Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 297

Chapter 297: Mountain Belle

“Have you thought it through?”

Li Mo visited Shan Shou in cell No. 1024 of the God Prison.

Shan Shou shook her head.

“Do you need more time?”

“Let me go.” Her voice was faint.

“Where will you go?”

“I don’t know.”




Li Mo let her out of the God Prison.

Shan Shou saw mountains all around her and fell to her knees.

She had grown up alone in the mountains and ever regarded them with dread and horror.

“What are you still doing there?”

Li Mo appeared in front.

“I don’t want to stay in mountains. I w-want to live among people.”


Li Mo opened a Gate.

Shan Shou walked through and arrived to a city.

Feng City.

Shan Shou watched the bustling pedestrians along the sidewalk, unmoving.


“A demon!”


“Black monster!”

The instant the people noticed her, they started calling her names and freaked out.

“I’m no monster! I am a human just like you!” Shan Shou said.

Ten buffed men rushed over and started raining kicks and punches on her. She only huddled on the ground and let them have their fill.

To her, such an event was like breakfast.

The men beat her for half an hour, until a police cruiser notice the disturbance and put her in cuffs.

“I am a human! I am just like you, so why are you arresting me?” Shan Shou shouted.

“You call yourself a human with that look? If you’re a human than I’m an immortal!” The gathering crowd laughed.

“Since when does a human has no facial features? Have you looked in the mirror lately? Your back and front look the same. What a dumb joke, you being human!”

“But I am a real human! I… I…”

“Are you a woman with that high tone?”

“I am.”

“Ha-ha-ha, a woman!? Where exactly? That cracked me up!”

The crowd laughed as well.

As Shan Shou cried out helplessly, Li Mo appeared and removed her handcuffs with a flick and whisked her away.

On a hill, Shan Shou sat with her face in her palms.

She hated the mountains and loved the city. But the city hated her.

“Mo Yu said that if I become Thunderstruck Enterprise China division’s executive, everyone will accept me. But now he’s dead and I lost. My life is over…”

Li Mo smiled, “How can it be over?”

“Only Mo Yu looked at me. Everyone else treats me like a monster.”

“That may not be the case.”

Shan Shou looked up, puzzled.

“You don’t have a place to go, so why not come with me?”

“You don’t hate me?”

“Not one bit.”

“Aren’t you scared I am a monster?”

“I’ve seen plenty of monster and I guarantee you aren’t one of them.”

“Y-you truly mean that, or are you saying this just to use me?”

“If a person has no use, tell me, who will ever talk to them?

“It doesn’t matter if you’re used. What matters if it’s good or bad for you.”

Shan Shou was stunned.

“Come.” Li Mo took her to his home.

The Yang girl was still gracefully reading her book. The Snow siblings ran in glee to welcome their master. But the sight of Shan Shou behind him stunned them.

Shan Shou held her face and found it wasn’t enough. So she pulled her clothes to cover her head.

“She is… Mountain Belle.”

Shan Shou shuddered. If she had facial features, her expression would be priceless.

“A new missus. Welcome.”

Mite Snow buffed Shan Shou’s shoes as Millie Snow ran off to bring her new clothes.

To the snow people, they were always loyal to a fault. Whether the master was ugly or beautiful held no value whatsoever.

“D-don’t be like that.”

It was Shan Shou’s first time having one tending to her needs. The novelty scared her.

“It’s fine, you’ll get used to it.”

Li Mo didn’t ask the snow people to do this, it was in their nature. They’d do it without urging.

Shan Shou entered the parlor, and the waxed reflective floor scared her stiff.

Back when she lived with Mo Yu, he never let her into the house. She always slept outside.

“I-I’m dirty…”

“How can miss be dirty? You’ll be fine after a wash.” Millie Snow smiled.

Shan Shou was grateful to her.

The Yang girl sized Shan Shou and chuckled.

“Truly a belle.”

“Come in.”

Li Mo called Shan Shou to his study.

Li Mo had her sit as he transfer the Celestial God Art to her mind. He had her recite it as he supplied her with spiritual qi.

Shan Shou’s body was bathed in a rainbow light for an entire week. When Li Mo took back his hands, he collapsed from exhaustion. 

Looking at Shan Shou now, she had transformed.

All her black fur was gone, and in its place was smooth and snow white skin. Her facial features complemented each other into turning her into a world class beauty, a goddess even.

Using some crude words to describe would be sexy, busty, long-legged and perky butt. 

Shan Shou's smooth legs were so long because of how tall she already was, at two meters. And yet everything about her was perfectly proportioned.


Shan Shou was naked, and was used to this. With all that black fur, she had no need for clothes. Looking in the mirror now, the transformation left her dazed.

“This is your true appearance.”

“You are a True God Physique and had that appearance because you never cultivated a method fitting of your constitution. True God Physique is the strongest constitution, one that can stand toe to toe with a God Emperor. You have never been to blame. If there ever was any blame, it would be being born on the plain planet Earth.”

Li Mo wasn’t exaggerating. If Shan Shou had been born anywhere in the universe, she would’ve been hailed as guaridan goddess and enjoy endless honor and respect.

“Am I dreaming?”

“Of course not.”

Li Mo pinched her face and she cried in pain.josei

“I… I…”

Shan Shou’s tears flowed freely.

Li Mo clapped and Millie Snow came to dress Shan Shou.

She wore a low cut white shirt and jean shorts. With her clothes on, it only boosted her sex appeal. 


Li Mo opened a Gate and let Shan Shou go through it.

In the Feng City’s street, there were as many people as before, but this time the change was a complete opposite from before!

“Wow, what a belle!”

“An angel!”

Tens of people surrounded Shan Shou and even startled a director from a soap opera walking by. He immediately jumped in to get some much needed commercial to his show, and said Shan Shou was his leading star.

“This must be a dream…”

Shan Shou looked around in shock. The crowd watched stupefied as she jumped and landed head first on the pavement.

She wanted to wake up…

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