Omega Summoner

Chapter 702 - Disappointment And Awe

Chapter 702 - Disappointment And Awe


Adrian looked everywhere and talked to every NPC that he could find that talks about monsters. He even asked some players about it but even they do not know or reluctant to say information about things like the area of monsters.

Adrian used all his eight hours to use all the time in getting hints with regards to monsters with light and darkness attributes. He spent eight whole hours and could not even get a real location, but he expected as much.

The only known dungeon with darkness attribute is a level 20 dungeon that does not even drop a core. Light attribute monsters are basically non-existent because of the fact that they could not be found. He did get vague answers from random NPCs that he helped.

[Outside Notification: Mr. Adrian, we have arrived at our destination.]

"I should just rest as I the Pandemonium Net does not apply the time dilation like that of the game." Adrian stated as he logged out of the game.


"Someone finally got bored and got of the app." Mina stated as the others are already going out of the airplane.

"Have we arrived at the stadium?" Adrian asked.

"It seems that we will have a pit stop in New York at first because they said that they will scan your avatar for the event. We would stay here for one day before flying to another state for the actual event." Mina stated as she immediately put her shades on as she is now in full vacation mode.

"Are you sure that your boyfriend will not miss you since you are not going to meet him in-game?" Adrian asked as he knows that his sister is already head over heels for the boy.

"You think that I am that weak? It seems that you have been underestimating me, little brother." Mina stated as she showed a smug look.

"Do not tell me…" Adrian reacted.

"I already got him a plane ticket to the America, but it seems that he is in New York right now for some business. He is now going to meet me here in a few minutes. I can already feel his warm embrace as hugging the virtual avatar is not the same hugging the real thing." Mina stated.

"Okay but I am pretty sure that dad will have a good time as well." Adrian stated as he could see that his dad is behind Mina with an expression that seemed that of a great protector.

"It seems that we would need to chat on the way, little Missy." Richard stated as he dragged Mina to sit with him during the car ride to the hotel in New York.

"You traitor! You planned this!" Mina stated but Adrian just waved his hands in a cute but teasing manner.

Adrian's friends noticed this and suddenly had the urge to step backward. They took a mental note that Adrian must not be teased unless you know how to tease back.

"Sometimes, he really scares me so much. He makes elaborate plans like that with a stoic face then smiles like an innocent angel." Jade stated.

"Just be glad that we are his friends." Marlon stated as he followed behind the group with his luggage.

Another limousine escorted the group out of the airport that seemed to be flocked by reporters. It seems that Tim is very famous here in this country despite not being a celebrity. It seems that Tim had guards as a dozen people circled their group and led them out of the airport.

"It seems that Mr. Tim is very famous in your country as you are treated like a celebrity." Jade stated as that treatment in their country is reserved for famous people.

"It is not that I am famous, but I am the secretary of the CEO and owner of Atlas Inc. Some of them want to interview me for news about the event as the tourism in the country increased exponentially for the past week.

I guess I should be thankful for the Pandemonium fans that they are very interested in the game. Their enthusiasm is the source of the sudden surge of people following me. I think they want me to spill where the next Pandelympics will be held." Tim stated.

"Could we know that information?" Adrian asked as he is also curious as many countries will fight for the next venue with the news of the sudden increase in revenue.

"I think I could tell you as that information is not that sensitive. The next Pandelympics will be held in the country that will win the number one spot in Pandelympics." Tim replied.

"That means that the competition is no longer just for the players and the country to gain recognition. It would be such a big event that the country will do all they can to make sure that the next event will be held on their country." Richard stated as he knows that is the case ever since he saw the increase in revenue of the state where the event is held.

"You flatter us Mr. Richard. Coming from you then that is such a great compliment. Your name is famous in our circles after all." Tim stated as he knows of Richard's reputation although it is known to only a small circle.

It did not take long for them to reach the location of the main branch of Atlas Inc. located in New York. The grandness of the building could only be described as something very futuristic that even the future would feel shame.

"Woah!" Everyone simultaneously stated as they are amazed by the greatness of the grand structure.

"It looks like an alien spaceship landed on this patch of land and the humans used it as a new shelter when they killed off the aliens that were inside of it." Marlon stated.

"That is a very accurate depiction of something that could possibly happen if aliens are real." Adrian stated as it already has been a century since aliens have been told to exist, but they have yet to show themselves.

"Aliens are real though." Marlon stated but Adrian just nodded with a stoic face.


"That is the overall tour of our facility. Please feel free to go and explore as Mr. Adrian and I will head to the developer's room to have a discussion about the event. They will be your escorts for the facility so please feel free to explore the areas that are not labeled as confidential." Tim stated as he guided Adrian to an elevator that sent them up to another floor that is only available for those with high access.


Adrian and Tim entered a room that is filled with holographic elements like that of monsters and terrains. Adrian found it very cool as it seems that some new monsters are being created as he has yet to see them.

"Everyone this is Adrian. He is the player behind the avatar of Equinox." Tim stated and suddenly a burst of different reactions suddenly exploded in the room.

A part of the clamoring is some who are expressing their frustrations while some are praising him. Some even want to get autographs while the others just greeted normally. Adrian felt a bit overwhelmed by the response as it is not the typical response for a stranger.

"Okay. Everybody please calm down as our guests is feeling a bit overwhelmed." Tim stated as he could see that Adrian spaced out a bit due to the initial reactions of the team.

"How could he get scared that easily when he met the Void Mother face to face. I would already be soling my pants if I saw her face to face." One of the developers stated while the others supported her claim as they know how fearsome looking the Void Mother really is.

"She looked kind of cool though." Adrian thought as he is already used to seeing creatures of grotesque and weird looks due to loving gory and horror films.


"Anyways, I brought our guest here today because of the plan for the Advent of the King event. We must now scan his avatar for the event which is why I also brought him." Tim stated.

"If you were just going to use my avatar, why do you need me to be here? You could just use the data in your servers about my avatar." Adrian stated.

"Well, you could say that every avatar is actually the intellectual property of the player. We only have like 50% ownership of your avatar and the other half is already yours. We are here because we are going to test the modifications that we applied on your avatar.

We do not want you to not be at peak performance when the event comes. Here we have initial modifications to your character and also your soulbounds. Look at them and tell us if you are satisfied.." Tim stated as he showed the holographic images of the modification that left Adrian speechless as they are very amazing.

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