On My Way: The Demon King Made Me His

Chapter 116

Chapter 116: Volca's injection

"Aqua, can you hear me? Hey," Huo asked her as he sat next to her. "What's wrong? Why won't you wake up?" He asked her. It's been several weeks. And Aqua looked like she did not get any better over these days, except tears flowing down her face at time. She also once bled from her nose. It frightened King Huo wondering why such random stuffs are happening to her body. He took care of her well. Fed her with liquid food and juices, have her medicines calling her personal doctor from the Water Realm, and checked her blood levels to see if there is any internal damage and injury. They did find a small one and healed her. But she did not wake up as they expected. She fell into coma. The shock had taken away her will to live. Her pulses were average and she holding on to something tight in her hands. Huo couldn't take the thing from her palm, and he wondered what it could be. "Aqua," he would remain by her side every day. He would talk to her, sing for her, play the flute for her, by playing her own music, he would share his worries with her and inform the news the spies report him from the Celestial Palace. 

"Aqua do you know that Tai has gone mad?" He said to her. "Something is weird about him and his actions. Something is troubling, he is scared, that is making him do all the wrong things," he went on. Aqua was lying still, her hands neatly kept on her stomach, fresh clothes and quilt on top, that covered her, to protect her from the castle's cold atmosphere. Her crown and the tiaras has been recollected and kept safely in Huo'er locker. He also brought new clothes for her, demon clothes to not alert the Demon Clan for smuggling in an Heavenly Princess. 

"There is something else I would like to remind you about," he said to her breaking the pause. He looked at her and touched her cheek with the back his forefinger. "When I looked at Milan, she looked weird at the platform, utterly silent and accepted death, don't you think it's strange of her to just accept the order? I mean she is a rebel, a fox but why did she easily surrender?" He out forward a serious matter to Aqua. "Let's see, we will take revenge for this, I promise you that, I promise I will always be there for anything you will need me for," he said and kissed her cheek. He got up and left. He asked the guards to do the duty well before he left. 

Huo had some duties to finish. Infinite number of complaints about King Huo has been coming out for getting hurt and for rescuing the heavenly princess. Hence it became necessary to keep Aqua's presence in the Castle as a secret. He kept checking on the princess and the guards. He made sure he spent half the time with her, during the time for food and while freshening up her. He made sure that he did it all himself, without letting another soul set eyes on her. 

Volca heard about the sad demise of Water Royals and the end if the Water Kingdom. She heard about Aqua's fight and defeat and she also heard about Huo'er getting hurt in the place of Aqua. It angered her. She smelled the news, bribed some guards and came to know about Aqua's presence in the Demon's castle. The moment Huo left the bed chamber, she shape shifted into her eagle form and flew into the room through the window that was let open to let in some fresh air. She then turned back to her real self. Wearing the black and red chiffon gown and holding her purple sword. Volca walked around the room. She was not happy nor satisfied, but she was not entirely excited. Her heart grew tensed seeing Aqua lying unconscious, but she hated herself for worrying for the water princess. She drew her sword and pointed them at the next of the sleeping princess. "Lying peacefully in his bed? Who do you think you are?" She questioned Aqua. "How dare you pretend and put up a show?" She said walked closer to take a look at her face. She moved Aqua and poked wondering if this part of any act. "What's wrong with you now?" She asked Aqua leaning down and touching her cold cheeks. Aqua looked normal but not well. "Jeez you are cold, are you dead?" Volca rolled her eyes and took a seat next to her. "Why the hell do I care? No, no I don't care about her," Volca taught herself repeatedly. "You know? One way it is good to have you at this state, I mean I can court King Huo rightfully in your presence here itself, wanna see that?" she said blushing and smiling wickedly, the moment she gave a little thought to the Demon King. "I heard that your family has been massacred?" She said pitying Aqua. "I feel sorry for you," she tried hurting her with her words instead. "Death is meant to happen anytime, for your family it came a little early," she said casually. "How does it feel like? How does it feel to lose someone you love taken away and harmed by someone forcefully in front of you?" Shs asked smirking at Aqua. "Do you get that? That feeling of pain? That anger and the same frustration?" She asked continuously. "This is how I felt everyday of my life since childhood, since losing mother and my only love to you," she confessed. "Do you understand now? How pathetic one could get? And how desperate our hearts would become, try living in my shoes now, I challenge you, to see if you can

Huo'er stood outside the doors, listening to all these rubbish. But he had a smile on his face. He couldn't help it. After all it's Volca and he knew exactly what she was doing. He did not care to interrupt her and left the room. He decided to keep an eye on Volca but he had no intention to stop the Demoness from visiting Princess Aqua. He took that chance to complete few more of his works and walked back to the court itself asking for more petitions. He sat there without worry and laughed at every single thing Volca said. The extreme thoughts of had know no limits and he couldn't understand why she is obsessed with him. "Damn you," he said. "Aqua you better listen to everything and wake up," he murmured as he read through petitions submitted by the locals. But he was interrupted by General Hawk who came with news. josei

"Your higness, it's urgent," he said. Huo stood up, his face turned serious. 

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