Omega Summoner

Chapter 754 - The Hard Hitters Battle III

Chapter 754 - The Hard Hitters Battle III

Hou Yiwei managed to get Frey off his back by using skill for a warrior class called Blade Dance. This is possible due to the unique class that he has as it is a combination of an archer and a warrior. Hou Yiwei's current job class is called the God Slaying War Dancer.

It is the new job class he obtained when he received the god slaying weapon as a War Dancer. Becoming a War Dancer is no easy feat because it is a job class that calls for both strength and dexterity. It should have been one of the cursed classes because they usually have low defenses and low intelligence, but he made it work.

He only made the War Dancer job path work because of a special passive that he received when he unlocked the Dragonkin. He received the special passive skill called Dragon Force that makes him not use any mana at all when casting spells because he uses the mana around him as what dragon's do.

Dragons are tyrannical forces of nature that bend the will of mana to their woes. As such, they use little to no mana at all as long as it is present in the surroundings. Of course, the limitations of this are the type of mana one can control as even dragons have attributes.

You cannot expect that a fire dragon to have vast amount of mana available if he is underwater. This is the reason why dragons that can use all elements are rare and even rare are dragons that can utilize every type of attribute because their body is made for it.

Hou Yiwei returned his two scimitars into a bow and aimed at Totem that is about to hit his shaman team member. He launched the arrow just in time to hit Totem by the stomach and sent him flying away due to the impact of the shot. He used the basic archer skill called Knockback Arrow in order to give room to his team members.

The Hou Yiwei's shaman team member recollected herself and cast curses towards Totem while also buffing her allies once again. This time she made use of a stronger curse in order to paralyze Totem, but the United States National Team Captain will not be easily handled.

"Spirit of the Honey Badger!" Totem shouted as the silhouette of a special monster known as the terror of the newbies appeared.

The silhouette of the honey badger is similar to the monster called Apex Honey Badger that is ever present in the early game. It is a terror to newbies because it is not only relentless, but it cannot be affected by any type of status ailment. Even debuffs to stats are only 20% effective on it.

The Apex Honey Badger even made headlines as a newbie killer because of the way it just decimates them. It is actually part of a last questline in the level 40s, but no one even dares to finish it. Those that finished the quest even said that the Apex Honey Badger continues to haunt them in their nightmares.

[Player 'Totem' has increased strength stat by 10% for 30 minutes.]

[Player 'Totem' has increased agility stat by 10% for 30 minutes.]

[Player 'Totem' has increased defense stat by 20% for 30 minutes.]

[Player 'Totem' has gained the Honey Badger Don't Care Passive skill which makes all status ailments be cleansed and increase his tenacity by 50% for the duration of the possession.]

[Player 'Totem' will gain a burst of movement speed of 100% for five seconds. The movement speed bonus will decay by 20% per second.]

Totem did not even get fazed by the curses or debuffs that he got because all are affecting him. Even the face of the shaman contorted as she could not believe that all her best skills are nothing to the captain of the United States national team.josei

The shaman decided that her curses and debuffs are not that great when faced with opponents of great tenacity. She decided that the best course of action for her is to buff both her team members. If she cannot lower the opponent's stats, then she will just raise her team members.

"I hope that you are not forgetting about me." Frey stated as her spear swept through the air and hit Hou Yiwei that is still mid-air.

Hou Yiwei felt the damage of her attack as he got sent flying to a nearby tree. The tree eve broke because of the impact which is a testament to how heavy the attack that Frey did. Hou Yiwei is now a bit too overwhelmed as he thought that he could handle Frey while assisting his two team members.

He did not think that Totem is actually much more formidable than he has originally thought. He needed to show one of his trump cards here if he really wanted to win but he needed a bit of time to do that. If he could get Frey off his back for a bit, then he is sure that he will be able to use his skill.

Frey did not let Hou Yiwei catch his breath as that will be the most dangerous way of facing an archer. She needs to put pressure on him so that he will not be able to use his archer class skills. Even though Hou Yiwei does not want to admit but he is not that well-versed in close combat fighting.

He is better than a regular gamer, but he is outclassed when faced with a true master of close combat. Frey also knows this from the previous fights that both of them had when they clashed in missions. She needed to end or just incapacitate Hou Yiwei so that she could also runaway.

Just as they were engaging in battle, a notification announced something that no one expected.

[Team member Jiang has been slain in battle.]

[Team member Ye has been slain in battle.]

[The Chinese National Team has been stolen.]

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