Omega Summoner

Chapter 739 - The Twin Blades

Chapter 739 - The Twin Blades


Merlin then momentarily became serious, but it is all a façade as she only did so to make the enemy think that she is frustrated of them. She conjured up water and fire spells by manifesting the magic circles beside the Twin Blades.

The Twin Blades saw the magic circles being formed and did what others think as impossible. The Twin Blades cut the magic circle as if they cut a piece of paper with a sharp knife. This not only shocked the other team but also the audience as silence enveloped the arena.

The Twin Blades are not just two blades that were forged to be used in tandem, but they are special blades that can share properties when activated properly. The two unique swords are powerful when used together because they can have skill sharing which is thought to be impossible as even married couples in the game could not do so.

The female blade that Jiang carried had a special property of cutting anything that has magic but will be dull to the physical realm. The male blade that Ye carries has a special property of cutting anything in the physical realm but is ineffective in magic or spiritual realm.

If the two swords resonated with each other and have users that can also resonate with each other then they could also swap properties or share them. The Twin Blades used the special property of the female blade to cut anything that has magic and destroyed the magic circles that formed without any resistance.

There is a weakness in this sharing as the two blades will share the same property if they choose to borrow. This means that the sword users will inevitably fall if their enemies attack them when they can only attack magical constructs or physical constructs. They are easily countered as long as their enemies know of their abilities and skills.

This is one of the reasons why the Twin Blades do not stream much as they know that their weakness could be discovered by those with watchful eyes. They are especially mindful of Faust and Eis as two of the best tacticians in Pandemonium managed to team up with each other.

The moment that the Twin Blades sliced through the magic circles, they used a skill to boost their speed and charged towards Merlin. The Twin Blades want to end her immediately as she is the most difficult one to deal with due to her mastery of all the elements.

They were about to slice her down when Pendragon used the sword on his back to block the attack of both of them. Pendragon did bury a bit deeper in the mud, but he managed to block the attack of the two despite Merlin being unable to react from the fast sword swing.

A trace of fear could be seen on Merlin's face as she breath a sigh of relief. She then looked at Pendragon with a complicated expression since he did not save her right away. She has noticed that Pendragon is a player that is on a league of his own because he carries himself at his own pace without getting caught by the pace of others.

He does not want to play to the rhythm of others but creates his own rhythm for only himself. She considered this one of Pendragon's strengths but also a weakness. It is his strength because he does not get caught in the heat of the moment like other people but disastrous for team play.

Pendragon has no capacity to play well with others as they will not be able to match his own pace. This is one of the reasons why Pendragon is the leader but not the brains of the United Kingdom National team. He has the face and the aura of leader but lacks the general charisma one need to lead a group.

The Twin Blades did not try to force the attack and retreated to a safe distance. They noticed something odd when they clashed swords with Pendragon. The Twin Blades noticed that Pendragon's sword did not even vibrate upon colliding with their two swords. They considered this odd as twice their basic attack power is still a lot considering that they have high attack damage.

They felt a bit relieved that Pendragon became buried deeper in the mud but that ominous feeling they got when the swords clashed made them get away. Pendragon noticed that the two have backed off and sheathed the sword he pulled from his back.

"They are not ordinary Merlin. You need to be a bit more serious in facing them. Even if you cannot kill them, make sure that they run away with no intentions of returning." Pendragon stated and Merlin nodded.

The moment Pendragon uttered the words 'not ordinary' then he meant that they are not your average ranker. It also means that they have dealt a fair bit of damage to Pendragon's shield that is not visible to other people without a specialized eye to see magic.

Pendragon's skill called 'Stand With All Your Might' basically lets him generate a shield on his body as long as he is not in combat while in a waiting battle stance. He is not just standing there like a king because that is his attitude but because of his skill.

This passive skill is actually a Mythical Tier passive skill that can generate a 50% health barrier while in idle. It also can boost your next attack by 100% to 500% depending on how much time is used to stay idle. For Pendragon, the shield is equal to another life as his base health is already great, but the attack damage bonus is godly.

He actually used this technique on a dungeon boss once and managed to kill it in one shot using a high damaging skill. But the fact that the Twin Blades made him plunge under the mud means that they have the capability of wiping out the United Kingdom National team if Pendragon is not protecting them.

"Nice sword. It will be a great meal for our swords." Jiang stated as he needed a great blade in order to make the sword, they possess grow into a Mythical Grade weapon.

"Sorry to say this but you will be unable to take this even if you want to." Pendragon stated but he is just stalling for time.

Ye noticed that Merlin did not launch spells at them when they gained distance. Instead, they saw that Merlin suddenly opened four magic circles around her. Each magic circle is then fed a mud doll in order to bring life to four elemental attribute golems.

A golem made of pure fire, water, earth and wind suddenly manifested on the battlefield. Each of the golems are three meters tall and are immune to the element they are made of. The audience cheered when this happened as four different large monstrosities are created before their eyes.

The mages in the audience that can only control one element and is limited to one golem creation is definitely jealous of Merlin. The fact that she could make four golems is a thing of envy but each being a different element is another ballpark. All the players that witnessed her ability did not even bat an eye when the announcer said that she is the most powerful mage that he has seen.

A golem is not just a simple spell where you can create anything using the materials around you. A mage must have the perfect mastery of a magic called Substitute Life or else the golem is nothing but a glorified decoration. This skill only controls one golem but since Merlin can control four; then she is definitely using a superior version of Substitute Life. The four elemental golems bare no distinct shape as they are just incarnation of the element they are with.

"Should we press on, my love?" Jiang asked and Ye nodded as she knows that they will not be able to escape. She could feel that the moment they try to retreat will be humiliating and insulting to their motherland.

The Twin Blades then started to separate as they are an easier target when both interlocking hands. When the Twin Blades split up, Merlin used it to test her elemental attribute golem that she worked very hard for.

The elemental attribute golems did not stand a chance against Jiang as his sword cut through the elementals with ease. The raised golems tried their best, but that Jiang is the best magic canceller next to Null. Merlin did not flinch when she saw the Twin Blades charging at her but now in different directions.

"If this is how both of you are then I am a bit disappointed. I expected so much more." Merlin stated as she raised her hand again. The Twin Blades is once again blocked by something. It only took a few hits for the Twin Blades to feel that they are being watched and they are correct.

A mud golem is actually laying dormant on the mud below Pendragon and Merlin.

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