Omega Summoner

Chapter 745 - Stolen Flags II

Chapter 745 - Stolen Flags II

The screens focused on different players, but they only focused on those that are battling or being tailed. Although each player has a dedicated holographic screen, the audience would rather focus on the big fights than those not doing anything.josei

This gave those that need to set-up a great time as they could plant all the things they needed. Zahnrad placed all of his traps and even his prototype traps that have yet been tested around them. Since it is Magitech, he scanned the magical signature that all of his team members possessed so that they will not be able to trigger the traps.

Each being in Pandemonium has a unique magical signature that is attached to them which is why it is not easy to fool someone in Pandemonium. This is one of the reasons why people could easily identify bandits since every gate has a magical signature detector. Those with records of having a bounty stay far away from cities in order to not get identified.

This cutting-edge magic is actually adapted from the magic spell called Synergy. This technology is actually the result of an elf and a gnome working together. It is to say that not all elves are practicing their old ways as some want to innovate. This just goes to show that you will never really be like your family or ancestors if you do not want to be.

There is another one that audiences have neglected and is the most dangerous of them all when no one pays attention. A player with a hidden job class called Trap Expert which is a job class enhancement of the scout class.

It is a special type of job class that is great in setting up traps and triggered spells. It is a mix between a magician and a scout as the traps they use are all magic based. They are the most dangerous people in a battlefield this wide and people could easily become complacent. This Trap Expert is actually from the Philippine National team and her name is Dupe.

She is one of the reliable members of the Philippine National Team as they are only two of them. Apolaki and her are the only team members that got in because of their skills while the others are there because of recommendation or are famous streamers despite not being top tier players.

Dupe is a person with a same gift as Adrian as she could easily see all the points of the battlefield. This is the most prized talent that a Trap Expert could have as they are heavily reliant on the flow of the surroundings. The most surprising thing that she could do is the ability to create traps in the air.

Usually magic that is fixed on a surrounding needs conduit or being engraved or else the magic will dissipate. This is the reason why Adrian's Quantum Spacemines use a lot of mana despite being a low-class spell. Those magic that are placed will dissipate overtime as mana is still a type of energy and energy needs to either flow or dissipate.

Dupe's traps last for about an hour and a half before they start to dissipate which is ten times more than other mages. Her traps include a multitude of things as long as she has the mana to create them. She created Wind Blast Traps on the air to deter those flying towards their base.

She created Clutching Vine traps for those that want to attempt climbing the tree where they keep their flag. On the ground, she created pitfall traps so that those that escape through there could be ambushed. She also tagged her team members as 'Ghosts' since they must not trigger the traps that she set.

Her job class is basically a scout job class to counter other scout job classes. She did not do well in the first round because her traps are basically useless against natural disasters and the like. She is not made to deal with quick battles as she excels more on combat that required long periods of time.

She told herself that she will redeem herself because her family is watching back home since only, she could come to this event as she is not that well off like her other team members. She desperately tried to enter this contest as the ones that will represent the country will get cash incentives just by participating.

She also wants to jumpstart her streaming career as no one really watches her play much as she is not one to act cute in front of the camera. In fact, she is dressed like a street dancer with a mask that looks like it was painted with fire. Others never really expected much from her, but this map is basically like her domain.

A player from another national team walked perfectly into her pitfall trap and got sent crashing down the bottom. When he reached the bottom, the spring fall trap activated that sent him flying towards the sky where several air blast traps activated.  The air blast traps killed him in the process with Dupe waiting for the flag to drop to her hands and tap it on their flag.

[Philippine National Team has earned 1 point.]

Her team actually earned the first point thanks to her ingenious positioning of traps. All her traps are perfectly placed so that it activates without delay and is unforgiving to those who are caught. This process happened for five times which made the other national teams afraid of even attempting to cross the center of the jungle.

"They are no fun at all. Then again, I guess it is time that I go out and extend my domain." Dupe muttered as she placed lots of traps in the area around their base. She also told the three to protect the base as she will need to set up traps. Thankfully, the three understood their position when they got easily wiped out in the first round.. Even they want to win this event and gain glory for their country.

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