Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 291

Chapter 291: Hundred Sacred Kickboxing

“The Chief stated that regardless of who, as long as they have his badge, they will become the next chief. That makes Li Mo the leader of your Experts Alliance.”

Of the four elders, Lin Yourong stepped forward to declare.

It had been three years since Lin clan’s decimation. Lin Yourong only recently recovered some semblance of normality.

The Experts Alliance had a total of 189 elites, the Vice-chief Lan Yue, and three elders, Lin Yourong, Jiang Li, and Li Mo.

Of the four, Elder Jiang Li disliked showing his opinion. 

One elite stood up and said, “I object.”

“Li Mo is a newcomer. No matter how you look at it, he has no right to be in charge of Experts Alliance. I am of firm belief Vice-chief Lan will make a much better choice!”

The others looked at Lan Yue.

“We all know of Vice-chief Lan’s contribution, of his strength. How can he be any weaker than the newcomer, Li Mo?”



“Chief ignored official matters for years, leaving Vice-chief Lan to deal with.”

“He may be Vice-chief in name, but to me, he has always been a Chief.”

“I agree!”

“But Chief’s words take precedence. So just take the badge out of Li Mo’s hand.”

“He has it now, but where’s Chief? How long has he been missing? How did Li Mo even get it?”

“I refuse to accept Li Mo as the Chief. He’s too young, weak, and has no charisma.”

“Yeah, I already disliked when Chief made him an Elder back then, but becoming chief is the last straw. I’ve been in the alliance for twenty years now, yet he only five?”

“How can a weak and unworthy newcomer can become Chief?”

“I choose Lan Yue!”

“I also choose Vice-chief Lan!”

The crowd was in an uproar.

Lan Yue stood and cupped his hands in thanks.

Lan Yue had been stuck as Vice-chief for ages now. No one would believe him if he said he didn’t want the promotion.

“Elder Li, do you know how many branches Experts Alliance have? Do you have any idea of its members? Or even its income?”

Li Mo threw questions at Li Mo.

“Vice-chief Lan, I do not.”


His answer was met with widespread laughter.

“Elder Li, how then do you expect to be Chief?”

“Having no clue how the alliance works you expect to become its Chief, just like that?”

“What’s even funnier, he’s so young to boot.”

“Chief made you elder, but to become a chief yourself, you have no power and no qualifications.”

“You know what I think? With how Elder Li knows so little about our Experts Alliance, he should be stripped of his elder status as well! “



“Then let us take away Elder Li’s status as elder today!”


“I second!”

On stage, Li Mo watched the audience ‘perform’ with a genial smile.

Taking out the Chief badge today was with the sole purpose of assuming full control of Experts Alliance. 

Li Mo wanted to be Chief not for something as ephemeral and lame as authority, but to get ready for when the alien invasion was upon him.


Lan Yue cupped his hands, asking for silence.

“Elder Li has on him the Chief’s badge. The rules state he has the right for the position as well. But just as you’ve seen, Elder Li knows nothing of how the alliance operates. How can such a man become our chief?

“I am not being selfish here. A man in such a position had to handle matters accordingly. I am sorry, Elder Li, but I am afraid I cannot agree!”

Lan Yue shouted, “Thus I recommend myself for this position. Brothers, do you agree?”


“Vice-chief Lan is the best Chief there will ever be!”

“The Chief position can only be yours!”josei

“I agree!”

“I second!”

Lan Yue preened for a good while, then waved for silence.

“However, Elder Li is in possession of the badge. Taking the position like this will earn the dissatisfaction of many. As such, we will have a test of strength. I hereby challenge Elder Li. If I win, I will be the Chief. If he wins, the chief position is his!”

“Brothers, what do you think?”

“I agree!”



Lan Yue waved and some experts cleared the tables and chairs, making room in the center.

“Elder Li, would you accept this challenge?”


Li Mo nodded. 

“Elder Li, please be lenient in my meager attempt for the Chief position.”



The crowd broke out in laughter. Lan Yue’s words were clearly modest, but Li Mo took them at face value. 

“Then, if you would, Elder Li!”

Lan Yue cupped his hands, “My Hundred Sacred Kickboxing allows me to punch through a meter thick steel from a hundred steps. Do be careful, Elder Li.”

Li Mo said, “My footwork is swift, as my punching. It is hard to dodge, so do be careful as well, Vice-chief Lan.”

Lan Yue laughed as he offered.

“After you!”



Lan Yue found his view change as he felt a punch on his left side of his chest. He reeled seven steps before stopping.

This was all because of Li Mo’s leniency, or one strike would’ve been enough to run him through.

With this punch, Li Mo no longer was in the mood for banter.

Lan Yue roared, and a blue glow enveloped him. His Hundred Sacred Kickboxing worked by manipulating qi not only to attack but defend as well.

Li Mo flashed and punched again, making the blue shield flicker twice.

Lan Yue felt at ease somewhat and punched back.

Hundred Sacred Kickboxing was as strong as a full-blown storm, hammering Li Mo constantly.

Li Mo flickered on and off, evading every attack despite how many they were or how far they could reach.




Li Mo landed three more punches. First to crack the shield, the second to burst it, and the third to Lan Yue’s chest, sending him sprawling.

The crowd was stunned.

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