Omega Summoner

Chapter 709 - The Green II

Chapter 709 - The Green II

Mariposa led Adrian to a hidden location inside of the Mysterious Jungle. When Adrian entered the field type dungeon, he suddenly felt that he was being watched but it might have been his paranoia from being trained inside of a jungle while being 'hunted' by your mother feels like.

Mariposa stopped when she spotted an old tree that is almost not that different from the others. Adrian could actually feel that this tree is different as it is full of life despite looking that it would fall down any second.

Below the tree are stones with different patterns with runic letters. Mariposa rearranged the letters until Adrian could make out what the letters meant as they formed a letter. Mariposa is actually shocked that Adrian could read the letters as even she does not know what they meant as she only unlocked the way to activate them but not read them.

"Everything goes back to the Green." Adrian muttered.

"You actually are able to read them? They are a bit different from the letters used by the ancient books in this world." Mariposa stated.

"I might have some wrong words but that is just the rough translation of it from what I can read. It is like a mix of runic and ancient letters. Even language evolves over time after all." Adrian stated.

"Nevertheless, it is amazing." Mariposa stated and the stones that she rearranged finally emitted energy and the whole forest felt like it shifted.

The view of the Mysterious Jungle felt like it is spinning. Even Adrian felt dizzy as his eyes felt tired just by observing the world spinning fast as if the cycle of day and night are shortened to one second. About ten minutes later, the spinning stopped and the next thing that Adrian knew is that he is now in a different planet.

[You have arrived at the planet called The Green.]

[You are not of the Insectoid or the Plantae race.]

[Your stats will not be boosted by 15%.]

[You are the Champion of the Twin Gods and strong life energy is present in your body.]

[You will not suffer the Curse of the Outsider due to your strong connection to life energy.]


Name: Curse of the Outsider

Effects: 50% Drop in all of the stats. Cannot be dispelled.


The planet called The Green is just like what Adrian has been told about. He could only see dense jungle like that of The Wilde but more dangerous. The Green is more dangerous as he could see notifications popping about status ailments trying to afflict him like poison, sleep or paralysis.josei

"That is one nasty curse. Thankfully, I am not affected by it." Adrian stated which gave Mariposa a sense of relief.

"Thank goodness. If you were cursed, then this quest would be extremely difficult." Mariposa stated.

"The curse does not affect those with strong connection to life energy so you could have brought Anastacia along." Adrian stated as he found it odd that Mariposa did not invite her own guild master seeing that they treat each other like sisters.

"We tried this quest together and failed once. The first time that we failed the mission got us one level deduction as penalty. You could already tell that this is not the first time that I have attempted this mission.

There are not a lot of players that are immune to the curse of this world which is why you are the perfect choice. My attack power is not enough to go attack the enemies while I am not sneaky enough like a scout to evade sight." Mariposa stated honestly and Adrian could only sympathize as it is indeed a difficult mission that can only be done by two players.

"Let us commence the mission then as we are in a time restraint since the Pandelympics is only a few days from now." Adrian stated which made him slip a little.

"Are you also in the Pandelympics since you indicated 'we'?" Mariposa asked but Adrian looked at her stoically.

"Sorry, I thought we were a team, so your problem is now my problem." Adrian stated but inside he is actually panicking.

"Ok then. Maybe I am just a bit stressed out about this mission as this could potentially affect my standing in the Pandelympics." Mariposa stated.

"If that is the case then we better not fail." Adrian replied in order to cheer up Mariposa.


Mariposa then informed Adrian that they are currently in the outskirts of the Insectoid territory of the planet. She also took out a map and shared it with Adrian and he is shocked that the Insectoids were actually losing this side of the war.

The Insectoids occupy about 35% of the planet while the Plantae occupy 45% of it. The remaining 10% is considered a danger zone due to it being unknown territory. This planet does not have the concept of big bodies of water like seas or oceans since it is mostly greenery.

"When we lost the Compound Eye Orb, we lost about 10% of our territory and that is why we need to get it back. It is a powerful relic that boosts the powers and abilities of the Insectoid race. It is basically like a key in stabilizing the equality in the current standing." Mariposa stated but Adrian felt a bit iffy about it.

"We are actually not supposed to interfere in the events of the worlds unless necessary. But that is only for the planet Nebulon. This falls into a gray area so we must complete it before I get apprehended." Adrian stated.

"The Plantae did not rely solely on their powers when they stole the Compound Eye Orb. They had someone with the same skillset like Eldritch on their side when that happened. You could say that we are only evening out the scales with this retaliation.." Mariposa stated as she was present when that massacre occurred and many of the Insectoids lost their life trying to protect the orb.

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