Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 200

Chapter 200: Ancient Site’s Entrance

The Wang convoy didn’t stop for anything on the way to the Wang camp. There, two dozen men came out of the vehicles and walked up Huanglong Mountain.

Wang Yexing and Zheng Hualong were side by side, with the latter doing the asking and the former the answering.

Li Mo was dead last, his eyes peeled.

It was a good thing this path led in the opposite direction of Du Xingsun’s time-space rupture.

They traveled for four hours before Wang Yexing announced they arrived.

A barren cliff wall stared them right in the face. Wang Yexing took out a triangular rock and placed it in an indentation on the wall.


With a bright light, a time-space rupture appeared.josei

The only way to make the time-space rupture appear was through the triangular rock, obvious to everyone there, including experts.

“Let’s go, everyone.”

Wang Yexing went first, followed closely by the Zheng brothers.

Li Mo was dead last, per usual.

They were struck with the image of a bright wild and virgin land. But the evidence on the grass suggested there used to be scores of herbs here.

Wang Yexing chuckled, “We aren’t as greedy as you may think. We tried moving the herbs to the outside, but they all wilted at some point, regardless of the soil used. When one herb was taken, it was gone for good. The past centuries led to what we see today, barren of herbs.

“It’s been close to a year since the ba serpent suffered a heavy wound and withdrew from our range. I once sent a search party in the poisonous pool to taunt it out, but there was no reaction. We can only assume it is dead. 

“Everyone, this small world only houses the herbs and the ba serpent. There’s no sign of any Dragon Herb or Farmer God Cauldron.”

Zheng Hualong chuckled. Like he’d ever believe Wang Yexing.

“All of it is true. You are free to search this place if you don’t believe me.”

Zheng Huahu said, “Leader Wang, what’s the point of searching if this place has nothing of value? How pointless. When it comes to inspecting, I find the Wang Estate a more fitting place.”

“You’re free to do anything you want.” Wang Yexing replied.

Zheng Hualong said, “We will get to that. But first, we will start with this place then move on to the Wang Estate once we finish things here.”

“Please, help yourselves. To express my sincerity of wanting to cooperate, I and my men will only be close by, to avoid any suspicion.”

Zheng Huahu was snarky, “Leader Wang, how could you ever be suspicious? If you wanted to, you’d have those two items well hidden long before we’d got here.” 

Wang Yexing smiled dejectedly, “We can’t hide what does not exists.”

Zheng Huahu snorted, “It’s not up to you to decide, Wang Yexing. The headquarters wouldn’t have sent us otherwise.

“If I were you, I’d take out the items immediately. This way we’d be pleading in your favor and the elders wouldn’t look for fault with you. But if you hide then, I’m sure you know what will happen.”

“Ha-ha, do as you will. I said my piece and it’s up to you to believe me or not.”

Zheng Huahu said, “Leader Wang, you don’t need to stay here. Take your men and wait outside. We will join you when we finish here and begin the second round of inspection on your Wang Estate.”

“Alright.” Wang Yexing waved for all to withdraw.

Only ten people remained in the small world.

“Those who are with me, stand beside!” Zheng Hualong’s face hardened.

Besides Lin Qingrou, the other seven members all flocked to the Zheng brothers.

Li Mo stood there by himself, a lone lonely fortress of solitude.

Zheng Huahu spat, “Punk, no one will know if you die here.”

Zheng Hualong asked, “Silver Heroine, are you going to help him?”

Lin Qingrou shook her head, walking to the side. She was neutral.

“You made the right choice. We’d have turned on you once we finished with him otherwise.”

Zheng Huahu squinted and drooled at Lin Qingrou, “I can’t see your face, but your body sure is perky.”

Zheng Hualong reminded, “Focus.”

“Yeah, first things first. Attack!”

The seven men, including Liu Chuanshu, Zheng clan’s in law, swarmed Li Mo.

“Thunderstorm Palm!”

Li Mo’s hand flickered and shot dozens of lightning bolts, blowing the seven away.

They all became smocking black things, moaning on the ground, yet powerless to do anything else.

They should thank Li Mo’s kindness for that. He could’ve easily used the Thunderstorm Palm to turn them to ash instead.

Zheng Hualong snarled, “You’re not normal!”

“Curses, you almost had me going there!” Zheng Huahu gnashed his teeth.

Li Mo spoke, “I never fooled you. It is you who fooled yourself.”

“Punk, wipe that smirk off your face. Think your Thunderstorm Palm is so great? Think your strong with chief’s magic weapon?”

“You’re just an ignorant fool!”

“Today I will teach you the meaning of pow-“

Li Mo flashed right in his face, his jab sending Zheng Huahu flying.

“Drilling Hammer!”

Zheng Hualong waved a golden hammer,  spinning at Li Mo’s chest.

Zheng Hualong was a captain too, entitled to chief’s magic weapon as well, the Drilling Hammer.

“The Drilling Hammer is a grade higher than even your Mount Tai, you…”


Li Mo simply punched the hammer to pieces. 

He used no spiritual qi, just raw unbridled power!

The flickering dots in the sky were all the golden pieces from Drilling Hammer.

Zheng Hualong was speechless. Zheng Huahu who just got to his feet was floored.

“Brother, the finisher!”

“On it!”

“True Dragon Art!”

Zheng Hualong roared and Zheng Huahu ran behind him, supplying him with his spiritual qi.

A dragon roar echoed and a dragon image flew above Zheng Hualong formed from spiritual qi.

It was a dozen meters long, with an air of pride as it flared its nostrils. Then its golden eyes flashed a light at Li Mo.

Li Mo stood still, waiting for the golden light to hit him.

It was akin to a lightning strike. The two golden beams hit Li Mo, but had no effect. 

“My True Dragon attack can crush mountains. What deviant skill are you using?” Zheng Hualong cried.

Li Mo didn’t answer.

“Who cares, you’re still going to die anyway!”


Under Zheng Hualong’s urging, lighting flickered from the True Dragon made of spiritual qi, shooting for Li Mo.

But all attacks were moot. As if they entered a black hole…

“Dragonize, True Dragon attack!”

Zheng Hualong roared and the spiritual qi True Dragon fused with him before attacking Li Mo again.

This was Zheng Hualong’s strongest move. His father, Zheng Tianyang had once blown a hundred-meter wide and thirty-meter deep hole with the same move.


With a dragon roar, the attack hammered Li Mo’s body…

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