
Chapter 309 - 'Fire'

Chapter 309 - 'Fire'

"You mean… the 'White Spear Sect'?" I threw a guess as this sect seemed to be the only one that the villagers interacted with before, which they mostly referred to as 'this sect'.

"Yeah, the power structure of the 'Elemental Blade Sect' is mostly decided by the element divider, for example, the main headquarters itself is divided into 'The House of Fire', 'The Courtyard of Water' and so on, which contains all the those that wield the same element. However, there are those who go even further with the branching and create their own group that wields the same element and the same weapons, sometimes opting to leave the headquarters and make their own subordinate sect, just like the 'White Spear Sect'," the village head explained as he seemed to be familiar with the name unlike what he said last time.

'He is indeed quite knowledgeable when it comes to the 'Elemental Blade Sect'...'

While I wasn't sure if it was because of some sort of a secret revenge research or because of his knowledge as an old sect master, I was quite sure that he would more when compared to normal people at the very least.

Of course, I could have simply asked someone like Sean who might have similar background info about the 'Elemental Blade Sect', but I had my reasons as there was a specific thing that I needed to inquire about.josei

"The 'Elemental Blade Sect' specializes in elemental weapon techniques, it has a huge and a wide inheritance that boasts a huge array of techniques for all types of elements and weapons, which is why they were able to reach their current height, but like I said, this comes with a problem as those with the same elements are very divided, to the point that the 'Elemental Blade Sect' feels more like it's an alliance of sects instead of one big sect…" the village head added.

'It seems like I might be able to get something out of that after all…'

I was already considering joining the 'Elemental Blade Sect' for several reasons, so it was better for that they actually have a worthy inheritance, which means that I would get a great benefit using my rights as the first rank holder.

"What I would like to know exactly is… Who was responsible for the covert attack on the 'Green Earth Sect', was it the intention of the whole sect? Or was one of the 'Branches' behind the whole thing?" 

This was exactly the point behind me staying after leaving Sprout here, because I needed an answer to this question…

"Well, I don't know the sure answer for that, but the one thing I'm completely sure about is the fact that the ones who attacked my sect came specifically from the 'House of Fire'..." the village head's expression stiffened a bit as he said…

'Another 'Fire' clue…'

The coordinating seed's name code was also supposed to be 'Fire' or something similar, yet the one acting unruly using justified lies was also another thing related to 'Fire'... 

If it was just a doubt before, then now I could officially declare that the 'Elemental Blade Sect' is the major suspect for being the partially corrupted sect, with a high likeliness that the 'House of Fire' was the place at which the coordinator seed is hidden in.

"I only have one more question… Do you believe that the whole 'Elemental Blade Sect' is just a tyrant organization that lords over the Nature Domain and does whatever it wants without any bounds and that it deserves to be dethroned for the greater good of the domain?"

This was the only question that needs to be asked, which probably decided if I would actually join the sect, that was just how much I trusted the village head's sense of judgement!

"I see, you actually managed to get the top rank right? You are wondering whether you should join that sect or not? It doesn't seem like you are thinking of joining it due to the fact it's anonymously recognized as the strongest sect of the domain though…" the village head said as a curious expression took over his originally stiff face…

"You are more or less right…"

"Well, in that case then you can go ahead and join it, the answer for your question is no. While the sect itself isn't morally the best, it's still the one that does most of the work when it comes to defending humanity and getting rid of dark nests. In fact, I myself believe that if the hidden tumours that made the name the 'Elemental Blade Sect' be recognized for tyranny were driven out or controlled at the very least then it would really deserve being the number one faction in the whole domain!" the village head recounted what seemed to be his honest opinion before adding, "I'm still somewhat surprised by you actually getting the top rank… I really should stop getting surprised at your 'Special' feats."

"It's not really that great, thank you very much for putting up with my selfish request, I will be sure to repay this as soon as possible," I said as I slightly bowed my head to the village head.

Sure, it didn't seem like he did much, but I was pretty sure it wouldn't be easy for me to find anyone who would actually answer my questions with great transparency like this, not to mention that I had to touch an emotional mine for him and he still put up with it, it naturally made it much easier for me to straighten up my plans much faster.

'If everything is just like I expect it to be, I would have to finish one of his biggest underlying goals anyway…'

"There is no need to say such things, like I said last time, you already did enough favors for me that could potentially last for a lifetime," the village head said as a big smile bloomed on his face…

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