Omega Summoner

Chapter 822 - Battle Against The Six Monsters II

Chapter 822 - Battle Against The Six Monsters II

With Dodu now being in the clear, Adrian changed to another soulbound that is having difficulty. The next one having difficulty would be Charon. He had almost perfect immunity towards magical attacks so the undead did not have a problem with Pendragon's Caliburn or Merlin's spells.

The problem is that other than those two that have great magical attack, all the remaining players attacking him are now purely physical in nature. Even if he can continuously absorb all their health, a small portion of their health is not enough to heal his health as the conversion is an equal ratio.

"Charon has the skills called Abyss Link, Sinking Abyss, High Resistance to Magical Damage, Abyss Miasma and Inversion." Adrian thought as he looked at the battle techniques of his opponents before proceeding with his plan.

Charon is not like other soulbounds that has great attack power as he is more centered on tanking magical attacks while absorbing health from opponents. He has no great power to turn the tides like the others or like Dodu that can eat his opponents in order to turn the fight to his favor.

Adrian commanded Charon to first flood the area with his Abyss Miasma. By flooding the area with his Abyss Miasma, the players would then get damaged per second. With Charon's Inversion ability that turned about 50% of the damage the undead dealt to health, he could continuously get healed. 

He then commanded Saena to visit Charon despite her not having enough energy collected. He just needed to heal Charon to 90% of its health. Adrian thought that the tactic is sound, but Merlin launched skills towards Saena that prevented her from even getting close to the Undying Abyss Wraith.

Adrian could only frown as Charon's health only regenerated up to 79% as the undead is still getting attacked continuously. He cannot find any other solution but to activate Abyss Link. The Abyss Miasma that covered the entire altar then stuck to the body of the contestants and sucked their life force by 1% per five seconds.

The priests tried to use Cleanse, but Charon's skill is not a spell that did crowd control. All that Abyss Link does is link the life force of those inside the Abyss Miasma. Unless they have a spell that can reverse a spell in the life attribute, they are not going to detach that link. Thankfully, Anastacia is not facing Charon or else she might reverse the link.

The health that is steadily declining from Charon suddenly started to rise once more while the players started to lose their health. This prompted them to attack aggressively and some even used high damaging skills, but Adrian already prepared for that.josei

Adrian commanded Charon to use Sinking Abyss and the floor on the altar turned something reminiscent of water. Charon then sunk to the floor, but the other players did not. What is more annoying is that the Abyss Miasma nor the Abyss Link did not vanish in effects.

"Sinking Abyss lasts for about thirty seconds with a cooldown of ten minutes. That should be enough time for them to lose health while Charon would get back to full health." Adrian thought as he now looked at the opponents that Sirius is facing.

Adrian thought that Sirius is having a difficult time but that was not the case. He could see Sirius rampaging on the altar with Creepysoo on his mouth. Cersei wanted to use curses on him, but she became the first target of the Unbound Black Frost Fenrir.

"He is the most intelligent of my soulbounds with only Kanlaon being on par. He managed to decimate the enemy team with nothing but basic attacks. I guess him having evolved twice is a great factor." Adrian thought as he looked at the skills that Sirius has right now.

Sirius has the skills called Unbound Strike, Ravage, Medium Physical Damage Resistance, Medium Magical Damage Resistance, and Ragnarok. He might have lost the bleed effect on his attacks but that was so overpowered when the simulation was done which is why it did not pass. This is still a competition, and the developers wanted the players to have a higher chance of winning after all.

The audience could see that the players were having a difficult time in their fights which they thought would be easy. They saw how powerful the players were in the previous events, but this is the first time that they saw that they are having a difficult time.

In fact, even the developers thought that they are having a difficult time which they did not expect. They then calculated the chance of winning of the players and it dropped down to 30%. Before the match started their chance of winning was 78% but it became lower as the match progressed.

The developers looked at the time and it was only twenty minutes since the event started. They are supposed to send the aid of the gods at the thirty-minute mark, but it seems that they need to send it now to keep the sanity of the contestants. They even contacted Adrian who is in the gaming pod.

"Sir Adrian…um…could you perhaps take it a bit easy on them?" One of the developers stated via the coms.

"They haven't even used their skills yet though. I want to at least erase one of their troublesome special moves." Adrian replied which made the developers stunned.

He is right that the players are not even using skills that made them famous. They might be afraid that they cannot use it against the real raid boss later. The developers then received a call from higher up to release the blessings of the gods.

"Sir Adrian, we will now release the blessings of the gods so that they can see that they can reduce their cooldowns. They might be afraid that they would have nothing to use if they used it on your soulbounds." The developers stated.

"That is fine.." Adrian stated as he was getting bored that the contestants are abusing the infinite revive option.

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