One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 1340

Chapter 1340: There seems to be no bones left!

"Blood meteor!"

Within a single thought, Wu Boruo burst out the secret method and avoided Su Lang's fist.

But he himself paid an extremely terrifying price, the **** body directly consumed one third!

This not only caused his endurance to drop sharply, but even his strength was affected and began to weaken!

Wu Boruo finally changed his face!

"No way!"

"If this continues, I will lose."

"This ruthless emperor must die, even if it pays a higher price!"

This thought flashed through Wu Boruo's heart, and the final power burst out immediately: "The heart explodes!"


A majestic blood flame ignited from Uboluo's heart.

The hard armor instantly turned into muscles and flesh, and continued to melt, the whole person turned into a red candle!

Anderson and Arrod are different, the soul parasitic on his body is one of Uboluo's heart fragments!

At this time, Wu Boruo chose to sacrifice this piece of soul body fragments permanently, and immediately exploded with power far beyond the limit!

The monstrous breath spreads, like a wave of horror constantly beating!

There are countless ripples in the space, constantly twisting and folds, breaking a lot of Li Feng!

Even the unreasonable Nianfeng space is faintly unstable!

"This is... the power of the Three Great Emperors!"

Su Lang's expression changed drastically, and he didn't even want to immediately retreat strategically-after the outbreak of Wu Boruo, the other party will undoubtedly die!

The situation on the battlefield reversed instantly.

Su Lang did not hesitate to pull away and left, but if Wu Bo could let it go, he pointed out in a flash!

This is Wu Boruo's real full force, so strong that even the Three Great Emperors can't shake it!

After one finger, this clone will fall to the Great Emperor level and even die directly!

This finger turned into a majestic phantom, even the space became the surface of the water, let it be broken!josei

It seems that even the sun, moon and stars have to be crushed by one finger!

Su Lang even felt that all his Qi machines were locked, and there was nowhere to escape!

Although Soul Chasing Emperor Palace and Tianjia Eight-Edged Shield were great emperor soldiers, they were only a huge emperor rank, and they could not be resisted when they were taken out.

It also takes 0.1 seconds to replace the clone, so it can't be used at this level of battle.

"The only way..."

Su Lang took a deep breath and took out the Broken Dream Knife, "Nant to seal the space!!"

In a flash.

The object of Nianfeng Space's blockade has changed from Wu Boruo to Dream Breaker!

The **** Wubo Ruo loses its color and turns into a black and white silent TV!

"I hope I can hold it."

Under the finger of the emperor over three greats, Su Lang was not sure that Nianfeng Space could isolate Wu Boruo's attack.

If you really can't resist, you must stay behind!

The next moment.

Wu Boruo's terrifying fingers shredded the void and fell on the Nianfeng space!


The unreasonable Nianfeng Space started to tremble and made a terrifying buzzing sound!

"Lying down!"

Su Lang's pupils shrank suddenly!

While breathing, the buzzing suddenly disappeared, and the space of Nianfeng turned into ashes and annihilated!

The huge finger that restored the color and **** flame fell directly on Su Lang!


In the violent explosion, the endless aftermath of the battle spread, and the void was riddled with holes like paper!

A terrifying storm was set off on Dong Zhenxing in the distance. If the battlefield had not been moved to a far place, Dong Zhenxing would have died at least 80% of the creatures!

Looking at the explosion center again, Su Lang disappeared directly, as if there was no bones left!

Only a long emerald sword drifted with the wind, flying towards the depths of the void.

at this time.


"The Great Soldier!? I didn't expect this ruthless Heavenly Emperor to have a Great Soldier! But now it belongs to me!"

"The Ruthless Heavenly Emperor has fallen, and the Definite Heavenly Emperor will definitely be very angry, and the Zhetian Continent is also considered to be broken. Jiejie, I finally got back a round!"

A **** muscle suddenly entangled the Broken Dream Knife and flew towards the distance.

This muscle is the surviving Wuboluo clone!

After he performed the strongest blow, he had fallen to the critical point of the Great Emperor and was about to fall to the Great Emperor.

He quickly flew to the place where the fleet stayed, and in the horrified eyes of a large number of Dark Sky Clan warriors, he unfolded a **** secret.

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