Omega Summoner

Chapter 748 - [Bonus ]The Witch Versus The Valkyrie II

Chapter 748 - [Bonus ]The Witch Versus The Valkyrie II

The five hexes applied on Frey's body is making her feel sluggish and out of touch with her body movements. She already knows of Cersei as her acquaintances in Black Rose told her of a powerful witch player in the Evergreen guild that can even debilitate Boss Class monsters.

"It feels like I am fighting a female version of Eldritch but more powerful effects on curses." Frey muttered as Eldritch also uses numerous curses but not to the extent that Cersei uses them.

Eldritch focused more on instant curses that fill instantaneously lower stats for a brief period unlike Cersei's that seem like torture as the curses become more difficult to deal with more time passing by. Cersei's curses also vary in intensity and effect that they overlap perfectly.

One might think that curses and hexes can be applied on a single target as long as they are not the same, but it still falls under the rules of magic. The rule of magic that opposing elements will cancel each other out also affects the curses and hexes as they each have their attribute.

There is a reason why a person cannot be cursed with different ailments at the same time. It is the concept of something like anti-venom being created from reverse engineering the venom. Curses will cancel other curses that are the polar opposites of them. Some say that curses and blessing are just one and the same as they tend to give differing effects depending on who they are cast.

"She actually dispersed five of the curses that easily! How much more of a monster is she? Is he like Equinox that can brush off status ailments? Are Valkyries that kind of race that has immunity to status ailments or stat weakening?" Cersei thought as she immediately saw that half of the curses she applied are dispelled.

Cersei even thought that Frey might have a special body like Equinox since she knows that he can brush of curses most of the time. She did not idle as she started applying strengthening curses on her team member in order to overpower Frey while she is still weakened.

Frey noticed that the warrior she is facing started to hit heavier and become faster. If she were not affected by the curse, then she might have easily brushed him off. One thing that Frey knew is that she must target Cersei or else the curses and hexes applied to her will not be cleansed.josei

She knows that she must kill Cersei or stop her from channeling mana because the curses and hexes do not have a timer. The timer often indicates how long they will be affected by the curse or hex, but the screen shows that the curses and hexes are indefinite.

Frey slammed her spear on the ground and thorny vines started to sprout. The thorny vines are also had roses on them which petals scattered in the wind. The mixture of rose petals and sand fluttering in the wind is not something beautiful but it made a confusing scenery which made Cersei and her team member lose focus for just a moment.

Actually, they did not lose focus because they got distracted but due to the skill effect that Frey triggered. Frey managed to trigger the 10% chance to captivate the opponent for two seconds. It makes the opponent lose focus on their surroundings and this chance increases if her enemies are extremely focused.

Frey got released from the curses that is casted on her body as Cersei lost control for a second. The curses and hexes did not immediately get washed away as they exploded to deal miniature damage upon her. This is an effect of Cersei's Hexplosion that will damage the opponent when she cuts of the mana being channeled to keep up the curse.

The damage dealt to the enemy will be dependent on the amount of time that the hex is applied multiplied by her total spell power with an added bonus of the damage dealt by the initial hex. It is the most powerful spell effect that Cersei has in her arsenal besides her large mana pool.

"I admit that you are good, but I must return to the base. I will remember your name as you are someone who made me use this skill upon you. Valkyrie's Descent!" Frey stated as her whole body got covered in a dazzling light and something akin to the northern lights became her cape.

[The target cannot be cursed as they are in a Transcended State.]

Cersei tried to apply more hexes or curses on Frey but only the hexes worked on her. No status ailments affected Frey at the moment. Her figure enveloped in light is something akin to a goddess descending to the world.

"Devil Contract: Summon Aspect of Vepar!" Cersei shouted as she did not want to lose the flag at a critical time. They already got the point from the flag being planted. They just needed to make sure that it stays planted for another hour before the first half of the event finishes.

Cersei summoned a part of an aspect of her Devil God since she cannot bring a god into the world without sacrificing lots of bodies. Red lightning came down from the heavens and a fiery gate appeared before Cersei. The fiery gate burned bright as a figure emerged from it.

The aspect of the Devil God Vepar or a piece of him. Cersei could summon him before but the one she summoned back then had a childlike appearance and body. When she summoned the child looking Vepar, she also sacrificed a lot of health and mana to do so.

The version of Vepar that she summoned now is much different as he looks like a young adult. The sacrifice that Cersei made for this summon is 50% of her maximum mana and 30% of her health which is not a lot compared to before.

A combination of a handsome and cute young male stepped out of the fiery door. He would have been mistaken as a human if not for his pointed tail, bat wings and red sleek horns.. A real devil is summoned to the stadium which made the crowd go ballistic.

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