Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 223

Chapter 223: Next Time

The girl was pulling on a wizened old man as she ran clumsy to Li Mo. She took Li Mo’s hand and placed it on the elder’s head.

Li Mo understood.

His hand shined and Li Mo awakened the old man’s mind.

The old man kneeled unmoving on the ground.

The girl then brought a middle-aged man, to Li Mo’s dismay.


Li Mo kept at it for all these humans.

An Awakening Art could be used en mass or single target. With how he used the single target Awakening Art on the old man and the girl, he forcefully woke them up to the world around them. This Awakening Art was so powerful, it could even make a rock gain sentience at some point.

Mass Awakening Art was of a poorer grade. It would plant a seed in the target and only germinate if the conditions were favorable, or the body possessed the aptitude.

Using the single target Awakening Art used too much time and energy. With how many people were there, Li Mo would be stuck here for three months and still not finish.

“The seed has been planted. Now it’s up to you to make it grow.”

The girl nodded, half-clueless.

Li Mo ran his eyes over the crowd and walked to a 16-year-old filthy girl, using the single target Awakening Art. 

He wasn’t planning on using it again, but then he noticed the exceedingly rare constitution she had, Divine Qi Body.

Once activated, it automatically purified the absorbed spiritual qi to the highest quality, divine qi. In normal circumstances, for one’s spiritual qi to turn into divine qi, one had to be in the seventh level.

But with the Divine Qi Body, one could use it from the first level.

The difference between spiritual qi and divine qi was simple. If the first was a drop of water, the latter was that of a vast ocean.

Li Mo finished awakening her, then left a suitable cultivation method for her constitution in her mind.


A seven colored light shined above the girl, slowly covering her entire body. She looked as if an immortal was born.

“Every human has a name. You should all have one as well.”

“From now on you will be Da Nu, and Xiao Nu.”(T/N: lit. big woman, small woman)

Du Fei and co. cringed at Li Mo’s naming sense.

Da Nu and Xiao Nu were oblivious to the intricacies of their name. Especially Xiao Nu, pointing at herself and speaking coherent words for the first time.

“Xiao Nu?”

Li Mo nodded.

Xiao Nu then pointed at the teenager, “Da Nu?”josei

Li Mo nodded again.

The child broke out in laughter. She just awakened and laughed, bewildered.

“Great monkey warrior Yi Yijiu, return to us!

The monkeys were calling still.

Du Fei was annoyed, “Cut it out! Your Yi Yijiu won’t come.”

How can it be coming back when it had been gone for a century already?

Li Mo searched the monkeys’ memories and found something interesting.

This planet was called Oldie. Its rulers were the monkeys and thunderbirds. But since the birds were driven to the cold North, the monkeys became the top race on Oldie.

There were three ancient battleground on Oldie. One tradition among the large monkeys was to have one person defeat a thousand opponents in these places, or become a champion there every three years to earn the title of warrior. This qualified one to leave Oldie and venture into the universe.

The large monkeys had followed their ancestor’s teaching all this time. And Yi Yijiu had become a champion on every battleground , earning him the right to leave Oldie.

“An ancient battleground is a great place.”

“Bro Mo, do you know where that ancient battleground even is?”

Li Mo nodded.

A hundred miles East of here was a canyon that held an ancient battleground.

“An ancient battleground where a championship is held yearly for a millennia is an incredibly beneficial place.”

“Is it hard?”

“Not just hard, but extremely deadly.”

Du Fei held Ning Xin’s hand tighter.

The ancient battleground East of the village wasn’t far, needing but two days.

“Don’t be afraid. Only by becoming strong can I protect you. I was an immortal in my past life. To become one in the next life will depend on this life!”

Since starting cultivation, Du Fei’s boldness grew a lot.

There was no point in staying here any longer and Li Mo left Da Nu and Xiao Nu with some common survival knowledge before leaving.

Xiao Nu started bawling seeing Li Mo leave.

“We will meet again, if fate allows it.”

Li Mo smiled.

“Waaah~” Xiao Nu cried her heart out. Before Li Mo came, she was no different from a beast. It was him who opened her mind and taught her to be a human.

Now that she returned to being human, she didn’t want to part with her savior.

Da Nu was quite calm, patting Xiao Nu’s head then crawled to Li Mo and stuck out her butt.

“What’s this…”

She was wearing clothes this time, but her action…

“Accursed dogs! You want to mate?”

“Dogs are dogs, without any shame!”

“Dogs are not allowed to mate before they are 18 years of age or the male dog would be chopped up and the female dog drowned. This bitch is too vile!”

A large monkey shouted from afar.

Seeing Li Mo rooted, Da Nu brought her butt closer.


Du Fei’s body glowed all over. He then slowly rose in the air and appeared lofty, godlike even… 

“You have just been awoken, and with humanity’s trait you will grow in strength. You do not need to shake your tail and beg anymore. You are humans and what you need to do now is become the rulers of this world.

“Grab destiny by the horns and make it your own.”

Du Fei landed and the humans around started kneeling…

Da Nu glanced at Du Fei but still stuck her butt at Li Mo. She had no interest in the awesome tubby, only in Li Mo.

Li Mo left but she ran in front of him again. Li Mo went a hundred meters, yet she still followed.

“Bro Mo, I just noticed. Da Nu’s quite the looker. Why not…’”

Li Mo’s glare cowered Du Fei into running away with Ning Xin.

Without a choice, Li Mo became serious as he spoke to Da Nu, “Next time…”

Da Nu opened her big eyes cluelessly.

“Next time!”

Da Nu caught onto something as she stood upright and showed Li Mo a knowing smile.


Xiao Nu started yelling and Da Nu looked at Li Mo one more time before going back, running awkwardly to Xiao Nu. She just learned how to run on two legs and was quite clumsy.

Xiao Nu and Da Nu led the ‘savages’ out of the monkey village.

Li Mo wasn’t worried for their safety. With their minds opened, their power would grow constantly, and in a few days the normal large monkeys would no longer be a threat to them. 

“Let’s go, to the ancient battleground!”

Li Mo’s gang jumped on a thirty meter tall herbivore dinosaur. It was a mount raised by the large monkeys. It may be large but quite tame, eating only grass and fitted for transportation.

The dinosaur was then seen rushing through the forest…

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