Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 99

Chapter 99: Bad Temper

“What? You too don’t know why the Mo clan came?”

“Brother, look at us. Do you think they would’ve come even if I had sent an invitation?”

“I just got from grand-sir, asking him to accompany them. But he said that he was unwell to go.”

“Grand-sir is in good health, his mind is also sharp. Would he ever say he’s unwell when he must welcome guests he personally invited?”

“How peculiar.”

“There’s no point overthinking it. Regardless of their reason, the Mo clan came, bringing us glory. We must treat them to the best of our capabilities. And since grand-sir does not want to accompany them, I will!”

“Shizhong, try your connections and bring as many as you can, no matter the cost.”

“Alright, brother.”

Li Shili went to where the Mo clan was staying in the guest area.

It was now evening and Li Shili had just ordered them dishes of the highest standard.

Ten servants came out of Mo clan’s house to which he was startled.

“Why do you come out? Didn’t I say to attend them?

“Xiao Dong, what happened?”

Of these people, Xiao Dong was the one most capable at this job.

Xiao Dong said, “Master, the Mo clan are too hard to please.”

“Hard to please? How?”

Xiao Dong was despondent, “Young miss Ziwei asked if I’d ever like to change jobs and work for her. She even said she’ll pay double. We didn’t dare speak to her.”

Another said, “Clan Head was stone-faced. Standing in front of him was hard to even breathe.”

“His younger brother throws away each dish we serve, saying it’s plain, that it’s tasteless, and so on…”

“Ah?!” Li Shili was stunned.

“This is a temper born from high status.”

Li Shili didn’t have a good opinion of Mo Ziwei, acting all snobbish. And Mo Zhendong also was bad, putting on a stiff face and scaring everyone.

Mo Zhendong’s brother, Mo Zhennan, was the same. They gave him the best dishes yet still say something like they’re tasteless. Wasn’t it clearly done on purpose?

It seemed that only Mo Ziyang was the best among them.

Li Shili considered how to get closer to Mo Ziyang.

Just then, Xiao Dong said, “Master, Mo Ziyang was the worst of them all. So unreasonable, like a lunatic.”

“What is that about Mo Ziyang?”

“He flipped the table, the dishes, the desk, everything.”

“Ah?” Li Shili was dumbfounded.

Li Shili arrived at Mo clan’s house and saw the mess it was in. Then he saw all of them eating hotpot.

Yes, hotpot. Who knew where it came from, or how they got the utensils, but they all ate together.

They all saw Li Shili coming but none greeted him.

“Clan Head, second master, young master, young miss, is my Li clan’s welcome unsatisfactory?”

Mo Ziwei nodded.

Mo Ziyang snorted and kept eating.

Mo Zhennan placed the meat in the pot while Mo Zhendong placed vegetables.

“Please tell me clearly!”

“Isn’t this clear enough? We aren’t accustomed to your Li clan’s meals so we made our own.”

“Cough, this…”

Mo Zhennan said, “No need for this and that. Your food is tasteless, hideous, and plain.”

Li Shili’s face darkened. “May I ask, for who did you come here?”

Li Shili thought he had to make things clear. They were clearly quibbling. They could throw a fuss as much as they want today, with no one around, but tomorrow was the birthday celebration. If they messed around then, Li clan’s face would be in the mud. 

Mo Zhennan raised his head, “Go ask your grand-sir. He will tell you.”

Li Shili was happy, “So you were invited by grand-sir?”

Mo Zhennan raised his head, “Something like that.”

Li Shili was very happy.

He could finally rest easy.

When dealing with the rowdy Mo clan all he could do was stand and watch, with no way to stop them. The gap was too big between a world-famous clan and a mere province-famous clan.

Mo Zhennan said, “Don’t worry. Tomorrow we will work hard to tone it down and eat whatever it’s brought. We won’t make a scene.”

“Thank you!” Li Shili appreciated it.

Mo Ziwei took a bite with her silver chopsticks, “If there’s nothing else, please leave. You’re making me lose my appetite.”

“Same.” Mo Ziyang agreed as he ate a piece of meat.

Mo Zhennan put on a harsh face, “Ziwei, Ziyang, is this how my brother raised you? You need to always look polite and not say whatever crosses your mind. You need to be tactful and leave the others with a modicum of self-respect.”

Li Shili blushed and left awkwardly.

A way away, Li Shili sighed.

Mo Zhennan and the kids were harsh with words, but Li Shili could hold it in because of the pressure he felt from Mo Zhendong.

In front of the old man, Li Shili felt powerless.

“The Mo clan’s people are tantamount to arrogance. But as long as they’re grand-sir’s friends, they ought to behave at the celebration.”

“Brother in law!”

A shout broke Li Shili’s contemplation. It was Zhang Peng who was rushing over. 

Li Shili rejoiced to see him.

Zhang Peng was Ning Baihe’s cousin, freeloading off the Li clan all year round and every one of the Li household found him an eyesore.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing, I just saw eldest nephew. It’s good that I see you. Let’s walk and chat.”

Li Shili’s smile vanish. Zhang Peng however was beaming.

“Little Yan’s face and hands are so swollen he can barely move them. The grand-sir is too heavy-handed.”

“Brother-in-law, can you bear it?”

“Tomorrow is grand-sir’s birthday celebration. I don’t want anything to go wrong with it. You think I’m going to let him off once it’s over?”

“He-he, there’s the brother-in-law I know. Strong and unmatched in poise.”


Li Shili walked with a hand behind his back. Zhang Peng was on his tail. Li Shili turned, so did Zhang Peng. Li Shili turned again, Zhang Peng did not.

He was so thick-skinned that he annoyed everyone, despite being so self-centered to notice. josei

A servant girl, Xiao Cui, carrying a plate passed by. Zhang Peng pinched her butt, making her squeal and run along. 

“Such perfume, ah, young ladies are the best. Everything about them is mesmerizing.” Zhang Peng sported an intoxicated look.

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