Omega Summoner

Chapter 87 - The Death Realms II

Chapter 87 - The Death Realms II

Elysium, also called Elysian Fields or Elysian Plain, in Greek mythology, originally the paradise to which heroes on whom the gods conferred immortality were sent. In classic books, there are many types of interpretation on who was the creator of Elysium. Some books say that Hades created it for his wife, Persephone, because she told him to create a paradise for good mortal souls while some say that it was the titans that did.

Here in Pandemonium, it is clear that Elysium was created by Abaddon the God of Death. Adrian was in awe because if one were to call someplace paradise, this would be it. Clear skies, plentiful trees and plants and clean water. No violence but only harmony. This was Elysium the paradise for fallen heroes and an eternal paradise.

Adrian was happily wandering about in this beautiful realm when an old man came towards him and stopped him in his tracks. The old man was wearing a blue robe with gears as decorations. He had long white hair that reached his back and a long white beard that reached until his belly button area. His hair was white and he looked old but he was brimming with life and vigor that one would doubt if he was really old or just wearing a disguise.

"I am pretty sure that you are not an inhabitant of our realm, young lad. How were you able to come here? Only those that Abaddon allows can enter this realm or else your soul will scatter through the void and never to be seen again." The old man said and observed Adrian a bit more and he had a face of shock and awe.

"Interesting. You his aura in you. I do not know if it was brave or foolish to try and absorb the power of a god in your body. Usually a mortal body would already be breaking down due to the immense power that a god has. Are you sure your body is alright after trying to absorb the body of a god?" the old man said with a tone of curiosity.

Adrian was also curious if his body was doing okay and not breaking down this instant but he was more curious of this old man in front of him. The old man feels like someone he knows and even his immense power could be felt by Adrian even if he was trying to hide it. As for the old man's identity, Adrian has an idea when he had a glimpse of the system logs.

[You are in the presence of the Great Titan of Time or Father Time, Cronus.]

[You are locked in time because of the Time Lock Aura of Cronus.]

[You have been released of the effects of Time Lock Aura by Cronus.]

[You are not affected by the unique status effect Spirit Deterioration of Elysium because of the remnant power of the God of Death Abaddon that you are channeling.]

Adrian was in the presence of Father Time himself. He was not that shocked because he imagined Cronus to be more menacing and such because in myth he ate his children but maybe this Cronus and that Cronus in Greek mythology are different due to Pandemonium's own lore. Adrian looked intently at Cronus as he was sure that his aura seems familiar. It was in the tip of his tongue but he could not say it.

Cronus combed his beard using his hands and then the idea suddenly flashed towards Adrian's mind.

"Of course! Now I know why you seem so familiar. You have an aura just like that of that eccentric old man, Koronn." Adrian said while he clapped his hands together.

When Adrian said the name Koronn, he felt like time stood still for a small amount of time like a nanosecond. It was so quick that Adrian would have not felt it if his mind was drifting. The aura around Cronus changed a bit and the curiosity in his tone was almost gone.

"How do you know that name young man? I am just curious that's all." Cronus said with an overbearing aura. Adrian did not know why there was a sudden change of attitude towards this old man but it seems that should he lie, he would probably be done for.

"Uhmm…That ol…I mean he is one of our village elders, Your Godliness." Adrian said nervously and if he could sweat right now then he would have sweated buckets already.

"I see and is that one well? Has he not told you that he is looking for someone of the sort?" Cronus inquired.

"Well…" Adrian was speaking but he was suddenly transported away before he could even finish what he was going to say because a system prompt greeted his eyes. He did not know whether to be pleased or to be ashamed because he escaped that situation there.

[Current Comprehension rate: 70%. You must have to comprehend at least 70% in order to succeed and evolve.]

When Adrian looked around him, he was in a land or more specifically standing on air. The surroundings were foggy and with only a pale light illuminating the area. The surroundings were a mix of white, gray and yellow light and even what he was standing on could be seen as a mist. He did not know how he was even standing right now and how he was going to return but the system prompt scared him.

[You are in the edges of the death realm and called the land of the lost, Nether]

[You are losing 1% health per second the longer because no souls are allowed to come at the ends of the death realm.]

Adrian was scared because he could see his health visibly draining per second. He did not want to fail in evolving but now there is one problem. Adrian did not know how to return. His inner demon did not even said how to go back as he already accumulated enough energy to undergo his evolution to become a greater demon.

The only good thing is that as his health decrease by 1% his comprehension rate also increases by .2%. He would get full comprehension but he fears that it would not be worth it because he would fail. He did not want to fail after going this far and maybe getting unnecessary attention from powerful individuals and maybe angered some and they would claim his soul as revenge. Nevertheless, he does not want to fail now he has gone this far. josei

Adrian was now wracking his brain on what he needs to do in order to get away from this realm and all he could do was pray. He did not know why he came up with that conclusion but this was the only thing that he could come up. If he prayed to the twin gods maybe they could fetch his consciousness from this realm where souls are not welcomed.

"I know that it is very shameful of me to ask for your help since I am in this fickle situation but please. Can you like use your godly powers and like whoosh me away from here?" Adrian prayed or more likely shouted from the wind.

Adrian waited for an answer to his prayers (questionable). He was waiting for the twin gods to save him but his prayers was not heard or more likely he could not be save due to even the twin gods recuperating due to using their powers on the mortal realm. Adrian waited and waited but his health was dissipating quickly and he was left with 40% of his health. The good news though is his comprehension rate is rising.

[Current Comprehension rate: 82%. You must have to comprehend at least 70% in order to succeed and evolve.]

He was losing hope when he saw four lights that were the size of candle wicks. He was not sure if it was a hallucination due to him becoming hopeless because the four lights were moving towards him. When the four lights were close to him, he finally saw the clear image of the four lights and the person carrying them.

The person was a woman or more precisely a blind woman. She was pale as white and wore an evening gown that was black as night with an adornment of silver, gold and raven feathers. The woman also wore a veil that teased her beautiful body. She had a fascinator which is a formal headpiece for women, a style of millinery, originally of lightweight knitted fabric. It is also woven from some kind of black shiny fabric. When she walked, she had the shadows trail behind her as if she produces the shadows herself.The woman holds a candelabrum which contains four lights that glowed blue.

"Well. Well. Look who we have here. I did not have a visitor in ages." The woman said in a melodious but cold voice.

Adrian could only look at the woman in front of her and shiver because the person in front of him was not an ordinary person but a goddess.

[You are in the presence of the Goddess of Night, Nox.]

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