Omega Summoner

Chapter 874 - Angel Attack I

Chapter 874 - Angel Attack I

"We shall help! We are the reasons that the mechanical guards that you have are not fully powered." Solstice stated.

"No…I cannot possibly ask our guests to fight for our kingdom." Princess Dainta replied.

"You do not have to worry as we too have a bone to pick on them. The angels have also persecuted our races and they only stopped when we fully integrated with human society." Lycan stated.

"More like they only stopped because they cannot easily distinguish us from humans." Solstice stated with a bit of anger.

Princess Dainta already knew that the two of them were not humans since they revealed that they are a vampire and a werewolf. In fact, they might be beneficial to the fight as there have been legends in the history books that angels fought vampires in equal strength.

"If you die then the Champion might get angry at us." Princess Dainta argued as she also learned that Equinox was chosen by the Twin Gods as their champion.

"You do not have to worry about that because we will not die easily." Solstice reassured.

"If you are sure then what can I do to stop you. But promise me to escape if things go out of hand. Angels are not easy foes even for us. Only powerful angels could climb here because the mechanical guards were made to intercept them with all their might even at the cost of being destroyed." Princess Dainta stated.


"These pesky machines are difficult to deal with and verry annoying." A female angel that wields a spear stated.

"This is the territory of those pesky lower beings. To think that they managed to survive in a place this high." A male angel stated.

"Focus. These machines were made to kill us angels. Some of our brothers and sisters have fallen to them because of they underestimated them." Another male angel stated as he was battling the Hexadrom.

In fact, the number of Hexadrom and Hexaminis dropped by half because of how old their machinery was. The giants have told Adrian's group that there used to be ten times the number of these machines when the kingdom was first created but the machines rusted overtime.

The current Hexadrom and Hexaminis are the latest model before their creator died a few centuries ago. In fact, Adrian and the others were shocked that it was a Nephilim that created them, but she was not a combination of a long-lived race.action

The creator of the mechanical guards was a Nephilim that is half angel and half human which also meant that she only had one side of wings. She was unable to fly using her wings, but she was a genius when it comes to creating golems.

She died after living for five thousand years. A Nephilim's life span is dictated by the races of the parent. Angels are beings that do not age as long as they have mana circulating in their body, but Nephilim are different. If they are half human, then they only live for a few thousand years depending on how well they utilize mana.

"An infidel created these abominations. Lower creatures do not even have the capacity of creating something like this." The male angel that seems to be their leader stated as he seemed to know that it was a Nephilim that created these machines.

"You are praising them too much, Ramiel. If our beloved goddess heard, you then you would be punished." The other male angel stated.

"They still had angel blood in their veins, Malach. Where else will they get the great intelligence to create such a thing." The female angel stated.

"You got a point Erelah. It seems that our blood is too great that it would even give great intellect to infidels." Malach stated.

"Are your Principalities' being chatter mouths? The energy signature disappeared above, and we need to investigate. If we fail, then it would be our heads that will be flying." Ramiel stated as even he is having a bit of difficulty battling the Hexadrom.

Just as intended, the Hexadrom and Hexaminis are indeed great for battling angels. The angels mainly used magic attacks using light magic, but they cannot hit the mechanical guards due to the barrier. It was made to perfectly deflect magic spells and somewhat give protection to physical attacks.

The Hexadrom and the Hexaminis would have been enough to deter Malach and Erelah away because they are only Heavenly Messengers in the realm of Principalities. It would have been perfect if Ramiel was not there because the mechanical guards were only created to deter up to the realm of Principalities.

The Hexadrom and Hexaminis were not created to defeat an angel of the Second Hierarchical Sphere of Heavenly Governors. Ramiel's body exploded with great power as his muscles bulged to a great degree when he injected light elemental energy on his body. With a great punch, he managed to create a hole on the body of the Hexadrom and destroy the barrier.

"As expected of a Heavenly Governor in the realm of Powers. A mindless mechanical thing is no match for him." Malach stated as he also managed to slowly damage the three Hexaminis attacking him.

"He is our superior so it should be expected that he can easily do that. He just did not want to use his power earlier as machines are not worthy of our might." Erelah stated as she praised Ramiel and dealt significant damage to the two Hexaminis that she is battling.

"We must finish investigating. No need to hold your powers. The future of the angel race might depend on that energy signature." Ramiel stated as he continued attacking the Hexadrom despite it recovering before its eyes.

The barrier that the Hexadrom keeps using seems to be easily destroyed by Ramiel as if he has a special ability to do so. A Heavenly Governor in the realm of Powers is given a blessing by the Goddess of Light and that means Ramiel has this special ability.

In fact, his ability is great for dealing with the Hexadrom.. The special ability given to him is Barrier Breaker which means he is a direct counter to the Hexadrom.

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