Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 269

Chapter 269: Emperor Ming’s Tomb

The humanoid covered in yellow mud looked just like any actual human. 

Pig ran away while Great Horse King forced himself to not panic. The last time he bolted he felt incredible shame and was now dead set on showing his ‘loyalty’.

“It’s just a demon king. I am Demon Mountain’s Great Horse King, of same status as him. Regarding bloodline, I have Demon Emperor Horse as my ancestor who fought the three savage beasts!”

Li Mo patted his back, “Are you planning on waking it up with your roar?”

Great Horse King used his hooves to cover his muzzle.

Li Mo walked to the demon king surrounded by yellow mud and put it in the God Prison.

Great Horse King saw Li Mo put away the Great Horse King but was still tense.

“Is it over?”

Pig ran back, “Boss is awesome!”

Yan Wenjing ran back as well. She and pig ran away at the same time.

“Didn’t you say you can’t beat a seventh level demon?” Yan Wenjing felt her intelligence insulted.

“Yep, if we fight head on.

“But that is regarding beating, and not dealing with them.”

Yan Wenjing was lost for words.

Great Horse King finally recovered, “Fortunately, sir handled it or I would’ve had to crush him to pieces.”

“Want me to take him out for you to give it another go?”

Great Horse King waved his hooves, “No, no, I’m afraid I’ll ruin the Water Repelling Array in the process.”

The River of Sand was long as hell. Li Mo had to place thirty Water Repelling Arrays to cross it.

Looking back, one could see the crumbling Water Repelling Array one after the other. 

Not a mile away from River of Sand, a red hill only ten meters tall and twenty in diameter rose in their sights. It was completely ordinary.

Li Mo pointed, “That’s Emperor Ming’s tomb.”

Pig cried, “No way! Emperor Ming is the founder of the Rising Sun Empire. They say he was a God Emperor as well. How is such a glorious man buried in a desolate hill like that?”

Li Mo said, “People die all the time, including those remarkable figures. How is his corpse any different from a normal person’s corpse?”

A God Emperor could crush planets, could swallow the sun and moon, but when his years ran out, he’d be nothing but bleached bones.

As they approached the red hill, a red turtle crawled out of a crack.

It looked ancient, wrinkled and thin. Only its glinting red shell gave an idea of how hard it was.

The turtle asked, “Are you Ming Lie’s descendants?”

Li Mo said, “Not at all.”

“Then you’re not welcomed here. Leave!”

“I came for a single item. I will only leave after I take it!”

“This place doesn’t have what you seek. I will say this again, leave!” The turtle’s tone was icy.

Li Mo stepped forward.

Great Horse King trotted before the turtle and raised his front hooves, “I am Demon Mountain’s Great Horse King. My ancestor is Demon Emperor Horse, one of the twelve great demons who once fought the three savage beasts. Who then, are you?”

The old turtle snorted and its release of power sent Great Horse King flying for tens of meters, now slumped on the ground and out like a light.

“The aura of a seventh level!” Pig panicked.

Every level beyond the fifth implied a qualitative change. Sixth level transformed spiritual qi into true qi, and seventh level could cause damage just by unleashing one’s true qi.

The aged turtle had exactly this power!

Pig stumbled back, but Yan Wenjing stood her ground. She had enough. Running away so many times on her way here when Li Mo handled everything with ease left a sour taste in her mouth.

She wanted to grandstand as well. Great Horse King was scared too, but his showing off earned Li Mo’s appreciation.

Yan Wenjing flung ten talismans at the turtle, her strongest attack.

“Inborn Physique!”

The aged turtle’s eyes shined. Yan Wenjing’s talismans exploded, but the turtle was unscathed.

“I am a Black Tortoise’s descendant. We are known for our strongest defense. Missie, you can’t even tickle me with those!

“Boyo, you came with ill will. For you to come with an Inborn Physique, you want Ming Lie’s remnant. Humph, sadly, with me, Old Red here, you shall never take it from here!”

The turtle released another power surge, on Li Mo this time.

Li Mo dodged.

“Round two!”

Li Mo blinked out of the second attack’s way. The turtle was now so tired he sweated but still couldn’t hit him.

“Blast it, if only I was but a bit more powerful, in the eight level, my range would’ve been far greater. Not even your instant movement could’ve helped then.”

The turtle roared.

“Earth Fist – Abolish!”

Li Mo executed the second move of Earth Fist.

The turtle tried to dodge, but speed wasn’t his forte and was soon covered entirely by the Earth Fist’s second move.

Li Mo shouted, “Yan Wenjing, use talismans to blast it!”

Yan Wenjing sent ten more talismans forward.


The turtle spat blood and hid in its shell.

Li Mo said, “He is in the seventh level but doesn’t know any cultivation methods. He relies only on his body, knowing only to release qi to attack.”

If the turtle was a real seventh level, Li Mo could’ve never defeated him no matter what he used. But because the turtle was so weak, Li Mo had no problem.

“Boyo, you are despicable. You mock me for not knowing magical arts. If Ming Lie was still alive, he’d teach you a thing or two.”

Li Mo laughed, “Old turtle, I wouldn’t be here for his remnant if he were.

“Rest easy. I am only after that remnant. I promise you that no matter how the Ming clan treats me, I will protect them for a thousand years.”

“Who’d ever believe your lies? Die!”josei

The turtle roared and release another qi wave, though it was clear he couldn’t hurt Li Mo.

Li Mo dodged easily, blinked before the hill and punched.

The red hill cracked in twain to reveal a bronze coffin.

Li Mo bowed in respect and took a long saber from within.

This was Emperor Ming’s weapon – Sun Saber!

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