Omega Summoner

Chapter 808 - Sweden Versus Russia I

Chapter 808 - Sweden Versus Russia I

The next round battles have started after the win of Merlin against Cersei. With what Cersei showed in her match with Merlin, the audience thought that the Ukraine national team might have a hot of winning the team match but that thought flowed out of the air.

The moment the team match started, Pendragon immediately used Caliburn to its max potential and swept the enemy team with one swing. To add more to the strike, Merlin casted Boost on Pendragon three times. The fact that she could stack a buff that doubles the damage of the skill three times meant certain death to the enemy team.

One wide swing and the Ukraine national team turned to ash. Cersei put up a fight by applying a weakening curse to the area but an attack with three stacks of Boost cannot be easily weakened. Boost applied three times is an exponential power increase which meant that Caliburn's skill damage is multiplied by a factor of eight.

The match between United Kingdom and Ukraine ended in the win of the former. Pendragon's attack made everyone curious as to how he will fair in a solo match. He mostly kept his strength hidden in the first three events, but he would surely be a force to be reckoned with in the fourth event.

After the excitement of the last match died down a little, the next match representatives took to the stage. The representatives are none other than Frey of the Swedish national team and Sveto of the Russian national team. 

The audience are anticipating on what will happen in the match because they know that the two are built for player versus player situations. One is a Valkyrie while the other one is blessed by a God of War despite its name still being unknown.

The coin flip ensued and the one who earned the rights of choosing the battlefield is Sveto. He immediately chose the stadium battleground as he does not like the concept of trying to find his opponent. He wants to fight them head on without much care of the theatrics. It must have been the influenced of the barbarians in the north that he trained with.

The two climbed their gaming pods and materialized in the stadium. The audience of the stadium is loaded once more which made the others not see the reaction of Ares when the two arrived. Ares first looked at Frey and immediately noticed that she is a Valkyrie. Ares' face made a small smile upon seeing that he will get to enjoy the fight from a Valkyrie.

Ares then looked at Sveto and is slightly stunned as he is clad in the aura that only descendants of the Gods of War are capable of having. His smile even became wider upon seeing that a Valkyrie and a God of War's descendant will battle it out in his own personal arena located in his divine realm.

The sensitive players noticed that Ares smiled more genuinely now compared to other matches, but they immediately brushed it off as coding. They thought that Ares might become more and more excited the more matches being held in his arena.

"I hope that the two of you will thoroughly entertain me. Let the match begin!" Ares stated as the two challengers are no longer being held back by a strange force.

The moment the force that is holding the both of them vanished, the two warriors charged against one another. Frey with her spear and Sveto with his great sword. Just from the clash of the two, a shockwave is produced that the people in the arena felt as a wave of energy swept pass through them.

Just one head on collision made a shockwave so powerful that even the audience felt it. This made everyone so excited as the two started to trade attacks. Frey's attacks could be said as graceful yet powerful as she looked as if she is dancing in the arena from the way she moves.

Sveto is more into brute force and heavy attacks which matched the power of Frey's attacks. He did not want to admit it, but they have the same or almost the same stats when it comes to strength. What made Sveto a bit giddy is the fact that he held the heavier weapon, but Frey is trading equal blows against him.

He did not want to admit it, but he might be outclassed when it comes to the pure strength department. He can also feel that Frey has yet to truly invest in the battle as her face is calm and collected. Despite also controlling his strength to gauge his opponent, Frey is actually matching him which meant that she also did the same.

"No more testing. The real attacks will start now." Sveto stated.

"Is that so? I thought it was kind of boring." Frey muttered as she told what she really thinks about the previous exchange of attacks.

Sveto did not expect the sudden verbal comeback which made him a bit angry at Frey due to her saying that the previous exchanges are boring. If you really look at it from the perspective of Ares, then the previous exchange is indeed boring. Boring to the point that the satisfaction bar of the God of War did not move much.

Sveto finally started and coated his great sword with the aura of a descendant of the God of War. With one swing, he managed to push Frey back a few feet. Frey admits that the attack that she blocked is indeed heavy and he felt a slight numbing sensation from the vibration of her spear.

Frey did not want to get pushed back like that, so she also started becoming serious. The calm and beautiful face that Frey wore suddenly changed. She is still beautiful but the aura that she released made everyone want to avert their gazes at her.

The attack patterns that Frey used that looked like dancing started to change to something more precise. She no longer wasted movement and only went for attacks that she is sure that would connect. Sveto tried dodging her pinpointed attacks, but he is slower than Frey in that regard.

Sveto did not regret using stronger attacks as Frey is now starting to damage her. A normal player would want to avoid damage but not for berserkers like Sveto as they strive in battle. The more pain that is inflicted on them would mean that they would inflict twice as more to their enemy.

Frey could feel this as well as Sveto's heavy attacks started to become heavier to the point that she let go of her spear once. Sveto thought that this was his chance to finish off Frey, but a Valkyrie is more than their weapon because they are the weapon. Frey suddenly exploded with an unknown power and shaped it into a spear.

She then tossed that spear towards the charging Sveto to which the latter got pinned back to the wall. An invisible force manages to pin him to the stadium wall, and he did not even see the attack. The audience is stunned but Ares stood up in the disbelief in his eyes.

A fledgeling Valkyrie managed to create a weapon using pure power of thought. The fact that she can shape something out of a concept made even the God of War envious of the Valkyries for finding someone so talented. Only rare individuals can create something from a concept in the early stages of life.

This is one of the reasons why there are numerous gods of war as they can shape their killing intent into a weapon just like what Frey used. She is a good candidate to become a god of war, but she is already a Valkyrie which meant that her prospects would be even higher. Ares' satisfaction bar became full upon witnessing what Frey did.

[The individual Frey will have a 5% stat boost for the duration of the fight.]

Sveto saw this announcement and knew that he also needs to show something or else he would get outclassed in front of a God of War.

"Game on!" Sveto stated as he stood up. The imaginary weapon that pinned him already dispersed and he can now move.

Frey did not immediately attack Sveto as she used what the Valkyries taught her as the Weapon of the Mind. It might seem great as you can forge a weapon from a concept, but it also took a toll in the body of those who use it. She got stunned for one second which is why she did not do a follow up attack and instead picked up her spear.josei

She saw Sveto standing up from the floor and could feel that the air around him suddenly became heavy. The great sword that Sveto used suddenly changed to a war hammer. The hammer even towered over Sveto, and he held the heavy weapon with just one hand.

"This is why I hate fighting with Berserkers.." Frey thought.

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