prejudiced. I guess the humans really hate the demons since they are painted in a bad light. Which is why I tried going to hidden villages of the long-lived races where they are not that biased and learned te truth of the demons.

It was not easy getting entrances to these hidden villages, but it was worth it, and I remembered that I grew to become strong in the process. I am still not as strong as my demon in dark armor, but I was able to easily handle the requests they have given me like assassinate this corrupt person or get information from this evil guy.

The long-lived races are really oppressed by the ones the people label as 'human', but they do not have prejudice against the demon race. In fact, their information about them is more accurate. Like I learned that demons have different number of horns depending on their species.

The most important information that I have learned is that the demons are the ones that are keeping the balance of this world from collapsing. They maintain the gates from other dimensions and prevent other dimensions from crashing towards our dimension.

I knew that my idol is definitely not normal and is doing his part in keeping the peace of the world by going one small step at a time. I will definitely help him achieve his goal of protecting the world in the shadows as a future kunoichi if there even is one.

I have decided in that day that I will be the secret force that will aide my idol which is why I have been 'shadowing' him in his explorations since then.. Some people might think that I am just stalking but I am not doing such things because I work with him to deliver the justice that is not given to this cruel world.

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