Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 46

Chapter 46: Curse

Ma Changhe was surprised a bit then snickered, “Brat, you think you’re tough?” Then barked at An Yuxin, “Didn’t you hear what I said?”

An Yuxin shivered, her voice weak, “I will go with you, but you can’t harm him!”

Yang Jianchuan smiled, “As long as you follow me.”

“T-then let him go first.”

“Alright. Old Ma, leave him be.” Yang Jianchuan gave Ma Changhe a signal.

An Yuxin’s delicate figure got Yang Jianchuan thoroughly excited. Ma Changhe’s eyes roamed and soon got Yang Jianchuan’s implied meaning.

He glared at Li Mo, “You’re lucky you got someone to save you, punk. Hurry up and beat it!”

Li Mo blurted after looking around, “There’s still time for all of you to leave in one piece.

“I am a kind man. If by the count of three you’re still here, consider yourself warned.”

Ma Changhe was stunned.

“One.” Li Mo said.

Ma Changhe laughed at his bravado, his men joining.

“Two.” Li Mo continued.

“D-don’t fight with them, sob~” An Yuxin cried. 

“Three.” Li Mo said.

“Four, five, six, seven…” Ma Changhe picked up where Li Mo left off in mockery. Li Mo punched Ma Changhe’s right eye, making him faint. 

“Stop fighting!” Liu Yuxuan ran over with three coworkers.


“Let’s bail…” Ma Changhe’s men scattered at the sight of Liu Yuxuan.

The four cops grabbed people where they could. Liu Yuxuan’s team was here because they were in charge of the auction’s public security. It was hard not to notice such a big group right at the entrance.

If Ma Changhe was awake, he would’ve been filled with regret. He only intended to scare Li Mo with numbers. Not even in his wildest dreams did he picture Li Mo being so obstinate, even having the nerve to hit him.

Yang Jianchuan capitalized on the chaos and whispered something to An Yuxin before going together in his sedan. The car sped away, with An Yuxin’s teary face still seen clear through the window. 

She found out that Li Mo was nowhere to be seen.

She didn’t blame him from running away, when there were so many people around. An Yuxin wiped her tears.

“Babe, what do you like? He-he-he…” With no one to bother him, Yang Jianchuan revealed his true nature. He spoke obscenities that had An Yuxin ashamed and angry.

She was 16 and never even had a boyfriend.

“How old are you? 16? You’ve grown fine indeed. Taller than me, and such long legs. I wonder how it will feel like having them raised to my shoulders…” The car sped on the highway while Yang Jianchuan was letting go of his inhibitions.

“I have a son going to Century Middle School. His name is Yang Chong, do you know him?” An Yuxin cried, “You’re Yang Chong’s dad?”

“You do know him. How about I give him a call? What do you say?” 

“Y-you…” An Yuxin was red from shame.

“You won’t get to make that phone call I’m afraid.” Li Mo’s sudden voice scared Yang Jianchuan so much he almost ran the car off the highway. With the car stable he looked to see Li Mo sitting next to An Yuxin. “H-how did you get it?” An Yuxin was overjoyed. 

Li Mo stated, “With you, of course.”

“Are you freakin’ suicidal?” Yang Jianchuan flew into a rage.

Yang Jianchuan stopped the car and flung the door open wanting to kick Li Mo out. There was nothing wrong with his thinking, taking Li Mo for a 16 year old kid. A fully grown man couldn’t even deal with a kid?

He was also blinded by anger, feeling humiliated knowing An Yuxin wasn’t the only listener to his vulgarities. 

The image of Ma Changhe getting knocked out from Li Mo’s punch didn’t even cross his mind, nor how Li Mo got in his car.

“Get the hell out!” Yang Jianchuan grabbed Li Mo but the latter was like a rock. When he was pulled, Li Mo kicked Yang Jianchuan three meters away.

Yang Jianchuan was sprawled like a frog on the highway.

His front teeth fell and groaned in pain.

An Yuxin, who would bawl over a kicked puppy, was now glad Yang Jianchuan got what was coming to him.

Li Mo got out and loomed over Yang Jianchuan.

Li Mo lifted him with one hand. An Yuxin got so scared she jumped out and held Li Mo from behind.

“Y-you can’t kill him. Only his wife can save my father’s illness. Killing him is killing my father.”

Yang Jianchuan’s lips moved but no word came out.

Li Mo frowned at An Yuxin holding his hand and let go.

An Yuxin was a normal person and there was only so much she could take. Killing Yang Jianchuan in front of her would mark her for life and give her nightmares.

The secular world’s affairs were handled with secular methods.

Li Mo kicked Yang Jianchuan and patted An Yuxin’s hand.

“Don’t worry, I won’t kill him.”

An Yuxin let go.

“Turn around and don’t look.”

An Yuxin was startled but did as he said.

Li Mo traced his finger before Yang Jianchuan’s eyes.

His eyes soon lost focus.

Not long later, Li Mo got up. “We can return.”

“Ah?” An Yuxin saw Yang Jianchuan dazed on the road.

“Why do you look so tired?”

“Chasing a car does that to a man.” Li Mo quipped.

“You did all this for me?” An Yuxin choked with sobs.

“Hey, get in.” Li Mo jolted Yang Jianchuan with a kick, who woke up from his trance with a grunt.

“Don’t kill me. I was wrong, I was wrong.” Yang Jianchuan now knew what fear was.

“I won’t, get in the car and take us home.”

“I will, I will. I’ll do anything you ask, just please don’t kill me!”

“Then promise me you will tell your wife to perform surgery on my dad.” This was An Yuxin’s deepest concern.

Yang Jianchuan said, “We’ve been divorced for almost ten years now. She is honest, not like me. Ma Changhe’s words were only to confuse you. She won’t even answer my phone, so how can I tell her to operate on your dad?”


“I don’t dare lie.”

An Yuxin relaxed seeing Yang Jianchuan shivering.

Yang Jianchuan took An Yuxin home then Li Mo to Phoenix District.

Yang Jianchuan was normal over the entire process, like nothing happened.

“I didn’t expect a bastard like you to be an expert. I was truly blind.” Yang Jianchuan took the highway on the way back from Phoenix District and felt Li Mo’s kick exceedingly painful.

‘Must’ve broken a rib!’

Yang Jianchuan cursed Li Mo all the way to Feng City’s Central Hospital.

“My rib is broken. You must come and help me.” Yang Jianchuan texted Liu Shuyi.

Liu Shuyi just sent someone in her stead to check him. Now that the CT was done, he found out his ribs were broken in five places. 

Yang Jianchuan was soon hospitalized, but in a double room instead of a private one, with another occupant.

Of all the rotten luck, his neighbor was none other than Ma Changhe.

Ma Changhe was knocked out by Li Mo’s fist and the next time he woke up, he couldn’t see anything.

But now Ma Changhe was shocked to find Yang Jianchuan was also here.

“Your wife said she is unclear of my eyes’ state and will have to check again once the swelling passes.”

“Bastard, son of a she-dog!” Yang Jianchuan rained curses. 

“Director Yang, we were too careless today. But don’t you worry, I’ll deal with him next time!”

“I want him dead.”

“Yes, right, kill him then teach that girl a harsh lesson.”

“Lady An, I think I’m going to puke…” Yang Jianchuan felt sick the moment he recalled An Yuxin.

Extremely nauseous.

Ma Changhe kept talking since he couldn’t see Yang Jianchuan, “Director Yang, Century Middle School has two more hotties, Ye Mei, that Zhang Ming’s daughter. She looks identical to her celebrity of a mother, curved in all the right places. And Lin Qingrou, who is prettier than An Yuxin, with skin white as milk, soft like water. The next time we will take them both… “


Yang Jianchuan was hurling nonstop.

“Don’t say it, stop! Stop, goddammit!”

Ma Changhe zipped his lip.

Yang Jianchuan recovered after a long time. As long as he didn’t picture a woman again, he would be fine.

“Director Yang, this must be the work of a technique. Don’t worry, it will pass in a few days.”


Yang Jianchuan nodded and looked at Ma Changhe. The two ‘stared’ at each other in silence. Then the strangest feeling overcame him. He found Ma Changhe quite ‘cute’, so much so, he felt some urges.

“Director Yang? What’s wrong?” 

Yang Jianchuan had the inexplicable urge to press Ma Changhe beneath him… 

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