Omega Summoner

Chapter 704 - Sharp Shooter I

Chapter 704 - Sharp Shooter I

The first event of the Pandelympics is none other than Sharp Shooter. Each team that participates must destroy targets scattered in the air in a wide area. Each of the targets have different points as they increase in difficulty.

Targets that are just immobile or suspended in the air give one point. The immobile targets number up to a hundred. The next target is a bit more challenging as they move in a designated pattern. A target moving at a moderate speed with a designated pattern counts as five points.

There are about ten of these targets scattered in the whole area of about ten kilometers. The targets that are moving in a predetermined pattern amounts to fifty points. The next target is the second most difficult target which are the fast-moving targets that still have a pattern but the whole area of the match is utilized for their patten.josei

The fast-moving targets number to about five and each of them costs about ten points. The total amount of points for the fast-moving targets are fifty points. The last one of the targets that is also the one that is the most difficult to target due to its unpredictability is none other than the Golden Sprite.

The Golden Sprite is like an intelligent lifeform that is able to avoid the attacks of those targeting it. It is also ten times as fast as the second fastest target. It also has no predetermined pattern which makes it a pain to target or even find.

The Golden Sprite is also about two times smaller than a normal target that is about one foot tall. Although, the reward for destroying the Golden Sprite is worth it as it is worth a hundred points. Which also means that it is the most difficult obstacle that they will face.

Each team is only given about two hours real time or six hours game time to collect as much points as they can. Of course, the game could end early if all targets are destroyed before the given time, but it is not that easy.

The rules of Sharp Shooter are very basic and is as follows:

1.      The Team with the most points will win the game when the time ends, or all targets are destroyed.

2.      Each team could use any method to destroy the targets. (Soulbounds, Pets, and Mounts are included.)

3.      You can attack another player but that will not give you the points that they have collected.

4.      The use of potions is prohibited during the match unless your job class attacks are related to using potions.

5.      Any form of cheating will immediately disqualify the team of the participant regardless of whether the other group members are unaware.

6.      If two or more players strike the target at the same time, they will divide the point equally among their group.

7.      If two or more players strike the target at the same time but they more are from one team then the point goes to the team that outnumbers those that hit the target.

Basically, the first event is none other than a free for all against all of the players from the other countries. The whole map that will be used for the event is none other than a mix of a forest and a canyon.

The targets are not just flying above the air as they could also hide in the leaves of trees of a small crevice in a cliff. The only thing important is that each player must destroy the targets using anything that they touched.

Destroying the target by accident also counts as long as it is affected by an attack, skill or spell. The player in this event is already brewing their battle plans as they could talk in a virtual space for the time remaining before the actual event as the organizers are preparing the stage.

All of the players present in the event are all worried about one person and that is none other than Hou Yiwei. He is the best long-range sniper that the world has as he as never miss a shot when against targets that are very far.

The players of each of the countries are now wary of Hou Yiwei's group because of his threat as he could hit targets that are about a kilometer away with little concentration. Luckily, there is no rule for blocking an attack from the other players which means that their team members that are able to fly could block an incoming attack to a target.


"Are you all excited for the event to start!? Let me hear your voices!" The announcer stated as he hyped out the crowd with his over-the-top energy.

All the people in the stadium started to countdown with the timer in order to signal the official start of the event. As soon as the people in the stadium counted down, the avatars of each of the players manifested on the battlefield.

Each of the players have solo cams but they also gave group cams when they converge together. This is made so that those that support a player could follow closely what their favorite player is doing. The holographic screens projected in the arena made sure that every player is covered.

The best part is that the giant area that the players are fighting is also projected like a map just above the game pods. It also shows the location of each player in the map. Some would say that this would make the players see the location of their enemies but the players inside the game pod could not see or hear the outside.

This is made sure so that the players will be able to focus on the game and not be distracted by the cheers of their fans. When the players all materialized on the battlefield, some split up while some moved as a group.. Those that split up are either very confident in their individual skills or just not a team player.

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