One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 1449

Chapter 1449: Happiness comes too suddenly!

Happiness came too suddenly!

Originally, he thought the clone he had grasped was worthless.

But now I find that this is also a deity, and has inherited part of the wealth of that quasi-no-god class!

How could he not be excited about this? How can you not be excited?


"and many more!"

The Great Emperor Shanxi suddenly yelled, "You two said that you are both deities and have inherited part of your wealth. How do you prove it?"


Emperor Xun Xiao sneered, "How do you prove it?"

"Haha, it's very simple."

The Great Emperor Kunyu laughed and said, "As long as you can get valuable treasures, you can prove it!"

This statement came out.

Su Lang's three clone incarnations suddenly sank.

"It's okay for me to take out the treasure."

One of the avatars incarnate said, "After you get the treasure, you must let me go safely, and you can't chase it."

"me too."

The second avatar also said immediately, "After we hand over the treasure, you must let us leave safely, and you must not chase us down."

"Naive! Childish!"

The third avatar sneered, "I hope they let you go, it is better to expect the dog not to eat shit!"

"To shut up!"

The great emperor Shan Zi roared in a low voice, and the powerful quasi-no-god breath pressed on the body of the avatar, causing it to creak.

However, the third avatar pierced through the last layer of membrane, revealing the end of the three avatars'definitely dead'.

"It's really impossible to let you go."

Emperor Kunyu showed a sincere expression, "But I can guarantee that I can give you a decent way to die and have a thick burial. I can also satisfy you with other conditions that are not excessive."

"I won't let you go."

"But, I can promise you to build an incense ancestral hall for you, and send you on the road when there is enough incense."

Emperor Xiao Xiao looked at the avatar he grabbed, "This way, you can be reborn. This condition is very relaxed, right?"

"I can promise you both of them."

The Great Emperor Shanxi looked at the third avatar incarnation and said lightly.


A avatar sneered and said, "The best ending is not to be your prisoner."

The three emperor Shanxi were silent, they could not give better conditions,josei


"If it is these two conditions, I agree."

One avatar sighed, his eyes were dull, and his face laughed at himself, "I didn't expect that I was in the Xinghai domain, but I won't live here for ten days."

"The world is so cruel."

"Emperor Huowu regrets losing to the hands of fellow Taoists, and he is immediately destroyed."

The Great Emperor Shanqi smiled and said with emotion, "And fellow Daoists are sorry to lose the hands of the three of us. Although the defeat is honorable, but I can still embark on the incense road, the ending is already very good."

"Man of few words."

"I hope you keep your promise."

While talking, the first avatar took out something-the nine-great emperor's army Tianzhu eight-sided shield.

"This is the Nine Great Emperor's Heavenly Armor and Eight-sided Shield."

"Its characteristic is that it can block any attack close to him, without exception."

"It's a pity that its level is a little lower, and the deity didn't use it."

The avatar lowered his head, and introduced in an unlovable tone, "However, I inherited the master's refinement skills.

If the cultivation base and materials are sufficient, it is enough to refine a quasi-godless weapon. "

Hear this.

"Nine Great Emperor Soldiers!!"

"Furthermore, you have inherited the skill of refining, you can refining a quasi godless weapon!"

"Oh, you said so early, fellow Daoist, you have such superb refinement skills, how can I kill you!?"

The Great Emperor Kunyu instantly showed ecstasy, and immediately took the Tianjia Eight-Edged Shield into his hands.

A pair of eyes stared at the avatar who was trapped by him, his heart beating frantically, almost exploding.

The Great Emperor Kunyu has decided not to kill this avatar at all, but to put it under house arrest and provide a delicious and delicious offering, and let him refine weapons for himself.

Not to mention using it for yourself, if you refine it and exchange it for cultivation resources, it's a big profit!

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