Omega Summoner

Chapter 793

Chapter 793: United States Versus Brazil

“Without further ado as I know that everyone is excited as I am! Let the first round of challengers come here! The representative of the United States and Brazil team please come up to the stage!” The announcer stated as the two representatives came up the stage.

The representative for the United States team is the assassin player named Shado. The representative for the Brazilian national team is the mage player named Amazo. The two looked at each other and shook their hands as a way of showing sportsmanship.

“Let us now do a coin flip for the map selection.” The announcer stated as he asked Shado for the face of the coin that he wants.

“Tails.” Shado stated.

“Are you fine with heads?” The announcer asked Amazo.

“That is fine.” Amazo stated.

The announcer flipped the coin and it landed on tail in favor of the United States national team. Amazo looked a bit nervous as one of his advantages is already taken. In a fight between an assassin player and a mage player, the former usually wins as mages are glass cannons. As along as the assassin player gets close to the mages then they can deal a critical strike killing the latter with one or two hits.

“I choose the jungle battleground.” Shado stated as his class is better suited to fight in a jungle, but Amazo is actually smiling as his class is also suited for jungle warfare.

The two of them entered their respective gaming pods and are transported to the area of their match. The area is not that large as it is just half a kilometer in diameter. It is small to ensure that the match will not drag on as a hit and run style of battle is not exciting to watch.

Shado immediately vanished upon confirming his surroundings. He is now in search for his enemy in the dense jungle area. Amazo spawned not that far from Shado and immediately chanted a skill that turned a part of his skin into bark. If he wants to win then the first thing that he needed to do is not die in one hit from the assassin player.action

The audience already knew the verdict of the match as they could predict that Shado could easily win this fight. He is not one of the best assassin players in the game for nothing and he is even famed for killing mages as one of his most famous missions was actually to kill a corrupted mage.

Amazo did not move after applying the buffs on his body. He even closed his eyes as if he is in a trance like state. Some people speculated that he already gave up but that is not the case. His shadow that is casting behind him suddenly sprung up and a dagger is aimed at his neck.

The audience thought that the match is already over with that strike, but they are surprised by the outcome. The trees that covered the dense jungle suddenly extended their branches and blocked the dagger that is aimed at Amazo’s neck.

Amazo opened his eyes and smirked as he is now confident in his chances of winning. The branch then pulled the entity hiding in the shadow, but Shado cut the branches using his daggers. He then gained distance and slid back inside the shadow dimension.

“This is bad. To think that Shado picked the wrong map against such an opponent. That mage player, Amazo, is a student at the academy called the Green Thumb.” Totem stated.

“What is this Green Thumb?” Poison Ivy asked as she is not familiar with it.

“Basically, it is a school that was founded by one of the Great Druids. They are a secret school that adopts those that are naturally in tune with nature. They use nature magic which is the advance form of earth magic. In a dense forest, Shado is basically trapped in the territory of the enemy.” Totem stated.

Just like what Totem said, the expected outcome of the match of Shado easily winning did not arrive. Amazo is basically in his own element and could not be beaten using sneaky means. The members of Green Thumb are masters of nature magic to the point that they sacrifice other elements for mastery of this.

The earth and the trees are basically their other senses since nothing gets past them as long as it is inside an area where nature is bountiful. Even if Shado could dive in the shadow dimension, he has no chance of winning against Amazo when inside a jungle.

The forest bowed to his will like his guardian deity. He has the blessing of the forest and in turn he takes care of it. That is the code of conduct for the members of Green Thumb. They are invincible when inside a forest but weak when out of their element.

Shado may be able to hide in the shadow dimension, but he cannot stay there forever as his health will be reduced if his mana runs out.

Amazo then started chanting a spell and trees around him suddenly started to glow. The trees in this map do not have this ability but it is a spell that Amazo used to expel the shadows that his opponent utilized. This spell is called Biolumen where it forces the excess light absorbed by the trees to be expelled.

Amazo illuminated the area and exposed the hiding Shado. When the shadows can no longer be used, Shado’s body just popped out of nowhere as if he got puked by the darkness. Amazo then proceeded to use his next spells to bound Shado. He used the branches of the trees to keep him from running away and used Wrath of the Forest to turn his opponent into particles of light.

The audience is dumbfounded by this exchange as they did not expect Amazo to win. This solidified the thinking that nothing is certain in the world unless you see for yourself. Sadly, only Amazo won the match since they easily lost the team match, and the last solo match was fought by Totem.

Still, the audience gave both teams a standing ovation as all the fights were exciting. No one backed down even though the other team was stronger. Each team fought for their countries and that resonated clearly with the audience.

The team captains for each team shook their hands while the other team members bowed towards their opponents for gratitude. The losing team did their best to hold their tears when on stage and only poured their hearts out off stage.

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