Omega Summoner

Chapter 897 - Kanlaon’s Second Evolution II

Chapter 897 - Kanlaon’s Second Evolution II

Kanlaon swallowed the light dragon core and the darkness dragon core with all his might. The calm light and darkness energy that did not gather towards him suddenly started to surge. The dragon ball that finished manifesting is the Earth Dragon ball that had the color of vibrant green.

The next dragon ball that manifested after the Earth Dragon ball is the Wind Dragon ball. It had a clear gray color with streaks of wind swirling inside of it. The wind elemental energy finally settled in Kanlaon's body when the Wind Dragon Ball manifested.

The next would be the most difficult as Kanlaon needed to manifest the Light Dragon Ball and the Darkness Dragon Ball. The four basic elements were easy because it only needs hard work and little talent to gain mastery over them. The light and darkness element are different as talent is a big deciding factor in order to use it.

There is a reason why the angels are very prideful of their race because they have a body that can perfectly control the light element.  Kanlaon is different from others as he is a dragon that has talent o devour other dragons which is a threat to dragon kind. Adrian knew that the ancient dragons are not bothering him because they expect him to come to the festival of the Dragon King.

"The Festival of the Dragon King is only a few months away. I need to strengthen myself in order to make sure that Kanlaon does not get killed." Adrian thought as he knew that not all soulbounds are immortal despite bound to a player.

If a being with high persona were to attack Kanlaon then there is a chance that they could destroy his soul. This is the reason why Adrian needs to strengthen Kanlaon's soul, and he is risking everything for it. The dragons will take kindly to a demon having ownership of a dragon.

The dragons are not moving because they are weakened. Adrian read that the Festival of the Dragon King will nourish the dragon's energy which is why he knew that going there would be a trap. He needed to make sure that Kanlaon will never need to step foot in the territory of the dragons.

When Adrian was staying at the place of the Ryujin's, he came across a legend about a peculiar dragon that is said to be made of all the elements. It controlled fire, water, wind, earth, light and darkness to a masterful degree. This was only a story, but Adrian knew that nothing are just stories in Pandemonium.

"If no dragon is alive that is made up of the six elements, then I will just make one." Adrian stated as he started pouring all his mana towards Kanlaon.

The start of the mana sharing of the evolution phase has begun and Adrian is being wrung dry. He knew this would happen, but he did not think that Kanlaon would be taking too much from him at a quick rate.

"Sorry about this sis and brother-in-law. Charon!" Adrian muttered.

"Sorry about what?" Solstice asked.

"Broth…brother-in-law! Uehehe." Lycan chuckled.

Charon appeared from Adrian's body and attached the chains to Solstice and Lycan. Charon suddenly absorbed the mana from both of them and transferred it towards Adrian. The two could feel their bodies becoming weak from the mana leaving their bodies.

Adrian now had more mana to use to aid Kanlaon. He could see the Light Dragon ball and the Darkness Dragon ball manifesting before them. It was small but the two are starting to propagate into Kanlaon's body. He is now beginning to integrate the light and darkness element.

The Light Dragon ball and the Darkness Dragon ball started to become larger and larger but all of them are bout to run out of mana. Adrian had no choice but to use his Primordial energy to compensate for the lack of mana. Adrian did not know that Primordial Energy was very potent that the Light Dragon ball and the Darkness Dragon ball finally formed.

Adrian stopped Charon from sucking mana from Lycan and Solstice when he saw that Kanlaon has perfectly manifested all six elemental dragon balls. He thought that everything is fine, but Adrian suddenly felt something trying to explode from the depths of his soul.

Kanlaon, who seemed fine a moment before, suddenly started to leak the six kinds of elemental energy. The elemental energy that he started to leak became stronger and stronger to the point that he is now in agonizing pain. Adrian could also feel that Kanlaon's soul is starting get damaged from the strain of housing all elemental attributes.

Adrian then took up the last item that he needs. This item was something that the Tree of Life and Death told him about if he wanted to attempt evolving Kanlaon in the way he described it. An item that is said to be powerful enough to rejuvenate a dying person.

Adrian took out the Gaia's Bead from his inventory. It is a crystal in the shape of a tear drop with a deep blue color. It also had a green hue inside of it that has immense life energy. Adrian thought that he would not need to use it as the Tree of Life and Death told him that he might not need to use it if he was lucky enough.

"Alas, I guess I am not lucky enough to not use it on myself. I just need to find another source of life energy that is in the mythical tier." Adrian stated as he hurriedly pushed Gaia's Bead towards Kanlaon's reverse scale.josei

The moment Adrian pushed Gaia's Bead inside of Kanlaon's reverse scale, the leaking elemental energies started to stabilize. Not only did it stabilize, but all the elemental energy also that leaked and even those around it started to get sucked inside Kanlaon's body.

[The soulbound, Kanlaon, has completed the requirements for evolution?]

[Would you like your soulbound, Kanlaon, to evolve into the Genesis Dragon?]

"Genesis Dragon? It seems that is the name of the evolution that I unlocked. Yes!" Adrian answered.

As soon as Adrian agreed, all the elemental energy in the Chaos Spring started to accumulate towards Kanlaon. Adrian thought that he was just seeing things, but he noticed that the elemental balance in the Chaos Spring faltered a little.

"I might be seeing things as an effect of mana deficiency." Adrian thought as he could see that Kanlaon is wolfing down the elemental energies around him.

About an hour later, Kanlaon no longer absorbed elemental energies in his body. Adrian could also feel that Kanlaon is feeling great to the point that his soul is incredibly nourished. Kanlaon looked at Adrian when he finished wolfing down on the elemental energies as he could now see that six dragon balls are floating around him.

[Your soulbound, Kanlaon, will now experience regression in order to be reborn.]

Kanlaon who was thirty meters long started to shrink at a visible rate. Adrian did not know what was happening and started to panic but he calmed down when he read the notification. He did not know what this regression meant but it seems that Kanlaon needs to do it in order to become the Genesis Dragon.

Adrian thought that it might just be Kanlaon returning to being a young dragon, but Adrian is stunned upon seeing a golden egg in front of him. A golden egg that is about two feet tall with six three-inch dragon balls floating around it could be seen. When they thought it was over, a huge wave of elemental energy swept towards them.

Adrian, Solstice and Lycan were sent flying because of the wave of strong elemental energy. Adrian immediately rushed towards Kanlaon who has now transformed into a golden egg. Fortunately, the soul bond is still present, and Adrian could feel that Kanlaon is resting.

"Did Kanlaon turn back into an egg?" Solstice asked as she could not believe it.

She could not believe that a living being transformed back into its birth stage. It is like seeing a chicken transform back to an egg. Lycan also wondered as he did not think that a large dragon would become an egg that has a height of two feet.

"Is it appropriate to ask the question, what happened first? The chicken or the egg?" Lycan stated as he found the situation a big mystery.

"It seems that Kanlaon needed to be reborn in order to evolve. This should be what the old man Pann was mumbling about strong monsters undergoing some sort of rebirth in order to be born stronger. I just did not think that it would happen to Kanlaon." Adrian stated as he finally rearranged his thoughts.

"If that is the case then that is great! Kanlaon will become a stronger being from the way you are describing it." Solstice stated.

"He does but it seems that I need to stay here for a while. Kanlaon is still absorbing elemental energy in order to hatch. When the giants come here, you can return. I will just use a gate to escape when Kanlaon hatches." Adrian stated as he could clearly see the hatching time.

[Current Hatch Time: 10 days]

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