One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 1111

Chapter 1111: New bonus features!

Immediately after.

Su Lang eagerly issued an order: "System, upgrade me the one-key training function, the one-key martial arts function, and the clone dispatch function!"

"Ding! Consumes 10 million Xianyuan sources, the one-key training function is upgraded to level 35, and the training speed is increased to 4582.4 billion times the speed of the basic training without lack of qualification!"

"Ding! Consumes 10 million Xianyuan, the one-key martial arts function is upgraded to level 35, and the training speed is increased to 45.824 billion times the speed of the basic training without lack of qualification!"

"Ding! Consumes 10 million lower multipliers, the clone dispatch function is upgraded to level 34, the number of clones is +1, the current number of clones is 34, and the number of clones is 34!"

"Ding! Congratulations on raising the one-key training function to level 35. You have obtained the new bonus function ‘Heart of Condensation’!"

"Ding! Congratulations on raising the one-key martial arts function to level 35. You have obtained the new bonus functions "Eight Hearts" and "Spit the old and accept the new"!"

After a series of system prompts.

A lot of information poured into Su Lang's mind, it was the information about the three bonus functions.josei

Needless to say, the function of the "Eight Hearts" increases the number of exercises that can be practiced simultaneously from seven to eight.

And the ‘heart of condensing Dao’ made Su Lang's eyes widened and excited.

Condensed Dao Heart: Consume a certain cultivation base, you can condense the comprehend rules into a great road, and the premise is that your realm reaches the quasi-emperor level.

To become an emperor is a very, very difficult challenge.

How difficult is it?

In the entire Canglan Continent, I don't know how many billions of creatures, but there are only less than 30 Wudi!

Moreover, the vast majority of Wudi were blessed by their seniors before they could become emperors.

This shows that the chance of becoming an emperor is as small as one in a billion.

The most difficult level for becoming an emperor is to condense the power of the Great Dao.

To condense the avenues by rules requires a thorough understanding of a certain rule, and even the derivative rules must be mastered thoroughly to condense the avenues.

For thousands of years, I don't know how many quasi emperors tried from their prime of life, but they were unable to become emperors until they died.

But now, this most difficult level has automatically disappeared in front of Su Lang!

With Su Lang's current cultivation speed, he can accumulate cultivation skills from Yijie Wuxian to Zhun Emperor in 1.5 hours!

Can accumulate 16 quasi emperor cultivation bases in one day!

The quasi emperor of the second echelon of Canglan Continent has become a common unit of measurement here in Su Lang...

This shows that Su Lang really does not lack cultivation base.

The only thing that prevented Su Lang from using the function of ‘Condensed Dao Mind’ was the restriction of ‘Quasi Emperor Realm’.

However, this is not a problem at all.

After Su Lang opens up the ten-square inner boundary, he will be able to arrive at the quasi emperor in the blink of an eye, and then condense the road and become the emperor Wu!

"This feature is awesome!"

"Look at the function of the one-click martial arts practice of'spitting the old and accepting the new'."

Taking a deep breath, Su Lang began to check the new information.

Dispelling the old and accepting the new: completely eliminate the dross in the "Ten Thousand Fas into One Unnamed" exercise, cancel all the sequelae of the exercises and secret techniques, and have the same effect on the later merged exercises!


"So it is!"

Su Lang nodded suddenly and smiled with satisfaction.

In short, the function of ‘spit out the old and accept the new’ is to remove the dross of the exercises and cancel the negative buffs.

This can also be regarded as a supplement to the function of ‘all laws into one’.

The ability to integrate all methods into one is to integrate all the exercises that Su Lang has practiced into one super exercise that encompasses all aspects.

All the sub-gong methods integrated into this'super-gong method' can exert their greatest effect.


The unity of all laws is a general integration.

Not only the advantages of various exercises are combined, but the disadvantages are also preserved.

So far Su Lang has practiced hundreds of exercises, and each exercise has its shortcomings.

Especially the low-level exercises practiced at first, almost every one has defects.

It's just that these shortcomings are not very conspicuous compared to the massive "Ten Thousand Fas into One Unnamed" exercise, so there are no shortcomings for the time being.

However, waiting for Su Lang to practice more and more exercises, each exercise has a little flaw, and if it gradually accumulates, it will eventually form a huge hidden danger.

This has to be prevented.

The function of'voicing the old and adding new' can completely eliminate this hidden danger.

Not only that, it can also eliminate the sequelae of using exercises and secret techniques.

This is also a super unreasonable abnormal ability.

In other words, there will be no side effects when Su Lang uses any secret technique in the future!

Even the secret technique that kills a thousand enemies and hurts 800, can become a thousand enemies with zero self-harm!

"Noisy, this function is really abnormal!"

Su Langshuang thought crookedly, "It seems that I have to practice some terrifying secret techniques!"

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