Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 14

Chapter 14: In-house Testers

Three days later, the last in-house testers to enter Starscape were leaving. Li Mo rushed to see Du Fei off. The scene that played was no different from how it happened in his past life.

“Du Fei, don’t worry and go. If you miss me, just call me, but not at night.”

Lili, Du Fei’s girlfriend of this and previous lives, whispered sweet nothings in her farewell that Du Fei broke into tears. His feelings for He Lili growing strong. 

Li Mo’s eyes caught her every movement, and secretly sneered.

He Lili was not an extraordinary beauty, but her fair and delicate features made her seem like the girl next door, natural, fresh and pure.

But who could’ve seen it coming? This pure girl next door cheated Li Mo out of Du Fei’s card and was gone, vanished, just when Du Fei came back from the in-house testing so wounded he couldn’t budge.

To save Du Fei’s life, Li Mo, for the first time ever, went back to his clan to ask for money. He received the clan’s ridicule and Li Mo always regarded it as unbearable shame and humiliation.josei

“Du Fei, come here for a bit.”

Li Mo called him to the side.

“What is it, brother Mo?”

Du Fei rubbed his red eyes.

“Make sure… to be careful.” Li Mo patted Du Fei’s shoulder. No one noticed Li Mo’s hand gave of a faint blue flash and entered Du Fei’s body.

Li Mo was uncertain for a long time before coming to the decision of giving the Grand Light Sutra to Du Fei. But to avoid any accidents, he still used spiritual qi to protect Du Fei’s heart and vessels. Even if Du Fei would be heavily wounded, it wouldn’t threaten his life.

Some things were better to experience himself to know what was real, what was false, what held value and what didn’t. 

“Brother Mo, Lili, Qiang Zi, Big Meng, wish me luck. Pray that I come back alive. “

Du Fei walked to his plane while waving his hand with all he had. 

“Big Fei, go with ease. Rest easy knowing I will look after Lili.”

Qiang Zi grinned and wanted to pull He Lili close, but she got angry and kicked his leg.

Big Meng cried and waved back just as hard.

Qiang Zi’s name was Zheng Qiang, while Big Meng’s was Lu Meng. They and Li Mo, along with Du Fei lived in the same room, but Li Mo couldn’t take their snoring competition and moved out. 

After seeing off Du Fei, Li Mo and the rest returned to school. They saw the school made an announcement on the notice board. On Monday, tomorrow, at 13:30, the half month long military drill would officially begin.  

Seeing the announcement, Li Mo recalled an unpleasant experience.

”Zheng Qiang rubbed his hands, “Military drill, Big Meng, that’s your strong suit.” Lu Meng grinned.

Zheng Qiang was lanky, just like a monkey. Lu Meng was 1,90 meters tall, jacked and tanned. He was the strongest in Century Middle School.

The next morning, at the first class, Vice-principal Ma Changdong entered the classroom with a handsome youth.

“Greetings, students, today I have come to introduce to you your new classmate.”

‘It’s here, of course it’s here!’ Li Mo sneered when he saw the handsome youth.

Su Haoyang, a professional gamer ranked 109th worldwide. He wasn’t in the top 100 but because of his clan’s connections, he became the first in-house tester for Su Haoyang. 

Du Fei just left, while he now came back.

“My name is Su Haoyang, a professional gamer ranked 109th worldwide. But that was before, now I will enter top 5.”

“I transferred here not to study, nor because of the great teachers here. I only want to meet one person.”

Su Haoyang’s eyes roamed, “Who is Lin Qingrou?”

The students were in uproar.

Lin Qingrou was Century Middle School’s publicly known as the number one among Three Great Beauties. She was also a professional gamer, ranked 9th worldwide, and second nationally.

Lin Qingrou’s seat was empty. Ever since Li Mo rebirthed, she didn’t seem to come to school once.

Finding Lin Qingrou absent, Su Haoyang showed contempt.

Su Haoyang was the first in-house tester to enter Starscape. Not because of his worldwide ranking as a gamer, but because of his clan and Lin Qingrou refusing to join the testing.

“If there’s anyone who can contact Lin Qingrou, send this message to her: the one who replaced her number one in-house tester spot, Su Haoyang, has arrived.”

“I came to make her regret her choice.”

Su Haoyang jutted his chin as he took firm and heavy steps towards Lin Qingrou’s desk.

“Look at the floor!” Someone cried.

One footprint after another appeared on the glossy marble. It was as if they were carved into it. 

The students turned from the foot prints to Su Haoyang with a gasp.

Starscape transformed one’s body!

‘So the game commercial was real!’

Basking in the amazed gazes, Su Haoyang felt pride. He pushed aside two chairs and leaned backward while squinting, “This seat isn’t bad. From now on, it’s mine.”

Su Haoyang sat in Lin Qingrou’s chair and heard snickering behind him. He looked to see Li Mo. 

Li Mo’s seat was right behind Lin Qingrou.

Li Mo watched Su Haoyang with calm as the two locked gazes for five seconds and Su Haoyang snorted before he turned back feeling somewhat timid for some reason.

At 13:30 the military drill officially started. The military instructor assigned to Li Mo’s class was surnamed Yang. He was buffed and, unlike other instructors, he called for the class to stand up. 

An hour passed and the students began to sway under the sun’s blazing rays as sweat poured down like rain. By contrast, Yang Honglei stood before them straight as an arrow and relaxed from the beginning.

After standing came endless running. The students ran lap after lap while Yang Honglei sat under the cool shade of a tree.

Soon, those with poor bodies began to faint, to vomit, some even cried as they ran, and some felt their vision swoon, not knowing left from right and running aimlessly… 

Li Mo jogged. He could still go on. Among the ten that were left, Su Haoyang was the fastest and liveliest, followed by Lu Meng. The others were pushed to their limits, but clenched their teeth and pressed forward.

It was an identical repeat from his previous life.

“Instructor Yang, I believe your methods are wrong. We aren’t soldiers and are in no way capable of enduring such tough drill!”

Vice-class monitor An Yuxin stood up before Yang Honglei after waking up from fainting as she ran. 

Of the Three Great Beauties of Century Middle School, Lin Qingrou, An Yuxin, Ye Mei, vice-class monitor An Yuxin and class monitor Lin Qingrou were in the same class. And as Lin Qingrou was often absent, An Yuxin did the work of class monitor.

”Yang Honglei held a blade of grass in his mouth as he asked, “Who are you?”

“I am An Yuxin, the vice-class monitor of second year class 5.”

“Vice-class monitor?” Yang Honglei said, “Where’s your class monitor Lin Qingrou?”

“Lin Qingrou is absent.”

“Oh, so she didn’t come. Then rest ten minutes and resume the drill.”

“Instructor Yang, what do you mean by that?”

“Exactly, what are you trying to do? Making us run for so long, what do you takes us for?”

“Yeah, we aren’t soldiers and it’s impossible for us to handle such a tough drill.”

“Why do I feel I’m being made a fool here?”

The students grew indignant.

“What are you doing?” Lu Meng roared suddenly, attracting the others’ attention.

They saw Lu Meng lying on the ground and Su Haoyang running by him. 

Lu Meng struggled to get up as he pointed at Su Haoyang in anger, “He just tripped me on purpose!”

Su Haoyang stopped and walked to Lu Meng.

“You’re as dumb as you are tall. You fell yourself, how is it my fault? Are you trying to pick on me since I’m not as tall and big as you?”

“You’re the one who tripped me on purpose!”

“Who saw it?” Su Haoyang looked around.

After everyone saw the footprints in the marble, would any of them stick out their heads at this point?

All students were silent.

“I saw it.” Li Mo stood before Su Haoyang.

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