Omega Summoner

Chapter 770 - The Jungle’s S Rank Monsters III

Chapter 770 - The Jungle’s S Rank Monsters III

"That guy is really annoying!" Poison Ivy stated as she used her vines to try and entangle the Stone Fist Giant Gorilla.

The Stone Fist Giant Gorilla got caught up in the vines but the poison that the thorns has did not affect it as it has natural immunity to toxins due to the rich earth element in its veins. The vines did not last long either as the thorny vines got broken in about one second that the Stone Fist Giant Gorilla got bound by them.

The Stone Fist Giant Gorilla suddenly struck its fists towards the ground, and it absorbed rich amounts of earth elemental energy from it. The Stone Fist Giant Gorilla then punched the ground that emitted a strong shockwave that made everyone in the vicinity get knocked back by a powerful force.

The powerful force would have been enough to incapacitate the players for a long while, but Apolaki suddenly appeared from behind the Stone Fist Giant Gorilla. He plunged another ghostly sword on the body of the Stone Fist Giant Gorilla which made the latter emit another scream since the damage is a fixed amount.

The Twin Blades could somehow feel the agony of the Stone Fist Giant Gorilla as they were also subjected to that type of skill because Apolaki used it on them. Each of those ghostly swords deal a fixed amount of magic damage in health percentage. It was complete torture to be subjected to numerous swords that cannot even be deflected.

"Spirit of the Bear!" Totem stated as a silhouette of a giant bear monster appeared behind him as he started charging.

The Stone Fist Giant Gorilla became stunned for a moment, but it used its other first to send another shockwave. Totem planted his feet on the ground and anchored himself better using his fists. Apolaki once again dodged the attack by becoming a spiritual entity due to the effects of his skill. 

Even Totem found it almost borderline overpowered since he can basically dodge any attack that he pleases but there are individuals that are also out to get him in this event. Before Apolaki turned all of his body incorporeal, Hou Yiwei managed to sneak an arrow straight towards Apolaki.

If it does not hit Apolaki, then it will hit the Stone Fist Giant Gorilla which is also a win in Hou Yiwei's eyes, but faith seemed to smile at him. Apolaki got hit with the arrow and became corporeal because of the damage that he received. The Stone Fist Giant Gorilla and immediately smacked Apolaki away.josei

Apolaki got sent flying towards a nearby tree and the impact is so strong that the tree fell. Blood could be seen dripping from Apolaki's mouth as he got a heavy injury as the Stone Fist Giant Gorilla has enhanced its fists with earth elemental energy. 

Apolaki is not a warrior that has high defense, so half is health is suddenly gone in an instant. He also became stunned due to getting high damage in such a short amount of time. The Stone Fist Giant Gorilla is about to finish off Apolaki but a magic circle or rather a trap appeared beneath its feet.

The Stone Fist Giant Gorilla got bathe in light, but nothing happened. All the others just thought that it must be an optical trap that is meant to blind the one who activated it, but it is much more nefarious than that.

The trap expanded until it also flashed right before the other player's eyes. The next thing that they knew is that the Stone Fist Giant Gorilla is just standing there and not finishing off Apolaki like they thought it would do. The Stone Fist Giant Gorilla suddenly had a small emoticon pop on top of its head with cute horned devil emoji.

[The Stone Fist Giant Gorilla has increased 50% power for the duration of five minutes.]

[The Stone Fist Giant Gorilla will not be able to use any skills for the duration.]

[All entities tagged as targets will be the main aggro pullers for the Stone Fist Giant Gorilla.]

The United States and Chinese National Team suddenly had a look of bewilderment on their faces until they noticed something. A target is floating above their head with an emoticon of an annoying challenging face. The Stone Fist Giant Gorilla suddenly turned towards them, and they finally learned that they were the targets.

"Thanks." Apolaki stated as Dupe cancelled her invisibility and helped Apolaki up.

"It is necessary that you do not get killed. Give them the monster as we found something on the northern side of the map. You are the only one proficient in ancient language among all of us." Dupe stated as she placed an invisibility trap below their feet and disappeared.

The United States and Chinese national teams could not do anything to them two escaping because the Stone Fist Giant Gorilla is focusing its attention on them. It has twice its power now which means one hit could mean the end of anyone present in the area. They are also wary of traps spread on the area as they noticed that Dupe was around.


[The Crystal Tusked Mammoth is enraged. All of the attacks from the Crystal Tusked Mammoth will become unpredictable.]

[It has increased its power by 50% but it also lost its sense of thinking for thirty minutes.]

The Crystal Tusked Mammoth is enraged and started to rampage all it wanted without a care of the surroundings. It also started to give pulsing waves of energy that damaged those that are around it. It is gathering energy from the earth elements around it in order to expel those that are clinging to its large body.

All the undead that are low ranked are easily defeated or crushed by the Crystal Tusked Mammoth by ramming itself to trees. Sveto saw this as a chance because Anastacia could easily heal him if he were to get damaged. If he gets peak damage, then his buffs will increase exponentially which is why he collected the aggro of the Crystal Tusked Mammoth.

The continuous damage that Sveto got made his attack power go exponentially high as Anastacia will heal him if he gets dangerously low. The damage that he is dealing to the Crystal Tusked Mammoth is insane, but he is also getting tons of damage in return. He is only getting to live because of Anastacia's healing.

"As expected of the Guild Master but do not think that I will let you do as you please just because I really respect and admire you." Mariposa stated as she sent her centipede soulbound to attack Anastacia which made her heals have somewhat of a delay.

Sveto did not mind the heal delays as he also has high regenerative abilities, but he also has other problems. Ain also participated in attacking the Crystal Tusked Mammoth without a care in what the other are doing as he can see that the monster is steadily losing health. 

Ain wanted to pressure the others that are in the area to attack as he wanted to use his ability to finish off the beast. Siegfried also joined in and did not bother attacking his other competitors as he might not land the last hit if he does. Tristan might be free to hit the monster, but long-range attacks are barely effective against the Crystal Tusked Mammoth.

Blade and Vayu also did not bother to attack their enemy contestants as they must land the first hit as soon as possible. The only one interfering is Mariposa as she made sure that Anastacia will not be able to freely heal Sveto as she watched the horrifying power that he obtained when his buffs are stacked infinitely.

The Crystal Tusked Mammoth that became enraged is starting to feel more pressure because of the numerous attacks landing on its body. It wanted to hit Sveto, but his health would just be restored. It wanted to hit Ain, but that guy is using mysterious moves that could somehow manipulate an invisible force to deflect its attacks.

Crystal Tusked Mammoth wanted to hit Blade or Vayu but those two are too quick for its feet. It is also in a state of madness which meant that it has no control over its body. It can only try and fend off the attacks that it is receiving. Even the audience felt pity on the Crystal Tusked Mammoth, but such is the way of players.

The audience's pity is overshadowed by the fact that even an S rank monster is weak against the combined might of the rankers. The Crystal Tusked Mammoth's health dropped to 10% and all of them were now attempting to use their skills that can finish off monsters, but they forgot about someone because they are too engrossed in the battle.

"Corpse Explosion!" Creepysoo stated as all the undead bodies that are scattered on the ground simultaneously exploded in the area.. All of them were caught in the explosion as a large puff of smoke erupted from the area.

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