One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 1798

Chapter 1798: No, you can't be an ancestor

This statement came out.

Emperor Shuangyang was taken aback.

"Little fish!"

Su Lang was also a little surprised, "You recognize me!?"

"of course!"

"The statues of human ancestors are all over 72 regions, every planet of life, every city is indispensable!"

"I have traveled to two star regions, and the appearance of human ancestors has long been imprinted in my heart!"

Ayu said with a smug look, but gradually her voice weakened, and she turned to a strong suspicion.

She looked at Su Lang suspiciously, and then hid behind the Great Emperor Shuangyang.


"Don't be rude to the great Lord!"

Shuangyang sternly scolded Ah Yu.

"Brother Shuangyang, you never scolded me!"

Ayu looked at Shuangyang in horror, with a sense of strangeness in his eyes.

She seems to have noticed the changes in Shuangyang, her perception is really keen!

"What's the matter, Xiaoyuer?"

Su Lang raised his eyebrows and asked softly.


"You are not the human ancestor, you just become the human ancestor!"

"Human ancestor left this universe more than 3 billion years ago, you can't be a human ancestor at all!"

"Who are you, what did you do to my big brother Shuangyang, you changed my big brother Shuangyang back!!"

A Yu looked at Su Lang with fear in his eyes, but he tightly grasped Shuangyang's sleeve and refused to leave.

Although she knew what tactics might have been used by Emperor Shuangyang, and knew that she would never be Su Lang's opponent!


"More than three billion years!?"

"My fork, has the Xinghai Region passed so long?"

"Senior Zhaoyu, you are really awesome after this move, it will directly accelerate the time of 3 billion years!"


Su Lang heard what Ayu said, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

He originally thought that even if the time of Xinghai area accelerated, at most hundreds of millions of years would have passed.

But never expected that so long had passed!josei

You must know that the Battle of the Boundless Realm only broke out 4.5 billion years ago, more than 3 billion years is really very long!

"You, what do you pretend not to understand!?"

"You are the ancestor who pretends to be, you have bad intentions, you have a ghost in your heart!"

Seeing Su Lang's dumbfounded look, Ayu suddenly cursed Su Lang when he was absolutely acting.

"Oh, you dare to scold me for having a ghost!"

Su Lang raised his eyebrows and looked at Ah Yu with a playful look.

"no, do not want!"

"Please let go of my big brother Shuangyang."

Ayu shrank from being frightened, and instantly became a hamster.

But she was begging for mercy for Shuangyang, not for herself.


"Whoever dared to scold me before, I must clean him up so much!"

"Forget about you, you are considered to be a descendant of my human race, forgive you."

Su Lang hugged his arms, while glancing at Ayu, while curling his mouth.

"thank you!"

Ayu bowed his respects to Su Lang, then said pleadingly, "Please let me go, Big Brother Shuangyang!"

"Do you like him so much?"

Su Lang looked at Shuangyang next to him, with a hint of playfulness on his face.

"After this melon baby, you want to fix me?"

A Yu said to Su Lang with a grateful look, and then nodded, "I just thanked you in the most sincere native dialect, please."

"Lying down!"

"Don't think that I can't understand you when you use Sichuan dialect, you Guwazi, I am an ancestor!"

"Also, have all the things that Human Race dug up on Blue Star cracked? Even the Sichuan dialect has been spread out. It's so magical!"

Su Lang looked at Ah Yu with a speechless expression, and then replied in the same Sichuan dialect. At the same time, he felt that the world had become so fast and had changed so much.


"You can understand the core language of the Xishu Star Territory!"

"This kind of language is obviously only passed on by a few people!"

Ah Yu looked at Su Lang in shock, and switched to Trump this time, "Could it be that you really are not the ancestor? No, it is impossible. The ancestor has been dead for more than three billion years!"

"You just died, you just died!"

"I can't help but want to give you two thumps!"

Su Lang rolled his eyes feebly. As a human ancestor, he was so tired to be told that he was dead in front of his descendants.

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