Omega Summoner

Chapter 844 - Before The Awards Ceremony

Chapter 844 - Before The Awards Ceremony

The fifth event ended with the first place going to South Korea as they have the largest contribution points. Second place is the Chinese National Team with the Swedish national team going in third place. The United States national team almost took third place, but they got overtaken in the last second.

Contribution points were not only calculated based on the damage they dealt but also the damage that was tanked, the damage healed or shielded and the contribution to the fight like debuffs or curses. The awards ceremony would be held tomorrow afternoon which meant that the players had tomorrow morning free.

Some players got interviewed by their respective countries news outlet while some slipped away as they wanted to either have fun or rest. One of the hottest players that wanted to be interviewed is Creepysoo as he not only earned their team the highest contribution, but he called the King of Twilight Hay-lale as 'big brother'.

Unfortunately for the reporters, he already slipped away and let his team captain, Ain, handle the press. Vayu from the Japanese national team also slipped away as he did not like attending meetings like these. He would rather spend the time with his daughter strolling around. His daughter is currently in the VIP room that Adrian's family and friends are waiting.

Genma (Vayu) met Kyungsoo (Creepysoo) on the way to the VIP room as the other party can now disclose their location. The two were met with a warm welcome and a large variety of food but the one they want to question has yet to arrive. They chatted with the others as they waited for the character of the main event.

A few minutes later, the door to the VIP room opened. Adrian is then welcomed with a great deal of applause that made him feel shy. The first thing that his parents told him that they were proud of him for a successful event as no mishap happened.

"Big Brother! You should have told me that you were the star of the main event!" Kyungsoo stated as he grumbled as it was a big juicy secret.

"If I told you then you might have already said it by the first event. Even without me telling you, you already blurted it out to the whole world when they clearly had no idea that a person is actually controlling the King of Twilight Hay-lale." Adrian retorted which made Kyungsoo shy a bit as he did open his big mouth.

"I also agree that I was shocked when I recognized the moves that the King of Twilight Hay-lale did when wielding the sword. His form his definitely close to yours which I thought as the boss just based upon you date. The more I battled you, the greater my realization that it is actually you behind the wheel. The oonly difference with him is that I only told my team members instead of announcing it to the world." Genma stated with a small giggle.

"Papa did great, but you were no match for Big Brother Adrian. Big Brother was like 'this is not even my Final Form!" Inaho (Soleil) stated as she told the phrase with a serious expression.

"But did you want me to win which is why you defeated me for last?" Kyungsoo jokingly asked.

"Not really. You surviving as the last one is a testament to your ability. If I really favored, you guys then I would have also made sure that old man Genma stayed until the end. I cannot play favorites even if you are my friends after all. Plus, a priority system is installed to make sure I target those with aggro on me." Adrian replied.

"No more talk about this and that. The event is already finished so we should take this time to celebrate." Adrian's mother stated as all the food that they ordered from the restaurant will get cold if they do not eat now.

The group celebrated the successful end of the fifth event. Laughter and stories filled the room. The developers on the other hand have a different air as they saw the list of materials that Adrian wanted as compensation.

"Will the President even give this an…okay? I know that we promised him legendary materials for participating and an extra mythical reward but how did he know what this mythical material is called? Did someone from our team say that such an item exists?" One of the developers stated.


Adrian's List

1.      Light Dragon's Core (Legendary Item of Choice)

2.      Darkness Dragon's Core (Legendary Item of Choice)

3.      Sound of the Wind (Legendary Item of Choice)

4.      Gaia's Bead (Mythical Item of Choice)


"Be thankful that he only wants legendary tier dragon cores. If he wanted them in mythical tier, then the President might say yes. He already gave the orders to comply with the list even if he wanted all four of them to be mythical items. The demand for the gaming pods skyrocketed during his event that is even double than that of the other events." The Chief Developer replied.

"I asked him if he wanted the dragon cores to be mythical grade, but he refused and stated to only have them in legendary tier. Then again, dragon cores are already in the peak legendary tier. It seems that he knows that his soulbound might die if he used mythical tier dragon cores for light and darkness attribute." One of the developers praised.

"Just give him the items since the President already agreed with the list even before seeing it. As expected of someone who is favored by the Goddess of Life. He even knows an item that is said to be perfect catalyst for mixing different attributes." The Chief developer muttered.

"I remember creating the Goddess of Life Gaea to be more reserved but to think that his favorability with her is off the charts. Even the God of Death favors him greatly although he might not show it." One of the developers stated.

"He probably has high affinity towards them because of his deeds. He would have been pass level 200 already before the competition if not for the small things he did.." The one monitoring Adrian stated as he showed them what he did.


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