Omega Summoner

Chapter 719 - Sharp Shooter End II

Chapter 719 - Sharp Shooter End II

Vayu immediately knew that his student wants to sacrifice himself for the win. They needed to get enough time for Vayu to destroy the Golden Sprite but even he admits that it is no easy feat. The Golden Sprite even evaded his sword slashes with the way that is familiar to him.

He suddenly remembered that the way that the Golden Sprite evaded is almost the same pattern as Sirius. The Golden Sprite did not just dodge but always dodged at the last minute like what Sirius usually does. He knows this because he managed to spar with Sirius before to see if he could land a hit.

The Golden Sprite has a sharp instinct when it comes to danger. The only way to destroy it would be to either set a trap for it or out speed its instincts. If the developers knew what Vayu is thinking, then they would praise him as the Golden Sprite is actually loaded with Sirius' data when it comes to avoiding attacks.

The developers did not want to give the players a difficult time when it came to the Golden Sprite. They chose an opponent that is of their level as the bosses that they have in the level 200s are not as smart when it comes to dodging.

They copied the data from Sirius with Adrian's permission because each event is actually tied to the last event to some sort of way. Vayu's only answer to the Golden Sprite's reflexes is to use brute force. He did not hesitate to use his best skills as they were told that each of their cooldowns will be reset after every event.

Even though that might be the case, not everyone is onboard with just using everything in their arsenal. They still have a PVP type event later and the winner of that event is determined by who could fight well and have aces up their sleeve.

"Arashi no Kami (God of Storms)!" Vayu stated as the air around him started to change and shift like a violent storm. The other national players saw this and knew that they must stop this swordsman at all costs. The air that he radiated felt similar to the demigods that they have encountered in the game.

Blade also got shocked as he did not see this skill during their practice matches as it seems that it is more powerful than the one that his master showed them. Vayu's wind element became harsher and even his robe changed color.

The white robe turned purple, and the clouds embroidered on the robe actually turned black. Vayu's hair that floated freely in the wind started to become similar to lightning as his body also crackled with lightning like he was wearing an armor.

"Stop him!" Totem shouted as he is the one that is actually some form of druid. He is a special type of druid called Elemental Druid as he could not only use the spirits of monsters but also the elements. His job class is one of the reasons why his team did not suffer many casualties or damage when disasters hit.

The United States National Team tried to attack Vayu, but they were blocked by Blade's flurry of blades. They would get aimed at whenever they moved closer to Vayu that is accumulating elemental power. Even the Chinese National Team could not stay idle as the ego present in Hou Yiwei's bow started to fidget.

Hou Yiwei's bow actually detected the presence of a god and has activated the stat boost and God Killer trait. The bow is actually reacting to Vayu as he is the one that summoned part of the God of the Storms for their battle. Hou Yiwei did not want to sound to pleased as this might alarm the other groups.

He also needs to focus on hitting the Golden Sprite first even though he wants to eliminate all the players gathered. It is extremely difficult to hit it with his normal attacks but with his Hyper Sonic Shot then he might have a chance. All he needed is the time to channel the skill.

"Jiang and Ye. Show them them the fury of the Twin Blades." Hou Yiwei commanded as the two lovers nodded their heads.action

Although their title is twin blades, that actually just refer to the weapons that they use as those are swords called the Twin Blades. Jiang holds the female twin blade while Ye holds the male twin blade. They hold the blade that is opposite of their sex as this boosts their attacks by 50%.

If both of them are present in the battlefield and are working in synergy together then their damage is boosted for another 50%. This is what made the Twin Blades fearsome as they are weapons with a niche that is fearsome.

"I admit that both of you are also in the top ten rankings when it comes to warriors but let me humbly remind you of the difference between rank one and those below." Blade stated as he vanished from his spot and appeared before the Twin Blades.

The Twin Blades made a simultaneous attack against Blade, but he parried the attack easily. He even followed up with a slash attack. Seeing this chance, Shado tried to assassinate Vayu that is still standing in the area. The Shadow Assassin needed this one moment and thought that he would be successful but that is just wishful thinking.

A flurry of swords started to circle around Vayu acting like a shield. Shado could not come close as he would need to emerge from the shadows if he needed to attack. Blade is aware of the player named Shado as he was warned by Mariposa when he managed to escape with Poison Ivy.

Blade shifted his attacks to Shado as he needed to kill the assassin since he might actually succeed in killing his sensei. When Blade's attack is supposed to connect to Shado's neck, a wooden flying totem head suddenly received the attack in Shado's stead.

The totem head that got hit then exploded into tiny bits which obscured Blade's vision. The leader of the United States National Team has finally moved.. The person that is the Rank 1 when it came to the Shaman Job Class.

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