Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 259

Chapter 259: Cultivation

Be it Yao Changsheng or Zhou Mengxian, Li Mo’s verdict was not to kill them.

It wasn’t out of inability, but out of necessity.

The Gate laid in ruins and Ancestor Ao banished, but even these couldn’t move Earth out of the path of the alien invasion.

In that desperate moment, an extra bit of strength meant a higher survivor rate. This was what he based his decision of sparing the two on.

And not just them, even the perfidious and vile Lin Qingrou was pardoned go. 

Instead of taking Yan Wenjing home, he left her on Oldie. 

Yan Wenjing got the shock of her life coming to this planet.

In the ancient battleground, Du Fei was watching a match, but finding Yan Wenjing there got a shock out of him, “Bro Mo, who’s she?

“My goddaughter.” Li Mo laughed.

Yan Wenjing was older than him, yet she had such mastery of ‘daddy’ it got even him to praise her.

“Daddy?” Du Fei was stunned.

“Hello uncle.” Yan Wenjing bowed.

“Damn, bro Mo, you’re play is on a whole nother level.” Du Fei gave a thumbs up.

Li Mo dismissed him and explained her the works in the ancient battleground.josei

“Thank you!”

Yan Wenjing spoke from her heart.

What did the ancient battleground mean? Cultivating here was up to five times as fast as anywhere else.

This was an amazing place to grow strong fast and Li Mo forwent who she was and just took her here.

Yan Wenjing’s first match was an easy win.

“Bro Mo, your goddaughter’s constitution isn’t average either, right?”

Du Fei was so strong now that he could now glean about a person’s constitution. 

“Inborn Physique, very suitable for cultivation. Even with no aid, such a cultivator will have his speed tripled. And the best part about it is that no matter how one ages, this constitution keeps him as innocent and pure as when he was a fetus.

“Inborn Physique has no impurities in their spiritual qi, true qi, or divine qi. Do you know what that means? If you’re both at peak fifth level and you have ten times more spiritual qi, you’d still be the one to suffer if you fought.”

“Inborn Physique can be called unmatched in its level.”

Du Fei jumped in fright, “So strong? Not even my Sacred Light Physique can compare?”

Li Mo said, “In the same level, she may not be able to kill you, but you will never defeat her.”

There were thousands of amazing constitution out there, but Inborn Physique was the only one ruling as king in its level.

Of course, such a thing wasn’t being truly matchless, based more on one’s pure power. It was matchless among the many constitutions, while out there, on the field of battle, constitution was one aspect, with martial arts, magical arts, weapons and treasures playing a vital role as well. 

Going back to Yan Wenjing, she had now won her second match.

Li Mo nodded. This missy had a thick skin, but she was blessed by heavens with her constitution. Her tactics were also intricate, quite a worthy seed to nurture.

Li Mo brought her here to nurture her constitution. Or even if she called him daddy, it wouldn’t work on the likes of him.

Li Mo checked upon the others’ progress and found that over the past days, the panda reached the 9th stage in the yellow level, missing just one stage to graduate with honors. 

As for Du Fei, Madam Ning and Whitey, they didn’t graduate from the profound level, reaching only its sixth stage.

They grew accustomed to the ten-man battles, abiding by the saying ‘pick on the weak’ as their best tactic. 

“This is Yan Wenjing, she used to be Zhou Mengxian’s disciple. She has the Rejuvenating Physique and can freely change her age. She once tried to kill me, but failed. As for what she’s thinking, it’s not important. But you all need to keep one thing in mind, to always be on guard around her and not give her any chance to strike.”

Yan Wenjing complained, “Daddy, I’m eternally loyal to you!”

Whitey and the rest glanced at her, then nodded at Li Mo.

“While Yan Wenjing must stay here, the rest have earned a reprieve and can either choose to cultivate or return to Earth.”

Du Fei asked, “What about you, bro Mo?”

“I’ll be cultivating alone, not on Earth, but on a distant and deadly planet. It is far too dangerous for the current you, so I can’t take any along.”

So far he used random Transfer, but this time Li Mo planned to use a precise one.

“Daddy, take me with! I don’t care about the danger, I just want to be with you.” Yan Wenjing was sincere.

Li Mo smiled, “Alright, I will.”

Yan Wenjing beamed. She only thought of showing a bit of ‘loyalty’, never imagining she’d get to go with him. Since she saw Li Mo so serious, she thought of playing around a bit.

“It’s settle. Here we go.”

“Daddy, is that place truly scarry? I just don’t want to hold you down.”

“Extremely so. But don’t you worry ‘bout nothing. If things do go south, I’ll just escape and you might just get lucky and survive.“

Yan Wenjing felt like crying.

What was called digging one’s own grave? This was a prime example.

Li Mo held a top earth qi jade and activated spiritual root’s fixed Transfer.

After an hour, Li Mo locked on the coordinates and vanished alongside Yan Wenjing.

From the endless darkness she was plunged in, Yan Wenjing came out to a place so hot and blistering that even the earth was sizzling.

As far as the eye could see, the air shimmered from the scorching heat, despite the lack of flames. Oh, there were trees here too, just that they were completely red and looked deader than dead. 

“Daddy, were are we?”

“Searing Planet.

“Get ready. When Hou Yi shot down nine suns, he left one standing. We are precisely on it right now.”

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