Omega Summoner

Chapter 727 - The Second Event IV

Chapter 727 - The Second Event IV

"Let all burn with the might of Caliburn!" Pendragon stated as he unsheathed the sword and released a flaming sword aura that swept across the German national team.

The audience saw the intense attack as it swept through the jungle. It even made the trees become scorch black with some disintegrating to ash. The might of that one sword swing is enough to actually kill a low health player instantly.

"Player Pendragon just unleashed such a devastating attack that destroyed the surroundings! Who knew that he actually has such an attack despite being a warrior!" The announcer stated which hyped out the crowd even more.

The second event is not just a way to redeem themselves from the mistakes of the first event but to also improve their image by showing what they can really do. The smoke cleared up and the audience stared silently to see if the German National Team actually lost or if they were survivors.

The next thing that the audience saw is that there are three different elemental shields deployed. The first layer is made of fire that diffused the flame that the sword swing produced. The second layer is an ice barrier that made the heat of the attack disappear.

The last barrier seemed to be something like a Force Bubble that can absorb some of the kinetic energy from the attack. All the members of the German National Team are alive, but people could clearly see that they have sustained damage. The might of the attack that Pendragon unleased is something fearsome since the blade of his sword broke.

"As expected, finish them off." Pendragon stated as he put back the hilt of the sword Caliburn back to its sheath despite being broken.

The first one that charged towards the German National Team is Siegfried with his soluna. He is further buffed by Merlin which makes his strikes deal double the damage. The three barriers that the German national team has exhausted its use as it disappeared with just one strike from Siegfried.

"Power Spike mode." Schutz stated as his shield that covered his arm suddenly curled up like a bug then generated spikes.

The handle of the shield suddenly elongated with a chain attached to it. The giant shield suddenly turned into a massive flail. Siegfried did not expect the quick change of the shield which made him block the giant flail head with the body of his soluna.

The intense exchange actually made Siegfried get knocked back by a couple of meters due to how heavy the attack is. The United Kingdom national team is actually shocked that Siegfried got pushed back as he is the one with the most strength stat among them. It just means that Schutz actually has more strength stat than a warrior that handles a blade despite being a guardian.

[Commencing all weapons! Ready to be fired!]

A robotic voice suddenly sounded as the magitech suit that Zahnrad is piloting materialized two more robotic arms that turned out to be blasters. The blasters then fired different types of elemental orbs as each is fitted with different magic stones.

"Damn, her rich!" One of the people in the audience shouted as they know how expensive magic stones are.

The power of magic stones is extraordinary, and they could be replenished with mana overtime which makes them a valuable yet rare resource. There is a reason why Peridot could afford things that she normally could not afford from before she played the game. Her number one customer for the magic stones is actually Zahnrad but even he does not know the origins of his seller.

Two different beams of light then came out from two of the blaster arms. An intense heat ray and an intense freeze ray that can easily burn through a rock wall as he demonstrated. Galahad needed to defend Merlin from the sudden beams of light as her magic barriers were easily pierced.

A layer of cracks appeared on his shield as it received damage from both intense heat and intense cold. Galahad's face is stunned as his shield might be small, but it is made of premium materials that he hunted from wyrms. Despite wyrms being low class dragons, they are still powerful monsters that are given the title of dragons.

"Full Counter!" Galahad stated as his whole body got covered with a dark red aura.

Galahad then charged towards the German national team at full force with the might of the attacks that he blocked. Schutz did not idle and turned his giant flail back to a shield and blocked Galahad's charge. A shockwave is then created by the two colliding which made some of their teammates step back a little.

"Rain of Arrows!" Tristan stated as he shot multiple arrows into the sky. The multiple arrows then split into two or three arrows that came raining down on the German national team.

"Scatter Shot!" Witwe countered the rain of arrows with her own skill that made the bullet that she loaded on her secondary gun split into countless bullets like that of a shotgun. Bullets and arrows then collided with each other that dealt damage to both teams.action

[Area specified has been found on the map. Creating auto path.]

A robotic voice informed Zahnrad that they finally found the objective that they have came for. They just needed to be first in getting to the marshlands which is why they are actually duking it out with the United Kingdom national team.

Merlin is actually doing the same as she is using a geolocation spell to find the best vantage point or aea for them in the marshlands. They are also stalling for time and her spell just finished by now. They just needed to hurry towards the location or else the other national team may beat them to it.

"Pulse Grenade!" Zahnrad stated as the right shoulder of his magitech suit suddenly opened up and released a grenade that looked futuristic.

"Pulsar!" Merlin casted as she made an orb of electric element and shot it towards the German national team.

The Pulse Grenade and the Pulsar released a blinding light that made the audience close their eyes for a moment. The next thing that they saw is that the two national teams is actually heading to two different directions of the marshlands.

Some of the audiences are disappointed that there is no clear winner, but the two national teams might have felt pressure since the other national teams have planted their flags. They might be going in different directions, but they are within the same general area which meant that they can still fight against one another.


While the battle between German national team and United Kingdom national team is underway, two more battles are occurring and that is of the Russian national team versus the Chinese national team and the Thailand national team versus the Taiwan national team.

The audience could not easily pick a which battle that they needed to focus on because all three are happening at the same time. The Russian national team and the Chinese national team picked the mountainous north as their area.

The two national teams immediately clashed when they saw each other in the same general direction. As the saying goes that there can only be one tiger on top of a mountain. The two teams are fighting it out to see who would get the highest point.

The highest point would be great for the Russian national team due to their familiarity with it as they mainly practiced in that type of geographical location. Hou Yiwei thought that the Russian national team would be easily dealt with, but they are actually more difficult to fight against.

Hou Yiwei's biggest problem comes from two of the Russian national team members who are Sveto and Anastacia. The two separated could be dealt with but the two combined are a force to be reckoned with. He did remember that Anastacia was elimated in the first round due to a lucky shot from a player in the Australian national team by accidentally knocking her back to a lava geyser.

Now that there are no things that can easily kill a player present, her presence is the most threatening of the entire competition despite being a priest class player. She actually generates a passive that boosts the passive healing effects of all her allies by 500%.

The passive healing could be dealt with but the main problem for them is Sveto that has the Blessing of a God of War. His ruthless swinging of the axes already damaged the Twin Blades by a large amount that their healer could not easily deal with.

Sveto is also some sort of Berserker that becomes more powerful with more damage that he gets. If he gets the almost infinite healing capability of the Envoy of Life, then his damage buff is practically uncapped.. Just Anastacia and Sveto alone are the most powerful combination that even the Chinese National Team could not handle by themselves.

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