Omega Summoner

Chapter 829 - King Of Twilight V

Chapter 829 - King Of Twilight V

The King of Twilight Hay-lale tried to shake off Vayu but the old man is not even budging. It did not take long for Adrian to see that his health has already dropped to 80.76% and is now eligible to use the ultimate skill.

"Vengeance of Light and Darkness!" The King of Twilight Hay-lale stated as his voice echoed.

A burst of light and darkness elemental energies then came out from the King of Twilight Hay-lale's body. The burst of energy then manifested into two swords that have opposing elements. One sword is made of pure light while the other is made of pure darkness.

The two swords hanging of top of their heads are like two swords of Damocles. The King of Twilight Hay-lale made a downward swinging motion and the two swords of opposing elements came down. The players had no choice but to either evade or block but the area of effect is the whole altar.

One half of the altar is hit by the sword of pure light while the other is hit by the sword of pure darkness. The area affected by the sword of pure light is flooded with a shining light while the area affected by the sword of pure darkness is covered in a swamp of darkness.

[You cannot move due to the recoil of the ultimate skill.]

With just this skill, Adrian has already successfully reduced the contestants to 70%. The downside is that he is now target practice for five minutes. He cannot move from his location for five minutes due to the skill recoil. The players who survived has noticed this and immediately exacted their revenge.

[Your health has dropped to 79.9%.]

A shockwave is once again emitted when Adrian received this notification as another form change will occur. The Silim Sword has changed its form to a long-curved weapon with a string as it is now the Silim Bow.josei

[You are now in Dexterous Bow Form.]

[All skills related to Sword Stance Form has been deleted.]

[You have unlocked the skill Piercing Blight.]

[You have unlocked the skill Dawn and Dusk Enchantment]

[You have unlocked the ultimate skill Falling Star Apocalypse.]

The players then noticed that the armor that the King of Twilight Hay-lale's has changed from a sturdy looking armor to that of light armor. His weapon is now that of a bow which meant that their opponent will now focus on long range attacks.

"All we got to do is attack in melee range." Sveto stated as he finally can make his move. The sword wielding boss monster is not something he can easily deal with.

Sveto transformed his weapon to a ball chain and shot it towards the boss monster. Since Adrian has just transformed, he did easily avoid the chain ball. The chain ball attached to one of his wrists and Sveto pulled it which made him unable to pull the bowstring momentarily.

Albeit momentarily, being unable to attack meant that he is now in a precarious spot. Magic circles are then placed on his body by an invisible entity while a sword called a Kris went inside of his body. Not only that but he could see invisible strings that are attached to his body that is directed towards a doll.

The King of Twilight Hay-lale pulled on the chain which made Sveto almost fly but Anastacia used her nature magic to solidify his footing. The boss monster could not even attack or move from his position which meant that it is free real estate.

Numerous spells and skills soon came flying towards Adrian which made his health get reduced to a terrifying degree. The speed from 79.9% to 70% is only ten minutes which he feared the most as his defense is reduced in this form compared to his first form.

"No choice! Falling Star Apocalypse!" Adrian activated the ultimate skill as he cannot activate his other skills.

The body of the boss monster that has been bound is suddenly being pulled by a great force. Even the chain ball could not root him into place as he rose a hundred meters above the sky.

"That is not a fun experience." Adrian thought as he released three arrows from his bow simultaneously.

The three arrows soon became larger and larger as they transformed into three black suns. The three black suns are now falling towards the whole altar with no way of avoiding. Those that do not have protection skills or tanks anymore could only lament their misfortune.

Three loud explosions sounded when the three black suns hit the altar. The King of Twilight Hay-lale then descended to the altar once again in an exhausted state. Even Adrian could not see the surroundings as the smoke has yet to settle but he knows the remaining number of contestants left.

[Remaining Contestants: 61%]

The smoke finally cleared with players being heavily damaged. Some were lucky as they were only affected by the edge of the skill, but some took the hit head on like a champ. Many of them died but the fighting spirit of the players have yet to waver.

Before the King of Twilight Hay-lale could even move, a skill in the form of a phoenix came crashing towards his body. The boss monster's body is engulfed in the flames and received significant damage from the fire. The phoenix even dragged the boss monster to the edge of the altar before vanishing.

When the flames in the shape of a phoenix vanished, the body of the King of Twilight Hay-lale could also not be found. The next thing that the players heard is the squeal of one of their own as they turned into particles of light. They turned to the sound of the squeal, but they could not find the perpetrator.

A few seconds later, they heard another scream but this time they saw the player dying. A dagger emerging from the chest of the dying player could be seen while an entity made of pure darkness came from the ground.. The players only realized that the whole floor area is covered with darkness which meant that anyone of them is a potential target.

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