Omega Summoner

Chapter 805 - South Korea Versus Germany

Chapter 805 - South Korea Versus Germany

The next match followed as the South Korean national team and the German national team representatives went to the center of the stage. As expected, the representative for the South Korean national team is Ain while the representative for the German national team is Eis.

The coin flip came in favor of the German National Team. Eis picked the battleground that gives her an advantage as she already saw the capability of Ain in combat. The two players are sent to the icy tundra and the act of staying still will induce frostbite.

As soon as the two can move, they executed the skills that can give them the advantage. Ain used a buff on himself to heat his body and increase his speed. Eis responded by condensing all the ice element around her into shards of ice.

Ain tried avoiding but the ice shards came in the number of a hundred thousand at least. Ain wanted to get close to Eis but the ice shards prevented that as one graze from them would create a slice wound. Even a small slice wound will inject the ice element in the body which would inflict frostbite.

Layers of frost could be seen forming on Ain's body as he tried getting closer towards Eis. She really lived to her name as the Queen of Winter as she controlled the ice element like it is an extension of her body. The ice shards are not the only thing that she set up for defensive measures.action

There is a layer of snow swirling around her up to her knees that seems to move in accordance with her mind. Ain managed to reach her when he used a skill called Sage Art: Fox Maneuver but the snow below her feet suddenly formed a shield to protect her from the attack.

"Frost Circle!" Eis stated as the area below Ain suddenly glowed bright as she activated the magic circle.

A burst of cold light could hit Ain and his body immediately got frozen as a result. He still has consciousness, but he cannot move his body as it is frozen in place. Eis then started to chant as a lance made of the purest of ice could be seen forming.

"Pure Ice Spear!" Eis stated as she finished chanting the spell and a beautiful lance made of pure ice appeared above her.

With a gesture of her hand, the Pure Ice Spear struck Ain and turned him into particles of light. The German national team won the first solo match.


For the team round, the coin flip went in the favor of the South Korean national team. They chose the stadium map again as well as the enemy team's forte is long range magic. The audience thought that the team match would be a long-drawn-out battle, but it started with a bang to their surprise.

"Underworld Domain: Limbo!" Creepysoo stated as he immediately summoned his domain skill. He also summoned his undead knights to increase his forces.

The German national team responded in kind as Zahnrad set up what he calls as the Artificial Zone. Using a hidden capsule from his magitech suit, he deployed it above them where its split into three. The three shrapnel then emitted a beam that connected on top which created a prism.

The Artificial Zone is what Zahnrad studied when he first learned about domains. He wanted to emulate its capabilities but, in the end, could not replicate the real thing. He did give a buffing effect to his team members and empowered their attacks.

The fight began immediately to which the enemy team could now see Ain rampaging in the battlefield. His previous defeat ignited his fighting spirit to the point that he did not realize that he defeated Schutz despite being the tank of the enemy team.

Eis and Faust's combination of ice and fire made it difficult to approach them while Witwe easily defeated the other members of the South Korean national team except for Ain and Creepysoo. Ain did not hold himself back like again and used his Martial Sage Arts: Fox Hunt to kill Witwe.

With Ain being weakened, the combination of Eis and Faust managed to kill him, but the result is as they feared. The tombstones appeared once again where Creepysoo's team died. With a simple spell that used 40% of his mana, Creepysoo revived all his dead team members into undead.

The revenge of the undead is literally what fights between the South Korean national team are. Even with Zahnrad making his magitech suit explode, he only took out one of Creepysoo's undead knights. The team match ended with the victory of the South Korean national team.


The last solo match started, and it is a match between Creepysoo and Faust. Even though Faust did not have a high chance of winning, he did his best and exerted fire magic that can gain him recognition. He used spells that obliterated enemies as long as he touched his fire.

All the spectators thought that Faust would lose immediately as Creepysoo used his domain skill again at the start of the match, but he put up a good fight. So good of a fight that his flame elemental companion evolved into a stronger rank due to his strong wish of winning.

His elemental, Salamander, evolved into a Greater Elemental and acquired something special that makes it different from other elementals. Salamander managed to acquire the Elemental King's seed as it wanted to make its master's wish a reality. The small lizard grew in size as it is now the size of a large breed of dog.

The red flame burning on its back also got brighter with some bluish white specks of fire mixed in. Even with this development, Faust still lost as Undead do not get burned despite being getting bonus damage from fire. The combination of all of Creepysoo's undead knights made a solo match against him basically a lost cost unless one can overpower them thoroughly.

The South Korea national team advanced to the next round as a result of the battle.

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