Omega Summoner

Chapter 818 - Advent Of The King I

Chapter 818 - Advent Of The King I

All of those that saw the previews could of the Advent of the King event now knew all the monsters that they would soon face. What they did not know is the appearance of this so-called King that they are referring to as the previews did not show him.

Everyone is talking about this mysterious entity that the monsters refer to as their king. Some even took to the history books of the universe of Pandemonium in order to get hints. They first looked for the details on the monsters that they saw but they came with nothing.

All the people were about to give p finding clues about this king they refer when one of the archeologists noticed that the dragon is familiar. He once saw a mural depicting this monster, but it was too worn down and the parts of the wall where the mural is placed were broken.

This archaeologist player even sent out a picture of the mural and the community believed him as he is the most famous archeologist. He is one of the people that shed light on mysteries of the other races, so his opinion is valid.

Soon other people who saw murals like this presented their pictures until an almost complete mural is presented. The six monsters are painted in the wall, and they are all connected to something, but the middle of the mural is missing. The search for the king ended when the event finally started.


"Hello to everyone! It is finally here! The last event of the Pandelympics! It almost brings me to tears that the times that we will spend together will now come to an end. All good things come to an end but let us go with a bang!

The most teased and mysterious event is now before us. Just as everyone has waited, I too waited because nothing is revealed even to yours truly! All we know is that this event is a Dungeon Raid event! All players! Proceed to your gaming pods as you are not the only ones that want the details!" The announcer stated with pure excitement.

The moment the contestants entered their gaming pods, the whole arena turned into a holographic movie showing. Gigantic beings in a world filled with only clouds and ambient light are presented. The players are then presented before these giant beings.

"Kneel before your gods, mortals." One of the giant beings stated the moment that the players all materialized in this realm.

"Be kind to our warriors, old hag." One of the giant beings retorted which made the player look towards his voice.

The players realized that the voice is familiar, and it came from Ares, the God of War himself. They looked at their surroundings and saw that the giants that they are looking at are actually the gods of Pandemonium. Frey looked at the Goddess Freyja and the latter smiled back at her even if Frey felt guilty of losing.

Of the Gods and Goddesses of Life and Death, only two are present. The two are currently waving at Creepysoo like proud parents or something. These two are none other than Baron Samedi and Maman Brigitte. Creepysoo waved back at them even though he had an embarrassed face.

"Warriors that are blessed by the gods of life and death, we are here to tell you that an ancient evil will awaken once again. We need your aid in defeating this ancient evil or else the universe will cease to exist." A giant dragon with a female voice stated and the dragonkin in the group knew this was Tiamat, the one who gave birth to the dragons.

"If it is not offensive, can I ask why you gods cannot deal with this threat yourselves as the universe is at stake here?" Faust asked which made some gods look at him with disdain, but others liked his bravery.

"You give a valid point which is why we must take you back before the worlds were fully formed." Tiamat stated as she created projections using her powers, but it was a different goddess that explained.

"Back when the universe was just formed, the Primordial Gods shaped the worlds to their likings, but this got the attention of foreign gods from another universe. We were able to descend upon the world once but that all ended when we needed to split the realms so that anything with divine nature will have difficult time walking the mortal realm.

Before the fights with the foreign gods, there was an entity that they sent out to scout this universe. This entity called himself as the King of Twilight, Hay-lale. He not only encroached on the dominion of the gods and goddesses of light and darkness but also dared to defile the creations of the gods and goddesses of life.

He transformed six of the most beautiful beings into horrid monsters that defy the laws of reality. The gods and goddesses managed to defeat him the first time, but we were not able to destroy his existence. We sealed him in a distant realm called Megiddo and thought that he would never break that seal, but he was proven wrong as his seal never reacted before.

It seems that he was just gaining power through the monsters that he created. They escaped and went into hiding before we could destroy their existence. Now, with the barrier of realms active, we cannot descend to Megiddo to seal King of Twilight, Hay-lale. It would strain the barrier if we all descended just to fix the seal.

We need you brave warriors to weaken the King of Twilight, Hay-lale. Better yet, if you can drive him to death then we can erase his existence. His encroachment upon the elements of light and darkness are a perversion of what we gods and goddesses of light and darkness offer." The Goddess of Light Luminaria stated with a serene looking expression.

"So, all we need to do is defeat this King of Twilight Hay-lale and your worries will be over?" One of the contestants asked.

"That is correct. We might not be able to fight with you as only a few of you can become vessels of gods but we will give all of you, our assistance." Ares stated as he looked at Frey and Creepysoo.

"We will be sending power orbs and you just need to touch them to get the boost that you need. Megiddo is a world that is already in the far side of the universe which is why our blessings can barely reach that place as we have no followers there.

The player then nodded and received additional instructions from the gods. After being deliberated on what they would need to do, the rules for this event finally flashed before them.


Event: Advent of the King


1.      All skills are usable in this event.

2.      Pets and mounts could be used in this event.

3.      Items are prohibited unless your combat style is reliant on them to which you must select the things that you need.

4.      There are no death penalties for this event, but each death will need at least 30 seconds of revival time.josei

5.      Skills or spell damage from other players will hurt other players.

6.      This is an event where your damage is calculated as a group. The more damage you deal then the more points that your team will earn.


The rules for the event are not that difficult to grasp and are straight forward. The instructions from the gods and goddesses also revealed that the opponent that they are facing seems to be an agent of the dark gods and is proficient in the use of light and darkness elemental magic.

All of them would have believed it but there is one who is pretty much not on board with what the gods and goddesses stated because Baron Samedi and Maman Bridgette did not say anything and were frowning. Creepysoo wanted to really believe but they immediately frowned the moment Luminaria spoke.

"Something is not right with the way they phrased it and some gods and goddesses were not even looking comfortable as if they are hiding something. There seems to be more to the story that they let on." Creepysoo stated but he could only speculate at this point as they are now being sent to the other world.


In a world that can only be called as disoriented, six powerful monsters appeared around a floating island with a crystal that did not even let light shine through. The crystal is pitch black and absorbs all the light in the surroundings. This floating island is connected to five more floating islands via a sturdy looking chain.

"Let us now start my siblings." The dragon of light and darkness stated as he went to one of the floating islands and connected his power source to it.

The other did the same while the crow with three feet overlooked the situation so that nothing goes wrong.. The moment all five monsters channeled their energy, a barrier manifested towards the main island in order to protect their king who is still sealed.

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